I Just Adore a Penthouse View

Of course you were an elitist. Now whether my calling you an elitist actually means anything or not is up for grabs. But I certainly think you shouldn't let the insult go by unchallenged. You should immediately start calling me names as well.
Definitely. As soon as I think of one I'll drop by.
Of course you were an elitist. Now whether my calling you an elitist actually means anything or not is up for grabs. But I certainly think you shouldn't let the insult go by unchallenged. You should immediately start calling me names as well.
Ah, I think I got one. You are divisive in your labeling. A "divider" so to speak. I know, that was harsh and all... but it is also okay to cry.
When I was 4 or so, we flew to Chicago to visit my grandmother (who, like Obama's grandmother, was a racist).

I remember looking out the window at the tiny cars, at the people who looked small, like ants and mentioning that very fact to my mother. Was I an elitist? Just a little elitist sitting in Coach remarking on the "tiny people"?

Umm 4 years old. Is this minimalization again ?
Ill tell you what is elitist, having your wealthy father give you a charity to keep you buzy and you use it to steal your employees identities to steal massive quantitys of drugs to party with your friends with.
Hey thanks Ill be here for a little while and then I will have to go back and finish the rental house.
I think Mcfossil loses bad anyway. But he should shut his crackhead wife up.
She's so elitist she doesn't even recognize that saying the only way to get around Arizona is by plane. The horror.
Ill tell you what is elitist, having your wealthy father give you a charity to keep you buzy and you use it to steal your employees identities to steal massive quantitys of drugs to party with your friends with.

This is a different spin on the story. All that's been reported (that I've seen) is she was addicted to pain killers due to her surgeries etc. and that is what she stole. Where have you read that she stole to party with her friends?
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This is a different spin on the story. All that's been reported (that I've seen( is she was addicted to pain killers due to her surgeries etc. and that is what she stole. Where have you read that she stole to party with her friends?
She didn't read that, except while she was typing it.

Orrick told investigators that when Gosinski learned that prescriptions had been written in Orrick's and Walker's names, he declared, "They'd better not be doing that in my name."

Some prescriptions were for quantities of 400 and 500 pills. Sometimes, Cindy McCain would go to Johnson's home to pick up the prescription. Sometimes, she would send an underling, Johnson said.

Johnson told investigators that he never dispensed any painkillers during overseas missions, and that Cindy McCain carried the drugs in her personal luggage. Gosinski says he knew of no doctors who prescribed them on an overseas mission. Dr. Dennis Everton, however, tells New Times that on his sole AVMT mission--to Kuwait in 1991--he did prescribe pain medication.
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