I just found out my Eye Doctor is a MAGA moron. What do I do now?


I'm right again...thanks...you're making this super easy...:)

You remind me of my eye doctor.
You know, the one who thinks the generals have all the evidence of election fraud and they will release it before the election.
You two are delusional birds of a feather...;) ;) ;)

Recognizing Donald J. Trump as an ugly blob of diseased and malignant protoplasm
who has no place and serves no purpose on this planet
is not TDS.

It's being a human being with at least a minimally functioning brain and some semblance of a conscience.

Not loathing Donald Trump
and not seeing "not loathing Donald Trump" as a serious personal failing
is completely incomprehensible to me. It very honestly is.

Donald Trump is as vile a living organism as exists or has ever existed in this universe.

Not voting for a probably undeserving Joe Biden
because doing so is necessary to beat Donald Trump
would without question be the most vile act that I'd have ever committed
as a citizen of this nation and inhabitant of this world.

I will NEVER understand how a person could support Donald Trump
and still be able to live with him/herself
unless that person was either insane or willfully demonic.

Trump is pure trash.
It's impossible to not see it.

The fact that he lives and breaths on the same planet that I inhabit
is a personal affront to me,
and it's completely beyond my comprehension
how any sane person would not feel the very same way.

74,000,000+ voters ticked his box in 2020.
And in 2016, the pigfucking orangutan actually won!

How do we even still exist as a nation?
We obviously don't deserve to.

Fate has inexplicably given us a second chance that we really don't deserve,
and if we fuck it up this time,

then I would have to say without reservation or equivocation or hyperbole of any kind
that the advent of the human species
was nature's greatest ever mistake.
Recognizing Donald J. Trump as an ugly blob of diseased and malignant protoplasm
who has no place and serves no purpose on this planet
is not TDS.

It's being a human being with at least a minimally functioning brain and some semblance of a conscience.

Not loathing Donald Trump
and not seeing "not loathing Donald Trump" as a serious personal failing
is completely incomprehensible to me. It very honestly is.

Donald Trump is as vile a living organism as exists or has ever existed in this universe.

Not voting for a probably undeserving Joe Biden
because doing so is necessary to beat Donald Trump
would without question be the most vile act that I'd have ever committed
as a citizen of this nation and inhabitant of this world.

I will NEVER understand how a person could support Donald Trump
and still be able to live with him/herself
unless that person was either insane or willfully demonic.

Trump is pure trash.
It's impossible to not see it.

The fact that he lives and breaths on the same planet that I inhabit
is a personal affront to me,
and it's completely beyond my comprehension
how any sane person would not feel the very same way.

74,000,000+ voters ticked his box in 2020.
And in 2016, the pigfucking orangutan actually won!

How do we even still exist as a nation?
We obviously don't deserve to.

Fate has inexplicably given us a second chance that we really don't deserve,
and if we fuck it up this time,

then I would have to say without reservation or equivocation or hyperbole of any kind
that the advent of the human species
was nature's greatest ever mistake.
Good Morning to you, Nifty...I guess the Red Sox losing 3 out of 4 to the Tribe took a bigger toll than I imagined....:) PS... i know you don't like Trump...I don't like Joe... It's a dilemma...I wish there were other choices, but sadly, there are not...

(There are several definitions of TDS...keep that in mind...)
You remind me of my eye doctor.
You know, the one who thinks the generals have all the evidence of election fraud and they will release it before the election.
You two are delusional birds of a feather...;) ;) ;)

Well, you don't have to worry about either of us...we're just fine...I wish you luck in finding a new doctor who can relate to you while he saves your vision...
Good Morning to you, Nifty...I guess the Red Sox losing 3 out of 4 to the Tribe took a bigger toll than I imagined....:) PS... i know you don't like Trump...I don't like Joe... It's a dilemma...I wish there were other choices, but sadly, there are not...

(There are several definitions of TDS...keep that in mind...)

I guess that I was too reserved and didn't explain my view forcefully enough.
Usually, I'm able to avoid that.:thinking:
I guess that I was too reserved and didn't explain my view forcefully enough.
Usually, I'm able to avoid that.:thinking:
Don't hold back... remember...I taught 30 years of MS and HS...it's impossible to rattle me unless you attack the family, which I know you would never stoop to...;)
Well, you don't have to worry about either of us...we're just fine...I wish you luck in finding a new doctor who can relate to you while he saves your vision...

I already have. There's another doctor in the practice that performed a Vitrectomy on my left eye. He's younger and not a far right wing delusional looney tune like you. I'll be going to him from now on.
Do you want me to give you the Looney tunes doctor's number in case you have a detached retina?
He can tell you all about how the scientists and mainstream media are lying to you about global warming while he has needles in your eyes.

Donald Poopy Pants can't pronounce 'Yosemite'
Recognizing Donald J. Trump as an ugly blob of diseased and malignant protoplasm
who has no place and serves no purpose on this planet
is not TDS.

It's being a human being with at least a minimally functioning brain and some semblance of a conscience.

Not loathing Donald Trump
and not seeing "not loathing Donald Trump" as a serious personal failing
is completely incomprehensible to me. It very honestly is.

Donald Trump is as vile a living organism as exists or has ever existed in this universe.

Not voting for a probably undeserving Joe Biden
because doing so is necessary to beat Donald Trump
would without question be the most vile act that I'd have ever committed
as a citizen of this nation and inhabitant of this world.

I will NEVER understand how a person could support Donald Trump
and still be able to live with him/herself
unless that person was either insane or willfully demonic.

Trump is pure trash.
It's impossible to not see it.

The fact that he lives and breaths on the same planet that I inhabit
is a personal affront to me,
and it's completely beyond my comprehension
how any sane person would not feel the very same way.

74,000,000+ voters ticked his box in 2020.
And in 2016, the pigfucking orangutan actually won!

How do we even still exist as a nation?
We obviously don't deserve to.

Fate has inexplicably given us a second chance that we really don't deserve,
and if we fuck it up this time,

then I would have to say without reservation or equivocation or hyperbole of any kind
that the advent of the human species
was nature's greatest ever mistake.

Well said.

I was just looking for one of Trump's quotes about how he's "smarter" than the generals, doctors, etc. Ran across this from last fall. It is truly horrifying how that orange shitgibbon thinks of those who served in the military, esp. those who were maimed and who lost their lives. To think that anyone who claims to love our country would support a subhuman piece of shit like this just boggles the mind.

John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

“A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
Don't hold back... remember...I taught 30 years of MS and HS...it's impossible to rattle me unless you attack the family, which I know you would never stoop to...;)


Why is it okay when you attack other people's families, and use their names for your socks, Toxic dear? Oh right. Two sets of roolz... lol.
That's really interesting, as well as sad. Your mom is a good example of how, when exposed to reality and to facts, cultist thinking can at least be curbed, if not cured.
Absolutely. In fact she worked in a hospital for pretty much the entire time we lived in AZ and her position basically forced her to see the realities of Covid, so she never bought into the lies in that ass either.
The Fox thing is troubling though. Has she always been an (R) voter? Conservative? Easily swayed by colorful rhetoric?
Nope. Had little interest in politics. I don't think we ever even discussed it until she turned MAGA. She turned MAGA/Fox-crazy because of her brother who retired, moved to AZ, lives about 100 yards from her and literally brainwashed her.

Of course, I'm not that far removed from hyper-conservativism, either. It was probably about 10-ish or so years ago that I stopped sitting in my car at lunch, listening to Hannity, Limbaugh and other local conservative hosts being convinced of the impending Dem apocalypse.... But that's a different story.
Absolutely. In fact she worked in a hospital for pretty much the entire time we lived in AZ and her position basically forced her to see the realities of Covid, so she never bought into the lies in that ass either. Nope. Had little interest in politics. I don't think we ever even discussed it until she turned MAGA. She turned MAGA/Fox-crazy because of her brother who retired, moved to AZ, lives about 100 yards from her and literally brainwashed her.

Of course, I'm not that far removed from hyper-conservativism, either. It was probably about 10-ish or so years ago that I stopped sitting in my car at lunch, listening to Hannity, Limbaugh and other local conservative hosts being convinced of the impending Dem apocalypse.... But that's a different story.


the effects of globalist stupidity have become obvious to most people.

your mother is smarter than you.

you're the family idiot.
I already have. There's another doctor in the practice that performed a Vitrectomy on my left eye. He's younger and not a far right wing delusional looney tune like you. I'll be going to him from now on.
Do you want me to give you the Looney tunes doctor's number in case you have a detached retina?
He can tell you all about how the scientists and mainstream media are lying to you about global warming while he has needles in your eyes.

Donald Poopy Pants can't pronounce 'Yosemite'
I'm happy for you...and for your doctor...not the new one, though... (That was fast...:good4u:...)
Absolutely. In fact she worked in a hospital for pretty much the entire time we lived in AZ and her position basically forced her to see the realities of Covid, so she never bought into the lies in that ass either. Nope. Had little interest in politics. I don't think we ever even discussed it until she turned MAGA. She turned MAGA/Fox-crazy because of her brother who retired, moved to AZ, lives about 100 yards from her and literally brainwashed her.

Of course, I'm not that far removed from hyper-conservativism, either. It was probably about 10-ish or so years ago that I stopped sitting in my car at lunch, listening to Hannity, Limbaugh and other local conservative hosts being convinced of the impending Dem apocalypse.... But that's a different story.

Did you believe the talk show hosts? What changed your mind, a specific thing or a gradual realization that what you were smelling was bullshit?

Funny coincidence: I used to sit out in my car at lunch as well, listening to Dr. Laura on talk radio. Remember her? She was an outrageous kook. All I needed to know about the veracity of what she advised others was that she didn't follow her own advice and quit working and stay home to mother her kid like she told the callers to do. lol
I'm happy for you...and for your doctor...not the new one, though... (That was fast...:good4u:...)
Maybe we should take up a collection to get Joe Crapitalist a seeing eye dog because his new doctor isn't going to do as good of a job on his eyes as his old doc did..

BTW I have done a lot of retrobulbar blocks on eye surgery patients. They block the ciliary nerves and the II, III, and VI cranial nerves. You do it by sticking a needle down behind the eye and injecting a local anesthetic behind the eye.
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Funny coincidence: I used to sit out in my car at lunch as well, listening to Dr. Laura on talk radio. Remember her? She was an outrageous kook. All I needed to know about the veracity of what she advised others was that she didn't follow her own advice and quit working and stay home to mother her kid like she told the callers to do. lol

To her credit, the nude photos that were posted of her online by a former boyfriend weren't all that disgusting.