I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

Living in San Francisco we see a lot of mentally ill people on the streets talking to themselves, yelling at people or both. Desh is an online version of it.

Can you outline which of Trumps implemented policies you oppose?

Cessation of DACA?
Enforcement of immigration laws?
Judicial appointments?
Tax cuts?
Did you want us to stay in Paris Accords?
Drilling in ANWR?
Elimination of individual mandate?
Eliminating regulations?
Slowing pace of NEW regulations?

What exactly offends your “classical liberal”, “Reagan conservative” principles?

Can you outline which of Trumps implemented policies you oppose?

Cessation of DACA?
Enforcement of immigration laws?
Judicial appointments?
Tax cuts?
Did you want us to stay in Paris Accords?
Drilling in ANWR?
Elimination of individual mandate?
Eliminating regulations?
Slowing pace of NEW regulations?

What exactly offends your “classical liberal”, “Reagan conservative” principles?
Meh, I'd say that's true about Little Marco. All Lyin' Ted did was campaign for Douchebag Donald to keep Texas Republican. Aside from that, he hasn't exactly developed cordial relations. Granted, he isn't known for having cordial relations with too many people.

and has done more to destroy the republicans ability to elect anyone but trumpy

hes how old

who do you run next ?


oh yeah he will be in prison too
and has done more to destroy the republicans ability to elect anyone but trumpy

hes how old

who do you run next ?


oh yeah he will be in prison too
Trumptards will slobber over Ivanka, but, I think Nikki Haley has a decent shot. Hard for people to call her racist, sexist, insert Dem catchphrase.
Trumptards will slobber over Ivanka, but, I think Nikki Haley has a decent shot. Hard for people to call her racist, sexist, insert Dem catchphrase.

Have seen it done on twitter. They claim she doesn't doesn't go by her real name and is ashamed of where she's from to appeal to racist. Never doubt their ability to go there
Reagan was a B grade actor hired by a then unpopular spook to play Clown POTUS, the same role Cheney tried to replicate with his son 20 years later.

Reagan gave the middle class it's first near fatal stab wounds, famously declared that the US would become a service based economy. (Impossible since service creates no wealth but rather is parasitic to wealth).


Worthless blather

LMFAO again ...The Gentleman Farmer from Georgia was obnoxious?
His brother Billy was a humorously obnoxious drunk....perhaps you are thinking of him...

Trump is too Expensive.
3 of his golf weekends would have funded Meals on Wheels, which he de-funded.
His expansion of military spending is unforgivable.
His border wall will stand as un unfinished monument to the most wasteful president in history.

What I am saying...get past your delusions that reasonable men like Cawako will ever support the Clown POTUS
You allies here should tel you all you need to know about being a Trumpet;

Incurious Darth LOL
Juvenile Tsuke
Idiot/ Hater ILA
Toad Irish
racist idiot CFM

Idiot racist Text Driver
erc., need I go on?

Show me a moderate Republican on this site that supports Trump.

The middle class grew under Reagan.
Have seen it done on twitter. They claim she doesn't doesn't go by her real name and is ashamed of where she's from to appeal to racist. Never doubt their ability to go there

Getting called a racist/whatever-ist by the Left is literally meaningless since they’ve overplayed it so much.
It seems you really can fool all of the people all of the time. The economy is still Obama's economy, that much is clear as history demonstrates with all presidential elections. What was really accomplished this past year behind the scenes of Donnie's tweets is listed below. Sad year for America, the world is starting to look at us and move ahead. China has gained the most and will soon be the economic superpower America once was. But most of the rich in America must laugh at Trump snowflakes, they can live anywhere, the working class American remains secure in their resentment of imaginary hobgoblins.


"The Trump administration is remaking the government. It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America tells readers exactly how it is making America worse again." https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36101074-it-s-even-worse-than-you-think

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H. L. Mencken
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she supports ID laws that disenfranchise voters

brown people do racists things against other brown people

on what basis of fact do you claim they cant?
95.64%: The percentage of eligible voters on India who have been issued photo identity cards to prevent misuse. That’s around 780 million individuals. Of the 35 states and union territories, 16 have achieved 100% coverage.

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