I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

How are you and Threedee any different? Just the other day you were virtue signaling about your NeverTrump bonafides

What have I opposed Trump on, aside from raping his first wife, paying a porn star for sex, tweeting-out illiterate crap like "covfefe," name-calling all of his opponents, ripping-off the tax payers of NJ, possessing atrocious public speaking skills, and so forth. There is a lot to not like about the POS. So long as he has Republican majorities, he seems inclined to run with conservative policy.
Trump did more for your movement then Bush or any Republican I can think of ever did..
Plus if we ever get past a CR funding, we can eliminate sequestor, and rebuild the military.

your movement ( i say with respect) is going to have to decide what it wants, because it's not going to get it's
social planks passed..

You never said just exactly what you disagree with about Trump, besides the obvious bluster/bloviation.

would you rather have had Hillary?

Yes Cawacko would rather have Hillary

His cover is blown.
I appreciate all the attention you offer. Show me what positions I've changed

Tell what. Why don’t you tell us what you credit Trump for in the last year. You won’t. Because you are either a stubborn pussy or really a Hillary supporter.

Maybe you are a closet Trump supporter?
I was also irritated with guys like Romney, who, having stood his ground and lost the primary, went and sought a cabinet position. If I had been in his place, there's no way I would want to have a role in DC, because that's the definition of selling-out.
I will gladly take Romney for a GOP sSenator in the south.
It is a liberal win.
We didn't win the Cold War with realpolitik. We caste Nixon, Ford, and Carter aside, and elected Reagan.
It's generally accepted all POTUS prosecuted the cold war -even Carter .
But what made it different (better?) back then from now WAS the application of realpolitik to arms reductions talks.

We had high and low level relations, and summits and SALT talks because we viewed the cold war
as a complex relationship - not this "zero sum" game- breaking out tactical nukes again because we can do it better.

US/Russian relations are in the deep freeze for years to come -
but we don't need to make it worse by selling offensive weapons to Ukraine militias
It's generally accepted all POTUS prosecuted the cold war -even Carter .
But what made it different (better?) back then from now WAS the application of realpolitik to arms reductions talks.

We had high and low level relations, and summits and SALT talks because we viewed the cold war
as a complex relationship - not this "zero sum" game- breaking out tactical nukes again because we can do it better.

US/Russian relations are in the deep freeze for years to come -
but we don't need to make it worse by selling offensive weapons to Ukraine militias

Do you not know that Trump is attempting to greatly change the rules of nuclear engagement?
That's like telling me realpolitik doesn't work because Putin is a corrupt oligarch. He's a bad guy so don't deal with him etc.

Obama was a smooth talker, but his foreign policy left a wasteland in the ME and to a lessor extent Asia.

Results matter -character not so much.
The severity and depth of stupidity in this post damages the credibility of the internet.
I do find some of my fellow #NeverTrumpers to be a bit much. Jeff Flake has developed quite the Martin Luther complex, and has become absolutely insufferable. His vote against the CR is the final straw for me. People like him and Corker need to remember that simply being anti-Trump doesn't mean you get to stop being conservative. It's like when the #Resist movement passes on compromises that would give them leftist policy initiatives at the table.

jeff flake, mccain, etc and other fake rhinos were NEVER conservative. It's just now easier for them to mask their liberalism as being "anti trump"
To each his own how someone chooses to vote but to me as a conservative character and leadership do matter. And I'm looking big picture long term when I think of the conservative movement and Trump isn't the person I want leading it.

there is nothing more pressing or long term than locking up a supreme court judge. No thanks to your kind we could have almost gotten fucked up the ass for the next 30 years by liberal activist judicial policies. Pragmatism matters.
It's generally accepted all POTUS prosecuted the cold war -even Carter .
But what made it different (better?) back then from now WAS the application of realpolitik to arms reductions talks.

We had high and low level relations, and summits and SALT talks because we viewed the cold war
as a complex relationship - not this "zero sum" game- breaking out tactical nukes again because we can do it better.

US/Russian relations are in the deep freeze for years to come -
but we don't need to make it worse by selling offensive weapons to Ukraine militias

Well, JFK, LBJ, and Carter all set us back. Nixon did, as well, by destroying his presidency and handing pro-Soviet Dems the Congress.