I think its over.

The Supreme Court made the decision having nothing to do with the Constitution. It should be ignored.
.....the decision having nothing to do with the Constitution
I see. Now you love Cuomo. Here’s a dose of reality, bitch. The trial DID happen and there were 34 guilty verdicts.

The one attorney in GA is gone. The guy who was pretty much the administration guy. The logistics guy. The evidence still stands. As does the prosecutor.

The documents case changes not one iota.

Every survey of presidential historians of all political persuasions puts Trump at the bottom. Write them a letter, cunt, and provide your own ratings
bogus weaponization of the legal system by tyrannical Biden regime.
Well Biden can bump off all the Russianed up republicans because he now has the party
Those people can be SCOTUS members decided presidents are kings
Then replace them with members who will protect the constitution
Then he does another term because he will win the election.
During that term the fully Dem house and senate reaffirm the constitution and freedoms with new legislation that the NEW SCOTUS agrees is constitutional.
Then we have the next election just like the founders planned
Everything corrected
Imprison all these Russianed up whores or just bump them off
I prefer locking them up for life but hey if you have to kill them the SCOTUS just made it perfectly legal
Troll, you thought it funny that Sotomayor promoted violence and treason?

Shows what scum you are...
She did nothing of the sort but you just exposed your hypocrisy in regards to trump. You support the violent things he says along with the other maga mental midgets.
So why, every time I mention that our democracy is in danger am I corrected by a Trumper who says we are not a democracy?
Because every time you bitch about "our" democracy being in danger, you seem to pull an election out of your ass that defies logic, the polls (which I have completely given up on anyway), and the true will of the people. Then you start the whole cycle over again, trying to expand voting rights because "our" democracy is in danger. Just early voting is getting so bad that pretty soon, we'll start voting for the next president 2 years after we elect the current one.

Have you heard about this shit?:

What the hell are your plans for all these illegal aliens anyway? Gonna lay some "democracy" on 'em?

"Our" fucking democracy is doing fine. In fact, it's on steroids. And the vast majority of republicans support democracy but don't want to change it from it's intended purpose, i.e., electing governmental representatives.

Like I said, "our" fucking democracy is doing fine. "MY" constitutional republic is on life support.
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
Democracy doesn't work. It usually quickly dissolves into an oligarchy or dictatorship. Athens dissolved into a dictatorship.
No. I do not want a democracy...ever.

The United States was never a democracy. It is organized as a federated republic.

Democracies have no constitution and no representatives.