I think its over.

Salon? Hur didn't lie...there's a very good likelihood the transcript was altered....there's one way to find out for certain, though...
The documents case is unaffected.


Whatever lies you need tell yourself, Comrade.

The GA case as well.

Other than being completely dead due to misconduct and open corruption on the part of the Soros team - with the lead being expelled outright and Willis trying to explain to the judge why this should be allowed to go on at all.

But other than that - you're killing it.

Some lower courts will have to rule on what is or is not an official act. Other acts were deemed a rebuttable presumption. Smith will have to do some tweaking.

Delusion is all you have at this point.

As I said, you short-sighted fucks should be careful what you wish for. Trump will fade into history as the worst president and others will follow that may make you regret this decision.

Joe Biden is the worst president in history - hands down. Even Mario Cuomo says that the lynching in the banana republic should have never happened, was a pure political stunt, and will easily be overturned by NY Courts.

You Communists have failed, yet again to get the object of your obsessive hatred.
Presidents since Washington have always had immunity. FOR EXAMPLE Obama droned American citizens who never had a trial by jury.

Yeah, but MSNBC needs to rally the drones. The Communists HAVE to hype this up and make it seem like some radical departure from precedent. The radical departure would have been ruling any other way. The Bolsheviks are melting down because another of their evil plots have now failed.
Bragg's NYC trial of Trump is in BIG trouble because he used OFFICIAL PRESIDENTIAL ACTS as evidence in the trial. The SC just said that is a NO NO! :rofl2:

Whatever lies you need tell yourself, Comrade.

Other than being completely dead due to misconduct and open corruption on the part of the Soros team - with the lead being expelled outright and Willis trying to explain to the judge why this should be allowed to go on at all.

But other than that - you're killing it.

Delusion is all you have at this point.

Joe Biden is the worst president in history - hands down. Even Mario Cuomo says that the lynching in the banana republic should have never happened, was a pure political stunt, and will easily be overturned by NY Courts.

You Communists have failed, yet again to get the object of your obsessive hatred.
I see. Now you love Cuomo. Here’s a dose of reality, bitch. The trial DID happen and there were 34 guilty verdicts.

The one attorney in GA is gone. The guy who was pretty much the administration guy. The logistics guy. The evidence still stands. As does the prosecutor.

The documents case changes not one iota.

Every survey of presidential historians of all political persuasions puts Trump at the bottom. Write them a letter, cunt, and provide your own ratings
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

What a stupid claim. So Roosevelt should have been prosecuted for the internment of Japanese US citizens?

Should Obama have been prosecuted for droning US citizens abroad?

How about Biden for his utter failure in Afghanistan resulting in 13 soldier's deaths?

All are far more serious than your imagined crimes from Trump.

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.

True, when talking about Democrats. But brain dead tools like you are desirous of an autocracy, being lied to and gaslighted. You're about as stupid a partisan hack as they come. :palm:
