I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

Never Trumpers somehow have to square the circle of their principled Never Trumpism, with Trump’s results. They don’t like Gorsuch? They don’t like the economy? They favor the status quo on immigration?

Ironically, one is forced to wonder what their principles are, exactly. Since they’re apparently not conservative principles.

And yes, they unwittingly end up sounding like liberals.

You're describing Jenifer Rubin. I have never said I dislike certain policy things that I support. I love the Gorsuch selection (so far). I love deregulation.

One can not vote for someone but still like things they do. Can you point out any inconsistency so far?
Doesn't the OP have better things to do, than give us this distorting nonsense, from his computer thousands of miles from this? Maybe he could try an online dating simulator.

Don't Democrats have something better to do than have wet dreams while thinking about Mueller?
Anecdotal of course, but a good friend of mine was a very outspoken Never Trumper prior to the election. She would load her FB with daily rants about how Trump would be a disaster—Trump was a closet liberal etc.

Then she got quiet lol.

Now she’s a closet Trump supporter. I can tell by reading her posts. I wonder how many of them are out there.
good.not everyone if a Jeff Flake fool, or a Bill Kristol neo-con.

Trump is what we got,and he's doing well in spite of his tweets,
and every day Hillary ain't in power is a day we don't slip-slide into PC induced globalism stupor
So now you are just making stuff up. That's all you have left, that and name calling.

Of course you love big government as you've shown with the war on drugs. And after TDAK called you a white hating racist you now no longer went even legal immigration.

Your anomisity comes from not sharing the same racist beliefs you do. I'm glad you are afraid to say where you live because we know you live in the south and are a stain for such a great region of the country

Excellent post.
I entirely stand by my statement.
you stand by your stupidity.
Your boy Obama fvcked up damn near everything he touched in terms of foreign policy.

Start with meddling in the Uk's Maiden,
screwing around with terrorists in Syria and creating a failed terrorist state in Libya
why don't you source your shit?
Then it can be shown what it is - a response to Russian attacks on NATO countries or the US itself..

If we get to the point Russia is going after NATO members..we have already crossed the rubicon.
( another reason to stay out of the Ukraine's business/war)

I'm sure this is bluster, but for once I agree with you. it's a very bad idea.

Where does it come from?? Our new Deep State friend - Russia phobia.

If you had a brain you'd connect the dots to our new extreme hostile posture started under Obama and continued under Trump , given life because sane people like Flynn were politically thown out in favor of "Trump's Generals"

Where the review goes ballistic is its assignment of U.S. nuclear weapons to deter — and if deterrence fails, to attack Russia if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders a non-nuclear strategic attack against the United States and its NATO allies. This mission is alleged to justify acquiring additional weapons with low-yield explosive power (in addition to the 1,000 already operational or held in reserve) to buttress the credibility of this first-use threat.

fucking tactical nukes -battlefield nukes.
This shit started as a response by Putin to Obama's European Reassurance Initiative

Oh I am sorry about your ignorance...this shit started under Cheney.
I think the Wall needs to be built, it sends out a very powerful message. Having said that, legal points based immigration should be introduced as a matter of urgency.

It's insane to have a border terrorists and criminals can walk across. Building the wall is a necessity.
you stand by your stupidity.
Your boy Obama fvcked up damn near everything he touched in terms of foreign policy.

Start with meddling in the Uk's Maiden,
screwing around with terrorists in Syria and creating a failed terrorist state in Libya

Obama/ Libya is your fall back response...you really need some new material.
Comey beat Hillary, not Trump
Hillary beat herself. Trump out hustled her.
This meme that Comey's re-opening /closing the emails is just that. The damage was already done by her serial lies on the matter.. or maybe it was "da Russians" -another meme cooked up by Podesta's/Mooks postmortum
Oh I am sorry about your ignorance...this shit started under Cheney.
low yield nukes were prohibited under the INF treaty. Putin started building them up in response to NATO agression.
He built up the Kaliningrad inventory- instead of removing them under a SALT agreement
So now you are just making stuff up. That's all you have left, that and name calling.

Of course you love big government as you've shown with the war on drugs. And after TDAK called you a white hating racist you now no longer went even legal immigration.

Your anomisity comes from not sharing the same racist beliefs you do. I'm glad you are afraid to say where you live because we know you live in the south and are a stain for such a great region of the country

You think hiding behind calling me a racist will help you deflect but it won’t.

It might score you points with BAC, but that’s about it.

Why are you afraid to answer a simple question? I am talking about POLICY but you seem intent on making it personal.

I have told you specifically what my issue with you is but like a true liberal you try to deflect

Seems you are mad that I have exposed you
You think hiding behind calling me a racist will help you deflect but it won’t.

It might score you points with BAC, but that’s about it.

Why are you afraid to answer a simple question? I am talking about POLICY but you seem intent on making it personal.

I have told you specifically what my issue with you is but like a true liberal you try to deflect

Seems you are mad that I have exposed you

I'm making it personal? This is getting too good.

How about you share what policy issue you think I am liberal on
you stand by your stupidity.
Your boy Obama fvcked up damn near everything he touched in terms of foreign policy.

Start with meddling in the Uk's Maiden,
screwing around with terrorists in Syria and creating a failed terrorist state in Libya

Trump: I Supported the Libya Military Intervention....Hugely!
I'm making it personal? This is getting too good.

How about you share what policy issue you think I am liberal on

Bet you loved that BAC thanked your virtue signaling post though. So there is that

You keep wanting to make it about race and I haven’t said anything about that. Which leads me to believe you are deflecting