Toppy is not even good at oil. I predicted the price rise of oil better than topper did.
Darned tennis twinkie.

Fruit loops :clink:
I seriously doubt that. Solar is not that far off. With government rebates, breakeven for most commercial properties is down to 1 year.

Residential breakeven is still about 15 years in most areas. So this part still needs to come down. But it will happen in our lifetime.... my guess is that within 15-20 years over half our electric demand will be from solar alone.

lol supercold caller, it's not that far off. Listen gerber baby, I hate to dampen your enthusiasm with facts but lets get the percentage in the teens instead over under 1% before we write off conventional energy.
Again, take a shot of coffee or whiskey cause your breath smells like simalac.
Who was right on the economy, ME. Still no recession Gerber.:pke:
USGED, I've made a few hundred thousand on Energy. Don't even waiste your time, you can watch from the kiddie pool with the other non-college educated.
Hey now beechnut bitch. How much your energy heavy 401K does not mean much, esp when you likely get stock options or sharing from big oil.
I made a few hundred thousand on gold ? So does that mean I am a gold expert ?

I have called where oil was going much more accurately than you have, and thats a fact jack :)

Pablum :clink:
I have called you an uneducated boob, going outside and coming back in and reporting it's raining doesn't make you a weatherman. You know as much about oil and economics as you do about the inside of a college classroom or having a wife. GED is not good enought gramps.
So you and I agree just becuase your 401k is heavy on energy and your employer gives you Chevron stock , that makes you an expert ?
I think not tennis twinkie. Go bowling be a real man for a change ;)

On wives, been there done that a couple of times, no thanks on another one.
Now marriage sure was a money sucking experience for me, expecially with the college degreed phi beta cappa one. Woman felt her job was to spend all the money she could and the woman was good at it. I guess they teach you that in college...
thanks for proving what a dipshit you are on woman, (the most important issue).
Second, the approval of a GED level educated person is not what I seek.
25 yrs as a financial analyst and following the energy markets makes me an expert, all of which is way over your head.
lol supercold caller, it's not that far off. Listen gerber baby, I hate to dampen your enthusiasm with facts but lets get the percentage in the teens instead over under 1% before we write off conventional energy.
Again, take a shot of coffee or whiskey cause your breath smells like simalac.
Who was right on the economy, ME. Still no recession Gerber.:pke:

So once again you fail to actually answer the question. No one is "writing off" conventional energy toppy. I said it would be 15-20 years and at that time we might be down to 50%. Saying that in two decades we will still be likely to be using 50% of conventional energy is not writing it off dumbshit.

Again... look at the tech boom. Using your brilliant analytical skills learned in MBA master guru teacherson classes, your prediction would have been what exactly for household computer penetration back in 1985?

Would you have said the same stupid crap? Something like "We under 1% now, so no way do we um get to 50% because we at 1% now and that mean we no get to 50% because we at 1% now and there no way to get to 50% based on today technology so if technology no exist today we no get better in next twenty years."???

Side note... factor in real inflationary numbers and we most certainly are in a recession.
Dude I love solar too and am on your side. I just love shoving Gerber babies like you heads up there ass.
It will happen it's just not going to be in a Nano second like your daddys allowance use to come.
thanks for proving what a dipshit you are on woman, (the most important issue).
Second, the approval of a GED level educated person is not what I seek.
25 yrs as a financial analyst and following the energy markets makes me an expert, all of which is way over your head.

then why has non degreed ass been more accurate than yours on the price of oil and the economy ?

You sure wasted a lot of money on your education.
You can send a goat to college, but all he will do is eat the books.
dude you call the price to keep going up after the astronomical run up, your still wrong about the economy. NO recession yet and first qtr gdp just got raised to .9% from .6.
Your so stupid you don't realize what an assinine statement you just made.
Question, how much money did you make off your brilliant call? Educated investors act on their beliefs.
All about how much money you make Gerbil ?

I have enough money to live the rest of my like in comfort. Can you say the same thing Beechnut ?
yo have enough to pay for your depends but not an education

why would I need an education at this time in my life ? That would be a stupid waste of money. Ueah spend 100k and then live 5 years after graduating maybe ?

Quit worring about your tan on your legs and think a bit, twinkletoes.
Are you dying??
People get educated past their twenties and thirties all the time.
You ditched college out of high school because you were anti education, then ditch it after Nam (and it was FREE) cause you were lazy.
Not everyone is meant for college, OBVIOUSLY you weren't.
I went to 22 months of Vo-Tech after Nam, And have had over 4000 hours of technical classroom training since Vo_Tech.
I hated the military so did not go on the GI bill. Still pretty much hate them.
But I do work with other military victims.

Realistically I expect to live a max of 15 more years. So I should spend about a third of that going to college so I can sist in my wheelchair and drool on myself and brag on my degree ?
Sorry but I don't chase after the young girls like some old men.
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Most people consider college the best years of their lives even the mature students. Learning at that level is a gift not a drudgery.

Do you have panels or thin film sheets on the solar installation?

Give it another year and I might go with thin film types or whatever is out. I figure there will be more incentive. Saw on a show the other day where China is one of the largest solar panel manufacturers in the world.

On koledge, I am too old to put up with all those ignorant kids.