I Just Adore a Penthouse View

"The only way to get around Arizona is by small, private plane." - Cindy McCain Jetson.

"So I just went out and bought a plane" - Cindy McCain Helmsley

And oh, the fun we have pointing and laughing at all of the little people driving to their jobs. They look just like little ants from up here!

Faaabulous interview Dah-ling.


If she wants to fly around in her own plane, what is the problem? She wants to see Arizona by plane, what possible concern should that be of ours? There are tens of thousands of people who enjoy flying. Why is it a big deal?
If she wants to fly around in her own plane, what is the problem? She wants to see Arizona by plane, what possible concern should that be of ours? There are tens of thousands of people who enjoy flying. Why is it a big deal?

Obama is being painted as an elitist.

While the real elitists are flying under the radar, as they always do in this country, because we have a corporate owned media.

It is up to the netroots to highlight how out of touch this guy and his wife are.

See, if it were no big deal and didn't matter?


Or maybe, you didn't notice! Luckily, some of us are paying attention.
Obama is being painted as an elitist.

While the real elitists are flying under the radar, as they always do in this country, because we have a corporate owned media.

It is up to the netroots to highlight how out of touch this guy and his wife are.

See, if it were no big deal and didn't matter?


Or maybe, you didn't notice! Luckily, some of us are paying attention.

Because this "elitist" nonsense has no bearing on who should be leading this country.

Do you think being stuck in traffic would help McCain or Obama be a better leader? Do you think doing their own grocery shopping or changing a flat tire would help either of them be a better president?

Yes Obama is being called an elitist. So what? If he has a point then he should make it and his followers should make it. Joining in the mudslinging and bullshit just means there is more mud and more bullshit. And that means fewer people can tell what is actually going on.

If the undecided voter makes up his mind based on a New Yorker magazine cartoon, Cindy McCain owning a plane, or any of the other bullshit, then that voter was a lost cause anyway.

If anyone changes who they vote for based on mudslinging or trivial bullshit then they are an idiot.

But it is entirely possible that so much mudslinging and bullshit makes it difficult for the undecided voter to get decent info. And THAT is far more dangerous than letting the "elitist" bullshit slide.

I noticed. I just chose not to stoop to that level and chose to view each candidate on the merits of their ability to lead us. Not on who I had rather have over for a barbeque.
Because this "elitist" nonsense has no bearing on who should be leading this country.

Do you think being stuck in traffic would help McCain or Obama be a better leader? Do you think doing their own grocery shopping or changing a flat tire would help either of them be a better president?

Yes Obama is being called an elitist. So what? If he has a point then he should make it and his followers should make it. Joining in the mudslinging and bullshit just means there is more mud and more bullshit. And that means fewer people can tell what is actually going on.

If the undecided voter makes up his mind based on a New Yorker magazine cartoon, Cindy McCain owning a plane, or any of the other bullshit, then that voter was a lost cause anyway.

If anyone changes who they vote for based on mudslinging or trivial bullshit then they are an idiot.

But it is entirely possible that so much mudslinging and bullshit makes it difficult for the undecided voter to get decent info. And THAT is far more dangerous than letting the "elitist" bullshit slide.

I noticed. I just chose not to stoop to that level and chose to view each candidate on the merits of their ability to lead us. Not on who I had rather have over for a barbeque.

Good for you. We'll give you a medal for being a good boy - above it all.

In the meantime I'll shut up and continue to allow the Repukes to govern as elitists, for elitists, decimating the middle classes and the poor in this country,all the while casting themselves as the good old boy ass scratchers, and their opponents as the elitists because they can string a fucking sentence together.

Or, you know, I won't, and you can go bother someone else who actually believes you have a point. I don't. Don't mean to be "nasty", but you are bothering me with this horseshit.
Good for you. We'll give you a medal for being a good boy - above it all.

In the meantime I'll shut up and continue to allow the Repukes to govern as elitists, for elitists, decimating the middle classes and the poor in this country,all the while casting themselves as the good old boy ass scratchers, and their opponents as the elitists because they can string a fucking sentence together.

Or, you know, I won't, and you can go bother someone else who actually believes you have a point. I don't. Don't mean to be "nasty", but you are bothering me with this horseshit.

I am not talking about being a good boy. I am talking about trying to push for more campaigning based on shit that matters.

We have gotten so engrossed in the mudslinging that our presidential elections have become more like some ugly reality tv show than a quest to bring good leadership back to the White House.

Let me tell you, BOTH sides has elitists trying to make a buck on all this.

So why not avoid the trivial bullshit like this and get to the nuts & bolts of who can run a nation?

If you truly think its more important to answer every elitist accusation with another elitist accusation, then you have completely lost sight of the objective.
I am not talking about being a good boy. I am talking about trying to push for more campaigning based on shit that matters.

We have gotten so engrossed in the mudslinging that our presidential elections have become more like some ugly reality tv show than a quest to bring good leadership back to the White House.

Let me tell you, BOTH sides has elitists trying to make a buck on all this.

So why not avoid the trivial bullshit like this and get to the nuts & bolts of who can run a nation?

If you truly think its more important to answer every elitist accusation with another elitist accusation, then you have completely lost sight of the objective.

Our Presidential elections haven't "become" anything. That is a myth. American presidential elections have historically been very ugly affairs, some early on, far uglier than anything we complain about now. It was only during the post-depression years when there was some measure of bipartisanship, but that was what was new, not this. And that only happened because the American people were ready to guillotine anyone who came up with the crazy economic ideas that have been shoved down our throats today.

You fight, or you die. That is the political field, and that has always been the political field.

I choose to fight.

It is very important, especially in an economic meltdown like the one we now face, not to allow yourself to be painted as an elitist. It is enraging, if you get painted that way by the true elite of this world.

Democrats allow it to happen, and people in the middle like yourself, help it along.

That's all.
Our Presidential elections haven't "become" anything. That is a myth. American presidential elections have historically been very ugly affairs, some early on, far uglier than anything we complain about now. It was only during the post-depression years when there was some measure of bipartisanship, but that was what was new, not this. And that only happened because the American people were ready to guillotine anyone who came up with the crazy economic ideas that have been shoved down our throats today.

You fight, or you die. That is the political field, and that has always been the political field.

I choose to fight.

It is very important, especially in an economic meltdown like the one we now face, not to allow yourself to be painted as an elitist. It is enraging, if you get painted that way by the true elite of this world.

Democrats allow it to happen, and people in the middle like yourself, help it along.

That's all.

Ok fine. Lets make the campaign about Obama being a secret muslim, an elitist, and having friends who are terrorists. And McCain is a dottering old fool, part of the ultra rich exploiting the poor and middle class, and a man who wants to be George W. when he grows up

That ought to help us decide who is qualified to lead.

Yep, I stand corrected and bow to your political prowess and clear thinking.
I am not talking about being a good boy. I am talking about trying to push for more campaigning based on shit that matters.

We have gotten so engrossed in the mudslinging that our presidential elections have become more like some ugly reality tv show than a quest to bring good leadership back to the White House.

Let me tell you, BOTH sides has elitists trying to make a buck on all this.

So why not avoid the trivial bullshit like this and get to the nuts & bolts of who can run a nation?

If you truly think its more important to answer every elitist accusation with another elitist accusation, then you have completely lost sight of the objective.

Rotsa ruck on that Sol. what we will have is a Campaign that works on the lowest common denomonator. The stupid sheeple americans. We thinking ones are in the minority bad.

Remember now that Rove is working for McCain. There is no reason at all to expect a clean campaign from that side.
Ok fine. Lets make the campaign about Obama being a secret muslim, an elitist, and having friends who are terrorists. And McCain is a dottering old fool, part of the ultra rich exploiting the poor and middle class, and a man who wants to be George W. when he grows up

That ought to help us decide who is qualified to lead.

Yep, I stand corrected and bow to your political prowess and clear thinking.

1) That's exactly what it already IS about. There wouldn't even be a contest otherwise.

2) Anyone who, after the mess the repukes have made, need help deciding who is "qualified to lead" is stupid, and shouldn't be voting. This is not about who is qualified, this is about who do the American people fear.
1) That's exactly what it already IS about. There wouldn't even be a contest otherwise.

2) Anyone who, after the mess the repukes have made, need help deciding who is "qualified to lead" is stupid, and shouldn't be voting. This is not about who is qualified, this is about who do the American people fear.

Too true. Anyone who is even considering voting for McCain or one of the independents should be deported.

Anyone who disagrees with you should be shot.

Thats the ticket.
Where did the independents come from ?
I do about agree with what should be done to anyone voting for McCain though.
Problem is with those who voted for bush...Well the rest of us got in essence shot, not the Bush voters.
Where did the independents come from ?
I do about agree with what should be done to anyone voting for McCain though.
Problem is with those who voted for bush...Well the rest of us got in essence shot, not the Bush voters.

Nah, anyone who is so stupid as to not vote for Obama should be deported.

Its the way it must be in order to move ahead.
Well you do know all "thinking people" only think one way.

Of course! And we cannot discuss issues or debate. There is no need, since we all understand that if you don't think or believe the way that I think or believe then you are simply retarded and should be removed from the gene pool.
Of course "thinking People" thought Bush would be a mistake.

Yeah, the problem is that we allow all those idiots to vote.

If we could just track who votes for whom in this election, we can remove the right to vote from all those who vote for the wrong person.

Then the next election will be much easier.
When I was 4 or so, we flew to Chicago to visit my grandmother (who, like Obama's grandmother, was a racist).

I remember looking out the window at the tiny cars, at the people who looked small, like ants and mentioning that very fact to my mother. Was I an elitist? Just a little elitist sitting in Coach remarking on the "tiny people"?
When I was 4 or so, we flew to Chicago to visit my grandmother (who, like Obama's grandmother, was a racist).

I remember looking out the window at the tiny cars, at the people who looked small, like ants and mentioning that very fact to my mother. Was I an elitist? Just a little elitist sitting in Coach remarking on the "tiny people"?

Of course you were an elitist. Now whether my calling you an elitist actually means anything or not is up for grabs. But I certainly think you shouldn't let the insult go by unchallenged. You should immediately start calling me names as well.