I would have a lot more respect for Trump haters.......

Nothing that happened yesterday will help Joe Biden... That's the most significant thing for Democrats to realize...
What do you base that claim on? Who knows what the impact of the Trump being a felon will have on the election?
The trial was not a product of the Dems or Biden. It was a result of first, a grand jury taking a long time to view the evidence of Trump's crimes. They agreed that the evidence of Trump's crimes merited a trial.
Then Trump's high-priced lawyers were involved in selecting a jury. The jury sat for over a month and determined that Trump committed felonies, 34 of them .
Where is the Democratic Party or Biden in that process?
It was all New York, Trump's hometown.
Do you really think the Dems were happy with the trial? Many of them warned that Trumpys, as dumb as you, would be spurred on by a guilty verdict. They had no input or impact on the trial.
The justice system has failed in the eyes of Trumpers who are the ones doing the failing in escaping the reach of the law, and their supporters. Granted, it struggles with reining in some of those excesses but overall it's performing pretty well. A test will come if Trump loses again.

If you're going to "start with the judge" the one to start with is Judge Cannon in the classified documents case put on the bench by very defendant she is judging.
The justice system has failed...
What do you base that claim on? Who knows what the impact of the Trump being a felon will have on the election?
The trial was not a product of the Dems or Biden. It was a result of first, a grand jury taking a long time to view the evidence of Trump's crimes. They agreed that the evidence of Trump's crimes merited a trial.
Then Trump's high-priced lawyers were involved in selecting a jury. The jury sat for over a month and determined that Trump committed felonies, 34 of them .
Where is the Democratic Party or Biden in that process?
It was all New York, Trump's hometown.
Do you really think the Dems were happy with the trial? Many of them warned that Trumpys, as dumb as you, would be spurred on by a guilty verdict. They had no input or impact on the trial.
In this case it was all New York Dems...a NYC show for Joe...and another embarrassment for NYC when they kicked justice out the door... And slammed it tight...
Maybe they got the idea from Kamala...;)
This Judge "randomly" got 3 major Trump related cases for one.


Why the fuck do you think???

It's because the partisan hack Trumpsucker courts in the red states close their eyes and look the other way when it comes to criminal activity by the right, especially Trump.

They bring a whole new meaning to the term "blind justice"....


And it's not what it was intended to mean either.

They're blind to the criminal acts of those whose politics they agree with.
Because it's true...?

All Democrat prosecutors. The ones in NY openly--OPENLY--campaigned and said they were going to get Trump. All the cases, NY, DC, Georgia, are in deep blue jurisdictions. The judges in NY are Democrats, heavily contribute to the DNC, and have openly disparaged Trump.
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Wait a minute.... Florida and Georgia, two states where Trump has charges pending against him suddenly have the "deepest blue court systems in the US"???

Since when???

Has anyone told DeSantis that Florida is a deep blue state?

The part of the system in Georgia where Trump is being charged is deep blue Atlanta. Fanny Willis and company are all hard core Democrats.

The one exception is the Mar-a-Lago / classified documents case in Florida. Hardly the rule.

The other cases are in the deepest blue part of NY and deep blue Dirty City.
The only reason you are blessed is because you are too ignorant to realize what a fucking Trump Nazi you are.
This coming from the 7th stupidest poster on the internet, who has a debilitating case of TDS, who thinks carbon is a hydrocarbon, who doesn't even know what a Nazi is, who worships Global Warming because he OBEYS all orders to believe in physics violations, who hasn't made a single honest post on JPP to date.

I swear if you have lived in 1930's Germany you would have had a swastika tatooed on your forehead.
Now you're talking about Team Israel, but that's an entirely different topic. You are admittedly too uneducated and too stupid to realize that swastika fascism was an extreme leftist ideology such as yours.
Why do you believe this judge is highly political?
you mean besides the way he mishandled the law in this case?.......how about the fact his daughter is a Demmycrat fund raiser......or that he made contribution to Biden in 2020.......I am reminded of American Bar Association Rule 4.1

Rule 4.1: Political and Campaign Activities of Judges and Judicial Candidates in General​

(4) solicit funds for, pay an assessment to, or make a contribution* to a political organization or a candidate for public office;​

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The part of the system in Georgia where Trump is being charged is deep blue Atlanta. Fanny Willis and company are all hard core Democrats.

The one exception is the Mar-a-Lago / classified documents case in Florida. Hardly the rule.

The other cases are in the deepest blue part of NY and deep blue Dirty City.
So, what was the convenient Trump bootlicker excuse when Georgia's Republican Governor and Republican Supervisor of Elections refused to do Trump's bidding by not parroting the lie about the "stolen election"?

What was the convenient Trump bootlicker excuse when all the other conservative judges, many of them Trump appointees along with the unanimity of the SCOTUS, refused to hear his bogus, absurd court filings after 2020?

How is political party affiliation an issue now, when several right-leaning judges have ruled against Trump in the past?

Maybe it's because you Trumpers are a bunch of infantile sore losers and sleazy liars who'll stoop to any depths to push your garbage?

Yeah, I think that's it.
So, what was the convenient Trump bootlicker excuse when Georgia's Republican Governor and Republican Supervisor of Elections refused to do Trump's bidding by not parroting the lie about the "stolen election"?

What was the convenient Trump bootlicker excuse when all the other conservative judges, many of them Trump appointees along with the unanimity of the SCOTUS, refused to hear his bogus, absurd court filings after 2020?

How is political party affiliation an issue now, when several right-leaning judges have ruled against Trump in the past?

Maybe it's because you Trumpers are a bunch of infantile sore losers and sleazy liars who'll stoop to any depths to push your garbage?

Yeah, I think that's it.
What was Al Gore's when he did the same thing in Florida against Bush II?
If they would simply man up and say....." Yup,...we know the trial was rigged, just like we know that the last 8 years has been a concerted effort to GET TRUMP at all costs whether we have to dream up charges and bend the law like a pretzel or not. But we dont give a fuck,...we just want him out of the way " THAT I could at least respect a little because it would be honest. But Trump haters cant do that. Instead they have to lie about that too. Its not good enuff for them to jam total corruption down everyone elses throats,...they have to do it AND look you dead in the eye and lie like a MF about how corrupt the whole filthy thing is so they can feel better about themselves. As if they think that if they lie enuff about the situation than somehow the lies will be true. In short,.....their pussies. If I was on the other side thats what I would do,....I would have enuff ball sack to look you in the face and say ... "Yep,....I fucked you,....too bad,...it was worth it and I got what I wanted" This is why you cant win in the end,.........you are weak. You cant even admit to anonymous strangers on an obscure message board what we ALL KNOW TO BE TRUE anyway. As weak at it gets,....pathetic. Retribution IS coming,....along with a good dose of real justice. Make book on that.
Guilty! 34 felonies! Lock him up!

And, to think. This was the weakest of all the charges against Trump. Woo hoo!

34 down and 57 to go!

Send him your money! Send it all! Send it now! The future of the country depends on it!
Bullshit. It is about the current Trial and its outcome and the people who support such corruption. If this thread gets moved by ANY mod nobody will see me here again short of it being moved back along with a PUBLIC apology. NO MORE LW mod games. Its either an open forum or its not. Moving this thread will have the effect of taking this whole forum down eventually. TRY IT,....you will see. It will end up being a circle jerk of lefties exchanging recipes and talking about their ailments of the day :) . In otherwords,....a dead forum with no ying to the yang. If thats what you want,... try it,...I'll make it happen for you. ;)
Odd that every legal action Trump has lost, which is a shit ton now, was corrupt. Corrupt judges. Corrupt prosecutors. Corrupt juries. What a massive conspiracy!

The only thing that will fix this is if you send him your money. Do it now! The Republic is at stake!