I think its over.

If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
It wasn't absolute immunity. There were some things that were "absolute", more or less, and then many others that are questionable.

Hopefully people will be a little more careful when nominating candidates so we don't have to worry about having a POS like Trump in office.
Well Biden can bump off all the Russianed up republicans because he now has the party

Those people can be SCOTUS members decided presidents are kings

Then replace them with members who will protect the constitution

Then he does another term because he will win the election.

During that term the fully Dem house and senate reaffirm the constitution and freedoms with new legislation that the NEW SCOTUS agrees is constitutional.

Then we have the next election just like the founders planned

Everything corrected

Imprison all these Russianed up whores or just bump them off

I prefer locking them up for life but hey if you have to kill them the SCOTUS just made it perfectly legal
Your hallucination area getting worse, Vincy.
Why are you so weak that a rainbow flag triggers you ?
Why are you so weak that a US flag triggers you?

The rainbow flag represents a 'Woke' idealogy and sexual deviancy as "normal". It has NO place at any public building.
It's a also a mockery of the actual rainbow, and a poor one at that.
Yeah, a representative republic where those representatives are elected democratically,
Republics have representatives. To say 'representative republic' is redundant.
Representatives are given certain authority by a constitution. That constitution also defines the term of their office and the process by which they are elected. That process might or might not us a popular vote. That does NOT make a republic a democracy in any form.

A republic is NOT a democracy. Redefinition fallacy.

A democracy has no representatives and no constitution.

and, a republic based upon checks and balances, which were pretty much undercut today
Republics are based on a constitution, not 'checks and balances'.
Because every time you bitch about "our" democracy being in danger, you seem to pull an election out of your ass that defies logic, the polls (which I have completely given up on anyway), and the true will of the people. Then you start the whole cycle over again, trying to expand voting rights because "our" democracy is in danger. Just early voting is getting so bad that pretty soon, we'll start voting for the next president 2 years after we elect the current one.

Have you heard about this shit?:

What the hell are your plans for all these illegal aliens anyway? Gonna lay some "democracy" on 'em?

"Our" fucking democracy is doing fine. In fact, it's on steroids. And the vast majority of republicans support democracy but don't want to change it from it's intended purpose, i.e., electing governmental representatives.

Like I said, "our" fucking democracy is doing fine. "MY" constitutional republic is on life support.
A republic is not a democracy.
It wasn't absolute immunity. There were some things that were "absolute", more or less, and then many others that are questionable.

Hopefully people will be a little more careful when nominating candidates so we don't have to worry about having a POS like Trump in office.
I read the opinion, and it certainly suggested that conversations with Cabinet members and VP's would not be discoverable due to absolute immunity. That would mean if you told your cabinet members to commit a crime, there would be no way anyone would ever know or be able to use it as evidence, thus not prosecutable.
I read the opinion, and it certainly suggested that conversations with Cabinet members and VP's would not be discoverable due to absolute immunity. That would mean if you told your cabinet members to commit a crime, there would be no way anyone would ever know or be able to use it as evidence, thus not prosecutable.
Yeah, horrible decision. Time for Congress to tell the Supreme Court, you and whose army?!
Random phrase. No apparent coherency. That won't work, Moonbat.
You're the fool who insisted that Sweden wasn't to the east of the UK.
If I'd said something that fucking stupid I'd want to forget all about it too .

Haw, haw...................................haw.

You also insist that the science of paleoclimatology does not exist.

You are a true dumbfuck.
Begone. I am dumbfuck intolerant.