I hope its Tim Kaine, Gov of VA!

FACTS? Dangerous things my friend. In his time, Galileo was threatened byt he conservatives of his day, with torture and death for sticking to the facts instead of religion.

One would think we've gotten smarter my brother ...

Rev. Obama/Rev. Kaine '08

... one would think.
FACTS? Dangerous things my friend. In his time, Galileo was threatened byt he conservatives of his day, with torture and death for sticking to the facts instead of religion.

Yup, its frightning that the Republicans/Conservatives are getting away with the same tacticts.
So you believe the same thing as Darla, that if you and I go interview for an analyst position they are going offer me $60k for the job and will offer you $48k?

cawacko....in the report it states that they analyzed and compared occupations AND it specifically mentioned the salary disparity was between male and female COUNTERPARTS....

here is the definition of a counterpart employee...

coun·ter·part (kountr-pärt)
a. One that closely resembles another.
b. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a corresponding person or thing:

this specifically means the comparison of the SAME positions were taken in to their analysis of the numbers....

Despite a sense of continued progress toward gender equality in the workplace, the federal government has confirmed that the workplace earnings gap between men and women still persists today.
According to General Accountability Office (GAO) Report GAO-04-351, the weekly earnings of full-time working women were about three-fourths of men's during 2001. The report was prepared from a study of the earnings history of over 9,300 Americans for the last 18 years.
Even accounting for factors such as occupation, industry, race, marital status and job tenure, reports the GAO, working women today earn an average of 80 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts. This pay gap has persisted for the past two decades, remaining relatively consistent from 1983-2000.
So we should plan America by what rural voters want?

I don't think so, and frankly, I don't give a rats ass about what rural voters want .. who also didn't want, don't want, intergration of any means.

The only question for me is what is right for this country and without question injecting more God in politics is not the answer.
I don't want rule by faith, I want rule by FACT.

cawacko....in the report it states that they analyzed and compared occupations AND it specifically mentioned the salary disparity was between male and female COUNTERPARTS....

here is the definition of a counterpart employee...

coun·ter·part (kountr-pärt)
a. One that closely resembles another.
b. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a corresponding person or thing:

this specifically means the comparison of the SAME positions were taken in to their analysis of the numbers....

Those are mere facts. Cawacko has a faith-based position on this issue.

And most others.