I think its over.

It’s an official act, fuck. Your and Trump’s conservative court said so.

The Court said nothing of the sort.

That unethical pig Sotomayor threatened violence - as you of the left do.

The ruling today merely confirmed Mississippi v. Johnson that has been precedent for 150 years. Your party attempted to overturn the rule of law in an effort to thwart free and fair elections by imprisoning the opposition candidate. You got smacked down for your illegal and unconstitutional acts.

Nothing more, or less.
Donald Trump nor this House of Representatives nor the Supreme Court no longer represent my moral values anymore, SO FUCK THEM AND FUCK YOU TOO FOR SUGGESTING THAT THEY DO!
Thank you. Been watching you spin out of control over the past few weeks. It ain't going to get easier for you so medicate yourself accordingly.
The Court said nothing of the sort.

That unethical pig Sotomayor threatened violence - as you of the left do.

The ruling today merely confirmed Mississippi v. Johnson that has been precedent for 150 years. Your party attempted to overturn the rule of law in an effort to thwart free and fair elections by imprisoning the opposition candidate. You got smacked down for your illegal and unconstitutional acts.

Nothing more, or less.
The documents case is unaffected. The GA case as well. Some lower courts will have to rule on what is or is not an official act. Other acts were deemed a rebuttable presumption. Smith will have to do some tweaking.

As I said, you short-sighted fucks should be careful what you wish for. Trump will fade into history as the worst president and others will follow that may make you regret this decision.
I remember the days when you twats loved the SC. I guess when they were licking your balls they were cool huh?
I have always, and still do, respect the institution. But this court is tainted with real ethics violations and judges who outright lied in their confirmation hearings
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

There is no "absolute immunity". And your precious "democracy" is simply a method of choosing representatives. I'd be willing to bet 99.9% of republicans are pro-democracy but are pretty sure the issues of the socialist democrat PARTY in America are repulsive.

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.

Gee, ya' think? Hell no we don't want a democracy, at least not the way you define it.
There is no "absolute immunity". And your precious "democracy" is simply a method of choosing representatives. I'd be willing to bet 99.9% of republicans are pro-democracy but are pretty sure the issues of the socialist democrat PARTY in America are repulsive.

Gee, ya' think? Hell no we don't want a democracy, at least not the way you define it.
So why, every time I mention that our democracy is in danger am I corrected by a Trumper who says we are not a democracy?
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
Presidents since Washington have always had immunity. FOR EXAMPLE Obama droned American citizens who never had a trial by jury.