If evolution is real why are there still apes?

Such childish ignorance.
Great! Just what the world needs ... more Nordbergisms.

Christianity is the creator of atheism.
... and you don't disappoint! I won't even offer a rebuttal.

We were mostly trained in it and it held until we reached the age of reason. The system sucked and the teachings were rife with contradictions.
I'll warn gfm7175 to expect to become an atheist any day now. Correction, that his Christianity will make him into an atheist. I don't think he sees it coming. Won't he be surprised!

You eventually thought "what a bunch of crap".
Imagine PostModernProphet's impending chagrin when he realizes this, eh?

The leadership also was detrimental to belief.
Yeah, gfm7175 often gushes over his adoration for the Vatican.

Religions are businesses that compete with other religions for money and power.
Yep, especially Global Warming and Climate Change. That's why when you hear/read about someone bashing Christians, it's practically a guarantee that it is a scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent warmizombie or climate lemming engaging in religious warfare.

They do not accumulate incredible wealth and power because they love the poor and helpless.
You've got warmizombies and climate lemmings pegged.

@ gfm7175, PostModernProphet ... apparently Nordberg has some bad news for you soon-to-be fellow atheists.
Such childish ignorance. Christianity is the creator of atheism. We were mostly trained in it and it held until we reached the age of reason. The system sucked and the teachings were rife with contradictions. You eventually thought "what a bunch of crap". The leadership also was detrimental to belief. Religions are businesses that compete with other religions for money and power. They do not accumulate incredible wealth and power because they love the poor and helpless. They are Goldman Sachs without a tangible product.

Well said.
Hobby Lobby is run by homophobes
Any evidence for that? You're just regurgitating what you were told to believe and to reach, right? You're just HATING people you don't even know who have never done anything to you, right?

I thought as much. You really shouldn't do that. Not only is it not at all true, but you should be showing Hobby Lobby appreciation for their contribution to the economy and the value they have added to society.
Great! Just what the world needs ... more Nordbergisms.

... and you don't disappoint! I won't even offer a rebuttal.

I'll warn gfm7175 to expect to become an atheist any day now. Correction, that his Christianity will make him into an atheist. I don't think he sees it coming. Won't he be surprised!

Imagine PostModernProphet's impending chagrin when he realizes this, eh?

Yeah, gfm7175 often gushes over his adoration for the Vatican.

Yep, especially Global Warming and Climate Change. That's why when you hear/read about someone bashing Christians, it's practically a guarantee that it is a scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent warmizombie or climate lemming engaging in religious warfare.

You've got warmizombies and climate lemmings pegged.

@ gfm7175, PostModernProphet ... apparently Nordberg has some bad news for you soon-to-be fellow atheists.

When a really inane post is required, you are up to the job. Congrats.
So you assume we got where we are without intelligent design, but by pure chance of cells coming together and specializing?

There is no reason to assume otherwise. We are afraid of not knowing things, so we make up God. And then we anthropomorphize him so he's like our special friend that favors us over everything else. Me? I have no problem admitting that man knows almost nothing. But throughout history, all kinds of natural phenomenon were believed to be caused by Gods. A dragon eats the sun. Thor bangs his hammer. There is not one time in human history where God ended up being the answer. Not one. Science always offered the explanation. I have no reason to think this is any different.
Another problem is that after that branching of genes from our common ancestors there is zero evidence of it ever happening again.

Statistically that would be an impossibility since if it happens once it should be an ongoing process.

The “branching” wasn’t unique; it happened at least twice in the past 10 million years.

First, the line of gorillas separated from the common ancestor of all apes. Around 3 million years later, the lines of hominins and chimpanzees diverged. Eventually the hominins produced their crowning glory - guess who.

Evolution is still happening. On the scale of life on earth, 10 million years is the blink of an eye.

The “branching” wasn’t unique; it happened at least twice in the past 10 million years.

First, the line of gorillas separated from the common ancestor of all apes. Around 3 million years later, the lines of hominins and chimpanzees diverged. Eventually the hominins produced their crowning glory - guess who.

Evolution is still happening. On the scale of life on earth, 10 million years is the blink of an eye.


Stretch is a Creationist Trumper. I strongly doubt logic and facts will have an impact upon her or anyone like her.
I didn’t claim evolution wasn’t real I said there are many holes in the theory that science glossed over.

In order to claim something as fact it should be completely explainable and evolution isn’t

You don't understand the basic principles of science. Please read a book and come back when you've learned something.
I think atheism is to closely affiliated with supposedly being an oppositional ideology to the Abrahamic religions.

I think atheism at its core is a rejection of religion, in general

A few of the Asian religions do not have a specific creator god, but they still are infused with the irrationality, mythology, ritual, superstition, and the supernatural that atheism has always been traditionally opposed to in Christianity, based on it's rational Enlightenment principles .

Anthropomorphization of the Christian God is bad theology in most christian practices I am aware of. God is supposed to be unfathomable, and apart from space and time.

To me, being an agnostic is not a matter of degrees or percentages of uncertainty.

It is an open acknowledgment of ignorance.

I do not believe my primate brain has the cognitive capacity to percieve and correctly interpret all true knowledge, and I do not categorically reject the very real possibility of a higher truth and an underlying purposeful organizing principle to the cosmos

Absence of religion or belief in gods is oppositional to nothing. It erases religion. It is not an organization with rules and beliefs. It is the absence of them. We do not care what silly crap you believe in, just leave us alone.
There is no reason to assume otherwise. We are afraid of not knowing things, so we make up God. And then we anthropomorphize him so he's like our special friend that favors us over everything else. Me? I have no problem admitting that man knows almost nothing. But throughout history, all kinds of natural phenomenon were believed to be caused by Gods. A dragon eats the sun. Thor bangs his hammer. There is not one time in human history where God ended up being the answer. Not one. Science always offered the explanation. I have no reason to think this is any different.

So just plain chance made a heart,liver,gall bladder,spleen,ETC and just chance made them work together.
So just plain chance made a heart,liver,gall bladder,spleen,ETC and just chance made them work together.

Yes. I'm sorry but your irreducible complexity argument was thoroughly debunked, along with all the other Intelligent Design nonsense.
So just plain chance made a heart,liver,gall bladder,spleen,ETC and just chance made them work together.
You aren't very good at math, I can see

If you roll four six-sided die 45,989,356,193,567 times, is it just chance when all four come up 6s? Answer: yes.
We do not care what silly crap you believe in, just leave us alone.
Explain what I ever did to bother you, infringe on your rights, or when I harassed or harangued you.

I was saying that atheism is more than just a disbelief in gods. That is an inadequate definition because when you cut to the chase, its a rejection of religion wholesale.
Explain what I ever did to bother you, infringe on your rights, harassed or harangued you.

I was saying that atheism is more than just a disbelief in gods. That is an inadequate definition because when you cut to the chase, its a rejection of religion wholesale.

I believe Jesus is exactly who he said he is.
But I have no religion.
Absence of religion or belief in gods is oppositional to nothing. It erases religion. It is not an organization with rules and beliefs. It is the absence of them. We do not care what silly crap you believe in, just leave us alone.

Then leave us alone.