Only 7.5 percent of total U.S. energy consumption came from renewable sources in 1998. Of that total, 94 percent was from hydropower and biomass (trash and wood incinerators). (U.S. Energy Information Administration)

ie less than 1% from solar so far.
So? If they gave me a $5000 incentive in my area, I'd have panels on my house right now and I'd be off the grid.
I am waiting for a 7,500 incentive....

If we had kept on pursuing alt energy and higher mileage vehicle restrictions since the early 80's things would be different now.
Only 7.5 percent of total U.S. energy consumption came from renewable sources in 1998. Of that total, 94 percent was from hydropower and biomass (trash and wood incinerators). (U.S. Energy Information Administration)

ie less than 1% from solar so far.

1) That was TEN years ago, Mr. "voice of reason". This is a continual problem for you. You continually look to the PAST and project that onto the FUTURE. The ignorance of that is quite amusing.

2) In 1999, Oil broke UNDER $10 barrell. No one gave a shit since oil was so cheap. Since its climb, solar has become more and more cost competitive. (not only because of higher energy prices, but also due to increases in technology)

Again, the break even for commercial property is down to ONE year. It was no where close to that in 1998. Residential is getting closer, depending on the state. It sounds as though MA has a nice rebate to go on top of the Federal. More states will follow suit. My estimate was for 15-20 years. You and I both know oil is going up from here barring the allowance by Congress to tap our own oil.... and even if they do allow it, it will be 5-10 years before it is on line.
Table ES-1. Renewable Energy Profile, 2006
Renewable Energy Consumption Quadrillion Btu Change 2005-2006 (Percent)
Total 6.844 6.9
Biomass 3.277 5.2
Biofuels 0.758 27.6
Waste 0.404 0.3
Wood Derived Fuels 2.114 -0.1
Geothermal Energy 0.349 1.8
Hydroelectric Conventional 2.890 6.9
Solar/ PV Energy 0.070 6.5
Wind Energy 0.258 45.1
Source: Table 1 of this report.
Now superfreak as usual you have mouthed off without know a single fucking fact you cold caller. Tell me how much it went up in 10yrs for the 06 chart. You fool
Now superfreak as usual you have mouthed off without know a single fucking fact you cold caller. Tell me how much it went up in 10yrs for the 06 chart. You fool

Again toppy... quit looking at the PAST... look at the PRESENT and see how that projects for the FUTURE.

It was not until this year that commercial's breakeven went to 1 year. Residential is still not there. But even when it was not economically viable for most companies/individuals it went up 6.5%. What do you think the growth rate will do when the breakeven is now so quick for commercial?

Your inability to look ahead and continual projection of the past equating to the future is pathetic. We are talking 15-20 years from now. Not two years ago.

Ask yourself two questions toppy....

1) Do you think technology will increase or decrease over the next two decades?

2) Do you think fossil fuels will increase in price over the next two decades?

You know the answer to both is yes, that will dramatically increase the economic viability of solar. That and the push to reduce foreign exposure and to produce clean energy will get us there.

You were flat out wrong on the economy back in November by looking at PAST data. You would think you might learn from that mistake.
Look also toppy to the government subsidies. Ya wanna bet they eliminate subsidies to grain based ethanol and turn around and subsidize a more viable alt energy option? One that doesn't drive up the price of food? One that is CLEAN?

No matter who gets in... Obama or McCain... you will see the greatest push towards alt/clean energy that our country has ever seen.
The way technology has continually cut the time from the introduction to the time it is common is astounding.

Anyone remember how long it took VCRs to go from novelty to common? How about DVDs? They took less than half the time.

The sky-rocketing energy costs will push the solar, wind and other alt energy resources to speed up their research and will push costs down.
Not in some areas of the country. The pacific NW in fall thru spring for example.
But lots of tech job openings troubleshooting solar electric setups in homes.
solar is something that should pay a major part in our oil addiction weaning process.

could extensive solar panels contribute to climate change ?

In the NW they could use wind and hydroelectric power. It all comes from the sun anyway.
supercold caller, now that I have shoved your head up your ass please spare me the crystal ball bullshit.
It's not 2% of total energy, I love it and it's going to have a good growth rate and make me a lot of money. But I did shove your 30 something shoot form the hip ass head up your butt.
supercold caller, now that I have shoved your head up your ass please spare me the crystal ball bullshit.
It's not 2% of total energy, I love it and it's going to have a good growth rate and make me a lot of money. But I did shove your 30 something shoot form the hip ass head up your butt.

LMAO. Oh this was a good one Top. I actually clapped when I read this, while I was laughing.

I can't believe I missed this thread!
They use quite a bit of hydro power in the NW.

It takes water, they can use the water for irrigation or they can drain it off and make electicity. Most of the water in the pacific NW is west of the cascade mountains. East of the cascades most of the water is wintermelt.
supercold caller, now that I have shoved your head up your ass please spare me the crystal ball bullshit.
It's not 2% of total energy, I love it and it's going to have a good growth rate and make me a lot of money. But I did shove your 30 something shoot form the hip ass head up your butt.

You just don't learn do you toppy? Keep living in the past moron. Who was right on the economy in November? Me or you? Mister shopping malls are busy master guru teacherson. Who was correct about the housing mess? Me or you?

One day you will learn to stick to talking about oil. Because that is about all you are good at. I understand that solar is not CURRENTLY more than 2%.

Let me guess, in 1985 you probably boldly predicted that household computer penetration would not exceed 50% in 20 years because at that time it was less than 2%. Yet here we are. Technology in the industry increased at exponential rates and computers became more economically viable. Thus more people invested in them.

The same holds true for solar. True, it is at its infancy now. But given the improvements in the past five years in the technology, coupled with the economic viability increasing.... to suggest that we cannot get to 50% in the next TWENTY years is nothing short of idiotic.

But yes, I know... you shall resort to your ever popular "I don't know what the fuck I am talking about, so I will call you a gerber or GEDer or a supercoldcaller etc... to mask my ignorance" type of bullshit.

Its ok toppy. I can understand that with your super duper MBA it is quite embarrassing for you to be schooled time and again by 99% of the board.