I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?

Maybe we should take up a collection to get Joe Crapitalist a seeing eye dog because his new doctor isn't going to do as good of a job on his eyes as his old doc did..
i have connections if that's ever necessary...here, anyway...not sure of where he is, but the programs probably have reciprocity in other states...
That's a very thoughtful suggestion...
I'm happy for you...and for your doctor...not the new one, though... (That was fast...:good4u:...)

Why would you be happy for the Looney one and not the new one? Your cognitive decline is showing, sweetheart.

Trump did nothing for 187 minutes as Capitol riot unfolded.

As rioters swarmed the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and aides begged Donald Trump to help stop the violence, the then-president watched TV in his West Wing dining room

“Within 15 minutes of leaving the stage, President Trump knew that the Capitol was besieged and under attack,” Luria said, adding:*“At 1:25, President Trump went to the private dining room off the Oval Office. From 1:25 until 4:00, the president stayed in his dining room … The TV was tuned to Fox News all afternoon.”
Why would you be happy for the Looney one and not the new one? Your cognitive decline is showing, sweetheart.

Trump did nothing for 187 minutes as Capitol riot unfolded.

As rioters swarmed the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and aides begged Donald Trump to help stop the violence, the then-president watched TV in his West Wing dining room

“Within 15 minutes of leaving the stage, President Trump knew that the Capitol was besieged and under attack,” Luria said, adding:*“At 1:25, President Trump went to the private dining room off the Oval Office. From 1:25 until 4:00, the president stayed in his dining room … The TV was tuned to Fox News all afternoon.”
The Democrats did NOTHING for MONTHS while the BLM riots were burning American cities down killing over 30 people and injuring over 2,000 police officers. Well....Kamala did something...she helped bail them out.

Why would you be happy for the Looney one and not the new one? Your cognitive decline is showing, sweetheart.

Trump did nothing for 187 minutes as Capitol riot unfolded.

As rioters swarmed the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and aides begged Donald Trump to help stop the violence, the then-president watched TV in his West Wing dining room

“Within 15 minutes of leaving the stage, President Trump knew that the Capitol was besieged and under attack,” Luria said, adding:*“At 1:25, President Trump went to the private dining room off the Oval Office. From 1:25 until 4:00, the president stayed in his dining room … The TV was tuned to Fox News all afternoon.”

What response time by Trump would have made you happy with it?
I just had a Dr. appointment with my retina specialist. He's examining my eyes and starts on this rant about Biden causing 100% inflation and the media is lying to me and Global Warming is bullshit.
I told him, "with all due respect, I don't believe that".
He said "I'm a doctor, a scientist. You should believe me."
He's going off on all these conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being stolen and the generals have all the evidence and they're going to expose it before the election and I'm thinking "How do I get out of here?". As I'm leaving, he says we should do lunch sometime and he'll explain everything to me. I'm thinking "Sure, after I find another eye doctor".
It was so bizarre. My respect for him plummeted. I've been going to this doctor for 27 years. He saved the vision in my right eye when I had a giant retinal tear. I can understand the weak-minded falling for Trump and the right wing bullshit but this guy has a medical degree and had been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Very disappointing.
I've lost all respect and trust in him as a medical professional.

Am I overreacting?

You're not overreacting. Trump and MAGA turned perfectly normal, rational, sane people into cult members. Cut him out forever. I say this from experience.
To her credit, the nude photos that were posted of her online by a former boyfriend weren't all that disgusting.

Never saw them, but heard about that. The downside of thinking you're all that and entitled to tell other people how to live their lives. Reminds me of someone around here, minus the nude photos -- thank the gods for small favors. :rofl2:
She sounds like a leftists with the I'm a doctor I'm a scientist nonsense. Funny how you dont like hearing it.

Anyway it's not surprising to me that as a leftist you can no longer trust your doctor (meaning you did before finding this out) simply because he has a different political point of view that you. It really shows how sad and pathetic leftists are.

A leftist Trump supporter. You fucking idiot.
Maybe we should take up a collection to get Joe Crapitalist a seeing eye dog because his new doctor isn't going to do as good of a job on his eyes as his old doc did..

BTW I have done a lot of retrobulbar blocks on eye surgery patients. They block the ciliary nerves and the II, III, and VI cranial nerves. You do it by sticking a needle down behind the eye and injecting a local anesthetic behind the eye.

How fascinating. Who knew that ER "doctors" -- which you claimed to be -- did ophthalmology procedures too? Nice Googling there, Quackter. :laugh:
You're not overreacting. Trump and MAGA turned perfectly normal, rational, sane people into cult members. Cut him out forever. I say this from experience.
A slight disagreement since it's my belief that politics and/or religion doesn't make people crazy, but crazy people are attracted to politics and/or religion. Trump is a populist who simply gives what his fans want.
Never saw them, but heard about that. The downside of thinking you're all that and entitled to tell other people how to live their lives. Reminds me of someone around here, minus the nude photos -- thank the gods for small favors. :rofl2:

Seeing what I look like these days leaves me in no position to comment.:dunno:
A slight disagreement since it's my belief that politics and/or religion doesn't make people crazy, but crazy people are attracted to politics and/or religion. Trump is a populist who simply gives what his fans want.

A sound observation.

I always wondered if Southern Baptism makes Baptists stupid, or is it living in the South that makes them stupid? The South is known to historically lag behind the Midwest, West , and Northeast in public education.
Did you believe the talk show hosts? What changed your mind, a specific thing or a gradual realization that what you were smelling was bullshit?

Funny coincidence: I used to sit out in my car at lunch as well, listening to Dr. Laura on talk radio. Remember her? She was an outrageous kook. All I needed to know about the veracity of what she advised others was that she didn't follow her own advice and quit working and stay home to mother her kid like she told the callers to do. lol

I absolutely believe them. In fact, my transformation to mega conservative had to have been right before Obama's first term, because I was absolutely terrified of the possibility of him becoming president.

I would kill to have a candidates like Obama now, rather than Cheeto Benito and Weekend at Bernie's.

My transformation back to sanity began slowly, because I fought it every step of the way, but once I passed the tipping point it happened very quickly. Believe it or not, be change was started because of somebody on a political discussion forum like this one.

I did listen to Dr Laura occasionally. I believe her show was run fairly late in my area. It started around 9:00 or so, so I didn't hear her much. At the time I was listening to hannity, rush, etc she made perfect sense for the most part also!

Probably the biggest realization I have come to is that TV and talk show host really have no interest in relaying reality. They are in it for the ratings and a paycheck and the best way to do that is to pander to a specific audience and tell them what they want to hear, keep them angry and scared. About the only time I turn on Fox, CNN or MSNBC is to watch presidential election coverage.
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A sound observation.

I always wondered if Southern Baptism makes Baptists stupid, or is it living in the South that makes them stupid? The South is known to historically lag behind the Midwest, West , and Northeast in public education.
I think it's a combination of culture and lack of education. Notice that industrialized cultures are often more educated than agricultural ones.
What response time by Trump would have made you happy with it?

I would've expected President Trump to take some kind of action as soon as he knew that the Capitol was besieged and under attack rather than watch FoxNews for three hours.

That's what a normal president would've done. Don't you agree?

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