I think its over.

We are a representative republic now,

Donald Trump nor this House of Representatives nor the Supreme Court no longer represent my moral values anymore, SO FUCK THEM AND FUCK YOU TOO FOR SUGGESTING THAT THEY DO!
Nope, he opposed the movement in general - so you thought you would REALLY insult him with the very worst insult possible.

Funny that you view it that way..

no its funny cause pEarl is a homophobe and we know what he does on the weekends. Self-guilt and hate. Sad really.
Funny though - THAT isn't what you called him in hopes of hurting him - instead you called him a fag - repeatedly. Pretty obvious what you think is most insulting.
Because he was calling others that. If he doesn't want to be exposed as a homophobic asshole then he shouldn't act like one.

Remember when you Stalinists used to lie that the Right was violent and dangerous?


How many death threats have you traitors made against Trump, the SCOTUS, and Trump voters today? Dozens here - thousands on Twitter.

You of the left are batshit crazy and clearly dangerous. Secret Service should take EVERY threat by you unhinged Commies seriously and fully investigate what you have in mind.
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
we arent a democracy dipshit. I'll give you a chance though, what was the last bill you voted in favor of?
I mostly agree with you. BUT fraud was used to put Quid Pro Biden in office, so we don't deserve him.
The GA case is dead - not because of this - but long dead. Corrupt Willis was exposed for what she is.
Her personal stuff is irrelevant. The prosecution goes forward
If there is absolute immunity for official duties, how can a Democracy work?

As I pointed out, they do not want a Democracy or acknowledge our history of being one.
Time for Biden to call out the Navy Seals.

Her personal stuff is irrelevant. The prosecution goes forward

Time for Biden to call out the Navy Seals.

And another Stalinist on JPP calls for violence against political rivals.

You Communists are violent and dangerous. The Secret Service should take EVERY threat by you terrorist scum seriously.
And another Stalinist on JPP calls for violence against political rivals.

You Communists are violent and dangerous. The Secret Service should take EVERY threat by you terrorist scum seriously.
It’s an official act, fuck. Your and Trump’s conservative court said so.