I hope the Prosecution was not depending on Cohen.

Meanwhile, the Oversight Committee doesn't matter anymore because Comer can't control it because the Republican party was hijacked by a screeching trailer park football lineman and her dumb fuck MAGA friends.
when did AOL and Cricket join the MAGAs.......
Yet Bragg hung his case on a Chronic Liar and a Ho that will do anything for money and owes Trump 500,000. Both have said they want Trump in jail.
Anyone who cares about the American experiment continuing wants Trump in jail. He is a blatant crook and liar in all phases of his life. He is a horrible human being by nearly any standards. Cohen spent 3 years in jail due to lying to cover for Trump. If you followed Cohen's trial it was made clear his actions were following "person 1s" orders. Trump was person 1.
Anyone who cares about the American experiment continuing wants Trump in jail. He is a blatant crook and liar in all phases of his life. He is a horrible human being by nearly any standards. Cohen spent 3 years in jail due to lying to cover for Trump. If you followed Cohen's trial it was made clear his actions were following "person 1s" orders. Trump was person 1.
your delusions remain strong.......
You believe the case was dependent on Cohen?
They presented 34 incidents of criminal bookwork. Did you miss the first week or so? Cohen worked for Trump for over a decade. Trump blew it when he decided to turn his back On Cohen when he was charged with lying on Trump's orders to protect Donald. Stormy also did real damage to horny Donald.
Anyone who cares about the American experiment continuing wants Trump in jail. He is a blatant crook and liar in all phases of his life. He is a horrible human being by nearly any standards. Cohen spent 3 years in jail due to lying to cover for Trump. If you followed Cohen's trial it was made clear his actions were following "person 1s" orders. Trump was person 1.
Cohen did not spend 3 years in jail. Cohen was in jail mostly for income tax evasion. He pleaded guilty to a FEC violation but it really wasn't a crime and it was never adjudicated in court. He pleaded guilty to prevent the DOJ from going after his wife. The FEC thing was a political prosecution and wasn't a violation according to the former head of the FEC Bradley Smith.
Cohen did not spend 3 years in jail. Cohen was in jail mostly for income tax evasion. He pleaded guilty to a FEC violation but it really wasn't a crime and it was never adjudicated in court. He pleaded guilty to prevent the DOJ from going after his wife. The FEC thing was a political prosecution and wasn't a violation according to the former head of the FEC Bradley Smith.
Cohen was sentenced to 3 years in jail and among his crimes were Campaign finance violations.

Comer Finds New Biden Family Bank Accounts, Issues Subpoena For Hunter Bank Records
Meanwhile....Comer is a pathetic stooge like his partner Jordan....over a year of promises and "new information" and a shitload of subpoenas that make a lot of noise but in the end produce NOTHING! Meanwhile, Jordan is over a year refusing to honor a subpoena regarding the Jan. 6th attempted insurrection. And yet the sheer hypocrisy is lost on the MAGA/Alt-Right crowd. Fascinating.
Cohen was sentenced to 3 years in jail and among his crimes were Campaign finance violations.
he pled guilty to "finance violations" as part of his plea deal.......we now know there was never any evidence of the claimed campaign finance violations........if there had been, the prosecutors would have submitted it in court........