I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

I would NEVER harm any child

it was a typo


I'm sure you will LIE about it the rest of your shitty life

this is why I hate you now

your lies will ruin your own daughters life

You hate me because of what you wrote? Makes total sense
I corrected the typo as soon as I saw it

you will lie about it forever

because you are a sociopath

which will likely ruin your daughters life

I would not come near anyone on this site or their family

I have stated that clearly on this site before

a typo

and you will lie about it the rest of your shitty life
stop fucking lying about what people say wack

It will ruin your daughters life

post 148

perfectly in line with what I have told you for a whole year now

that your lying would be detrimental to your own childs life

want me to go get the other times I have told you that asshole
Well we know Romney couldn't. He folded like a cheap tent with the attacks Obama and his minions sent his way. Did Cawacko come here and defend them daily? Did he call out the left and call them morally inferior?

No, he apparently likes this moral high ground wherein he is an incessant loser but feels really, really good about it. Difficult to explain.

to demmycrats, "high moral ground" means lets the demmycrats lie about him......