I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

That he has a GF or that she's a Democrat?

Most women lean left and vote Democrat.

Did you believe the talk show hosts? What changed your mind, a specific thing or a gradual realization that what you were smelling was bullshit?

Funny coincidence: I used to sit out in my car at lunch as well, listening to Dr. Laura on talk radio. Remember her? She was an outrageous kook. All I needed to know about the veracity of what she advised others was that she didn't follow her own advice and quit working and stay home to mother her kid like she told the callers to do. lol

Regarding Dr Laura... I thought she had some decent advice when it came to dealing with difficult friends and family. I don't remember a lot of her advice for mothers, but I know that she encouraged women to be mentally and physically submissive to their husbands in a way that I found pretty shocking. The funny part is, around that same time, my wife's friend and her husband started going to this hardcore Baptist Church that's basically Todd's exactly the same level of submission for women. Unfortunately for my wife's friend, she was married to an alcohol and drug addict, so you can imagine how that played out.

I'd have to imagine that a decent amount of what she said had you scratching your head.
Cant deal with folks who dont agree with him on everything, on the scale of history registers as a shit quality human.

No no, you drug-addicted idiot. It's not about agreeing on everything. It's about agreeing that Trump and his cult of brainless MAGA zombies are the single greatest threat to American democracy and civilization. There can be no acceptance in any amount for any of them.
Oh, I probably should have told Blackwater that I finally blocked his insufferable, deplorable ass. No need to post at me any longer. I won't see it anyway.
I would've expected President Trump to take some kind of action as soon as he knew that the Capitol was besieged and under attack rather than watch FoxNews for three hours.

That's what a normal president would've done. Don't you agree?


I would have expected the Democrats to denounce the BLM rioters but they never did. They just encouraged them .

Font size increased so Joe Crapitalist can see it.
Oh, I probably should have told Blackwater that I finally blocked his insufferable, deplorable ass. No need to post at me any longer. I won't see it anyway.

He changes his name so much, in a month no one will know who "blackwater" is. I just call him "Fredo" for the avatar he used for several years. He abandoned the avatar after I made too many memes from the same picture:

[SIZE=1[B]I would have expected the Democrats to denounce the BLM rioters but they never did. They just encouraged them .[/B][/SIZE]

Font size increased so Joe Crapitalist can see it.
Care to wager on that, Exlax? I saw plenty of posts denouncing the violence. Are you sure you're not just confusing the refusal to condemn peaceful protests about "Black Lives Matter"? My experience with JPP MAGAts is that they believe Black lives don't matter.
I absolutely believe them. In fact, my transformation to mega conservative had to have been right before Obama's first term, because I was absolutely terrified of the possibility of him becoming president.

I would kill to have a candidates like Obama now, rather than Cheeto Benito and Weekend at Bernie's.

My transformation back to sanity began slowly, because I fought it every step of the way, but once I passed the tipping point it happened very quickly. Believe it or not, be change was started because of somebody on a political discussion forum like this one.

I did listen to Dr Laura occasionally. I believe her show was run fairly late in my area. It started around 9:00 or so, so I didn't hear her much. At the time I was listening to hannity, rush, etc she made perfect sense for the most part also!

Probably the biggest realization I have come to is that TV and talk show host really have no interest in relaying reality. They are in it for the ratings and a paycheck and the best way to do that is to pander to a specific audience and tell them what they want to hear, keep them angry and scared. About the only time I turn on Fox, CNN or MSNBC is to watch presidential election coverage.

Wow, that's an amazing road you've traveled there. Gives me hope that you're not alone, that by engaging with rational, regular, everyday nice people, even MAGATs can be saved. Do you remember what terrified you about Obama? I never understood that terror and put it down mostly to racism and only partially to his being (for that time) fairly liberal. What evils was he supposed to be plotting?

My late husband also listened to Rush nearly every day. We didn't talk about politics much. He wasn't like a typical filled-with-the-unholy-spirit RWer either. But he believed a lot of what Limbaugh was pushing about the evils of Democrats and the righteousness of W and the two wars. (He passed away in 2005 so wasn't part of the anti-Obama craze.) His sea change happened in two hours. I talked him into going with me to see Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. He had tears in his eyes at the end and said "I had no idea. I've been so wrong."
I recognize the name but recall nothing about her. Lots of people on TV selling their souls for money.

She was "Dr. Laura," and gave out motherhood and relationship advice. She actually does have a PhD but it's in physiology rather than psychiatry/psychology. Since it was RW talk radio, her POV was always conservative. She advocated that women stay home and be moms and don't have an outside job. Obey your husband no matter what. That kind of thing. I was surprised to find that she's Jewish rather than Christian, as that strict role for women is usually fundie Xtian.

But like Zen said, these clowns are in it for the $$, not for the truth.
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

A few theories, if I may:

Theory #1. You are lying.

Theory #2. ................... Sorry, I got nothing else. You're lying.

I think you're lying because I think we are both of a certain age. An age where we hobble into a doctor's waiting room and see an ocean of ancient medicare recipients trying to get a little more comfortable.

Last year I had a cataract op on my left eye. I let it go too long and the procedure was much more difficult and the recovery was longer than usual (all my fault for letting it go), but the recovery was successful and my sight restored. My ophthalmologist is a new york Jew. A few months later, I had a bleed in the same eye (not related to the cataract surgery, I think it was hereditary because my twin sister had exactly the same problems in the same eye). The ophthalmologist immediately sent me to a retina specialist who was from Okinawa, and I eventually saw 2 others in the same office. One a Sufi Muslim (long white robe and osama bin laden style head gear, the other a black guy who dressed like Neo from the matrix and had an African accent.)

My general practitioner is from Iraq. I've been seeing him since 2007.

Why do I bring this up? What's the common thread? Only one of these people ever asked me anything remotely political. I went in to see my GP in 2010 and he asked me if I was thinking about obamacare. I told him no, that my insurance was free and I didn't think I qualified anyway. He said he liked the idea, and he thought it would help a lot of people. That was it.

The point is, collectively these are probably the most intelligent, responsible, caring and diverse group of men (sorry, no women) I know with the possible exception of some astronauts and other space people I have met. I don't give a rat's ass about their politics; I trust them with my health.

While writing this, I have come up with a couple more theories though.

Theory #3. If this guy has acted the way you say he has, he has a) reached retirement eligibility and is exploring creative ways to shed clients, or b) he's suffered a psychotic break and you should report him to the relevant agency. Just asking you out to lunch is probably an ethical breach.

Theory #4. YOU actually initiated this "rant" about the joys of being a jackass, and HE is the one who doesn't trust you now. That would mean you're still a liar.
Oh, I probably should have told Blackwater that I finally blocked his insufferable, deplorable ass. No need to post at me any longer. I won't see it anyway.

Don't worry. According to our fake teacher here, you're doing a fake ignore. And if anyone knows fake, it's that twatmuffin. :rofl2: