I would have a lot more respect for Trump haters.......

If they would simply man up and say....." Yup,...we know the trial was rigged, just like we know that the last 8 years has been a concerted effort to GET TRUMP at all costs whether we have to dream up charges and bend the law like a pretzel or not. But we dont give a fuck,...we just want him out of the way " THAT I could at least respect a little because it would be honest. But Trump haters cant do that. Instead they have to lie about that too. Its not good enuff for them to jam total corruption down everyone elses throats,...they have to do it AND look you dead in the eye and lie like a MF about how corrupt the whole filthy thing is so they can feel better about themselves. As if they think that if they lie enuff about the situation than somehow the lies will be true. In short,.....their pussies. If I was on the other side thats what I would do,....I would have enuff ball sack to look you in the face and say ... "Yep,....I fucked you,....too bad,...it was worth it and I got what I wanted" This is why you cant win in the end,.........you are weak. You cant even admit to anonymous strangers on an obscure message board what we ALL KNOW TO BE TRUE anyway. As weak at it gets,....pathetic. Retribution IS coming,....along with a good dose of real justice. Make book on that.

You're very idealistic. Serial liars on the left will never admit they are serial liars and only interested in creating an autocratic state where they hold all the reins of power. This is where the Democratic Party is now. There is no turning back. Once you break all precedents and avoid decency, you back yourself into that corner where it will come back to haunt you.

Everything they accuse others of, they do. They lack any self-awareness and wallow in hypocrisy and denial.

You cannot have an intelligent argument with people like this either. The first time you use facts to illustrate how wrong they are, they start screaming and pounding their fists on the table. They become very triggered and angry when confronted with their lies, their dishonesty and hatred of anything that doesn't march lockstep with their views.
The above comment isn't a current event except in the sense it is one more reflection of the swamp Americans like its poster have fallen into.

Did he make you cry halfwit? Awesome! No what else is going to make you cry? November 5th. :laugh:
The left had nothing to do with Trumps fucking problems, he brought ALL of them on himself. You like to claim otherwise because it's the only excuse you have. You don't have a shred of evidence that the left or democrats caused any of this. Trump is the one who raped that woman, he is the one who commited fraud and he is the one who commited tax and election fraud to the tune of 34 felony convictions.

We're going to need hip waders for this sociopathic lying dumbass. :laugh:

See a shrink Port Hack. :laugh:
The left had nothing to do with Trumps fucking problems, he brought ALL of them on himself. You like to claim otherwise because it's the only excuse you have. You don't have a shred of evidence that the left or democrats caused any of this. Trump is the one who raped that woman, he is the one who commited fraud and he is the one who commited tax and election fraud to the tune of 34 felony convictions.

Hey Snoopy Dog ! :D

I was just wondering what the jury convicted Trump OF?

What exactly was he found guilty of?

Guess what, Snoopy Dog ? Nobody knows ! NO ONE has got a f**king clue ?!

I mean, Jeffrey Dahmer was found guilty of multiple murders., Right ? Al Caone was found guilty of tax fraud,, Right ? etc. That's sounds pretty fair.

But what charge was Donald Trump convicted on?

It's pretty fucked up when a Democrat prosecution have you convicted, but neither you or any other bastard in the court room knows what you were actually guilty of ?

Right, Snoopy Dog??

DLM - Dachshund Lives Matter

The only reason you are blessed is because you are too ignorant to realize what a fucking Trump Nazi you are. I swear if you have lived in 1930's Germany you would have had a swastika tatooed on your forehead.

:lolup: Doesn't think he's an ignoramus on steroids. Priceless! :laugh:
That sounds like a threat to the forum.

Just why would they move your thread? The only post I might find offensive to JPP would be this one here threatening the forum.

Not only are you a serial lying mental case, but a whiny pathetic one too. :laugh:
I do not hate anyone...including Trump.

Lie, lame and pathetic.

But the trial was not rigged, the election was not rigged..

It obviously was. But you would need a brain and open your eyes to comprehend the obvious.

.and Trump supporters would be doing our nation a huge favor if they got off their bullshit that everything is rigged against them.

You misspelled Biden supporters. I am amused when low IQ leftist losers believe that Biden is not the problem. It is quite delusional and suggests something that requires a severe mentally handicapped condition.

The MAGA movement is one of the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to our nation.

Only a repugnant, lying, low IQ leftist believes that Make America Great Again is disgusting. But alas, you obviously have severe mental issues brought on by being gaslighted and lied to by MSNBC and believing it like a child.

Nothing SCREAMS moron louder than a Biden voter. Nothing.
Yeah, most of you Trump asskissers seem to think it actually helped Trump. Then you should be applauding it. Instead you are crying like little babies.

Fact is, you don't think it help Trump. It showed him more clearly to be the ass-wipe he truly is...and always has been.

Little Ross appears to be very triggered now. Must be the ass kicking he is getting for saying remarkably stupid things. :laugh:
Sadly, none of us give a shit about having your "respect." Conversely, we'd have a lot more respect for you MAGATs if you'd admit that the 2020 election was not, in fact, stolen. If you'd admit that your #MalignantMangoMessiah is a criminal. If you'd admit that he's a fascist authoritarian who tried to overthrow the will of the people. If you'd admit that he's a class-less sleaze who uses you for his personal egotistical pleasure. If you'd admit that you've been CONNED by a con. But you don't care about respect. Or morality, ethics, honor, principles. You just care about owning the sane citizens, who you call "libtards." :laugh:

Another sad caricature of dishonesty, ignorance and stupidity. But SloJoe loves you man! :clap:
What is heartbreaking is that there are so many Americans willing to tolerate the damage Trump has done (and continues to do) to our nation and our national character.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves, but apparently you are not intellectually bright enough for that to happen.

Projection. The Democratic Party under Joe's failed leaership have done irreperable harm to this nation and torn it apart with their delusional lies, race hustling and demagoguery.

But alas, you would need a brain to comprehend the obvious. Something leftists obviously lack.
I will accept the results of the November election. The MAGA element will bullshit about rigging, like Stone did in the OP.

All I can do is to hope fervently that Trump does not get re-elected, because he is a disgusting turd with a lot of disgusting turds as followers.

Liar. Democrats refused to accept almost every modern election for the last decades when they lost.
So it's about the trial. Sorry, I didn't see where you mentioned the trial.

Well, here's another comment on the trial, sort of. Deceiving voters is as American as dceiving your wife, but deceiving voters by breaking the law will get you a well deserved conviction by a jury of those voters. Trump got nothing more or less than what was coming to him.

No voters were deceived, unless you are talking about Hillary's fabricated and salacious Steele Dossier that was used in an attempt to destroy a President Democrats claimed was illegitimate.
trump is guilty as sin, and we all know it.

Wrong; what we know is you are gullible, very stupid and delusional. You voted for Biden and will do so again. That's the definition of stupid.

The best his defenders can do is claim there is some sort of legal technicality that makes him not guilty.

It's not a claim halfwit. The trial evidence and behavior of the DA and this judge acting with malfeasance made this clown show obvious. This will easily meet the requirements to overturn it on appeal, as the other fabricated lunatic cases.
Trump like millions of others was convicted of his crimes by a jury ,because the evidence proved beyond a shadow of a doubt!

There was no evidence of a crime. Just a serial liar who said there was. I wish you could be smarter, but that would require a brain.
Trumppers Democrats are LOSERS.

I fixed this to be factual and not delusional. You can liars to that as well. Democrats are losers, liars and very stupid people.

They supported a man who could not beat Hillary without committing 34 Felonies. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who lost the 2020 election. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who tried to get Russia's help. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who failed his central campaign promise to "Build the Wall". (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who promised to repeal Obamacare. He didn't. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who called Nazi's very good people. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who had affairs with washed up Porn actresses. (They wont admit it or move on)

I could continue.


This has to be the most retarded post you have made today. We know that you make retarded posts every day. But today, this is laughbaly retarded.

You really are one stupid sick fuck you know that? :laugh: