If evolution is real why are there still apes?

I don't. That's why I own ICE vehicles. Much cheaper maintenance too.

So you admit you don't know what you're talking about. Good to know. I have owned ICE vehicles and now own an EV.

I'm genuinely curious why people who don't know what they are talking about would hold forth on a topic, but here you are.
Your issue, not mine.

How long have you owned your EV for?

Your issue, not mine.

LOLOL. The guy who doesn't own an EV is trying to tell the one that has for about 5 years now that EV's are more expensive to maintain. Hilarious.

Here's a better wrinkle: I don't even pay for the electricity to charge it because I have solar on my house!

I DRIVE FOR VERY CLOSE TO FREE and have for several years now.

I love it when libtard morons start off their responses with some form of "LOLOLOLOL" ... what a wonderful way to display intelligence... :)

The guy who doesn't own an EV is trying to tell the one that has for about 5 years now that EV's are more expensive to maintain. Hilarious.
Five years... That's it? You haven't even experienced the most expensive part of your vehicle maintenance yet...

What make/model EV do you have? Just curious.

Here's a better wrinkle: I don't even pay for the electricity to charge it because I have solar on my house!

I DRIVE FOR VERY CLOSE TO FREE and have for several years now.

"I don't even pay for water because I have a well at my house!" :palm:

You didn't pay anything for your rooftop solar unit and to have it all installed? You didn't pay anything for any special wall charger for your car (meaning that you make use of a standard outlet)?

I love it when libtard morons start off their responses with some form of "LOLOLOLOL" ... what a wonderful way to display intelligence... :)

You don't appear to be deserving of intelligent responses.

Five years... That's it? You haven't even experienced the most expensive part of your vehicle maintenance yet...

More than you have. Moron.

What make/model EV do you have? Just curious.


"I don't even pay for water because I have a well at my house!" :palm:

That would be a good response. Do you live in the hills, hillbilly?

You didn't pay anything for your rooftop solar unit and to have it all installed?

Oh, it also covers ALL MY OTHER ELECTRICITY. I haven't paid an electric bill in YEARS. So it doesn't really matter. This is icing on the cake.

You didn't pay anything for any special wall charger for your car (meaning that you make use of a standard outlet)?

I paid a WHOLE lot less for that than you pay for gasoline in a single month. So, ya know, who cares?

Why do you hold forth on topics you have no clue about?
You don't appear to be deserving of intelligent responses.
Translation: Quincunx is incapable of providing intelligent responses.

I schooled you on the topic of Christianity, and now I'm schooling you on the topic of the Church of Green. I look forward to this!

More than you have. Moron.
You haven't even experienced the most expensive part of your vehicle maintenance yet...

As I already said, I'm just curious. Are you ashamed of what you drive?

That would be a good response.
No, it wouldn't. It doesn't consider the cost of the well and its installation.

Do you live in the hills, hillbilly?
No. I live in Wisconsin. It's not very hilly for the most part... There's A LOT of farms and farm land though...

Oh, it also covers ALL MY OTHER ELECTRICITY. I haven't paid an electric bill in YEARS. So it doesn't really matter. This is icing on the cake.
Irrelevant. You still paid for everything associated with the solar unit and to have it installed.

I paid a WHOLE lot less for that than you pay for gasoline in a single month. So, ya know, who cares?
Your special wall charger (the charger itself and the installation of it) costed $100-ish?! Interesting...

Why do you hold forth on topics you have no clue about?
Your issue, not mine.
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Belief is a tricky thing to nail down. Even some of the great scientific theories of history were based on assumptions or beliefs which hadn't been corroborated. Newton based his laws of mechanics on an assumption that time and space are uniform. Einstein based his cosmological constant on the belief that the universe was static and unchanging. The Pythagorean theorem was believed to be universally true until the discovery of non-Euclidean space.

The power of the scientific method though is that it is self correcting, even if we still have to make some unfounded assumptions

:hand: Exactly! Science changes when new evidence is available. Religion generally does not.
Translation: Quincunx is incapable of providing intelligent responses.

I schooled you on the topic of Christianity, and now I'm schooling you on the topic of the Church of Green. I look forward to this!

You haven't even experienced the most expensive part of your vehicle maintenance yet...

As I already said, I'm just curious. Are you ashamed of what you drive?

No, it wouldn't. It doesn't consider the cost of the well and its installation.

No. I live in Wisconsin. It's not very hilly for the most part... There's A LOT of farms and farm land though...

Irrelevant. You still paid for everything associated with the solar unit and to have it installed.

Your special wall charger (the charger itself and the installation of it) costed $100-ish?! Interesting...

Your issue, not mine.

You talk a big game for someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. LOL. But I guess morons gotta moron.
Most atheists pay no attention to other people who presume to speak for them. Besides being able to play golf on Sunday, atheism removes so much crap from your lives. I do not care what others believe, I think it is silly to accept the fabrications of churches. But if it makes you feel better about yourselves, have at it. But what is obvious is the churchgoers certainly do not live their religion. Like Pence. He reeks of hypocrisy. The people on this board who claim to be religious are the nastiest.
Give percentages. That is so ambiguous that it has no meaning.
Agreed. Numbers and facts are better. People who simply spew hatred and emotional appeal are idiots.
:hand: Exactly! Science changes when new evidence is available. Religion generally does not.
Religion is a social group. Like all human society, they evolve. Notice the changes in Catholic and Protestant churches regarding gays.

Martin Luther's Ninety-five Theses is an example of religion evolving.

Unfortunately, like gun banners and socialists on the Left and Trumpian Nazis on the Right, it's the religious extremists who get most of the attention. The majority, not so much.
Really? You're one of those leftist nutcases that ensures he meets his quota of screaming "RACIST!" 1000 times each day for good health?

You're a fucking idiot.

Hey, would you call me a "RACIST!" a few times? Just to go towards your quota, I mean. Just, maybe thirty to forty? It's not like I'm asking for a few hundred.
His quota is 1,000 times... Anything beyond that he receives a commission for.
I love it when you talk to yourself, Sybil. It confirms my analysis that you are a clueless wackadoodle living inside his own little world. A more sad version of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Little Prince's B 612.
Religion is a social group. Like all human society, they evolve. Notice the changes in Catholic and Protestant churches regarding gays.

Martin Luther's Ninety-five Theses is an example of religion evolving.

Unfortunately, like gun banners and socialists on the Left and Trumpian Nazis on the Right, it's the religious extremists who get most of the attention. The majority, not so much.

nothing was ever done about pedo priests.


the church is a big part of techno-feudalism and that's a regressive step backwards.

did you know the catholic church let the ccp change the bibles for distribution in china, to something more palatable to totalitarians?

is that improvement?
You talk a big game for someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. LOL. But I guess morons gotta moron.
Continued evasion of questions asked of you. Have you tipped your king on this topic too?

You're running out of topics to be a fake expert about on this forum...
I don't think I've seen any established liberal poster call for a full ban on all guns.

Obscure posters on JPP have exactly zero influence on writing legislation. I am not aware of any measurable amount of Democratic legislators in Congress who want to ban all guns.

Assault weapon bans and gun regulation are constitutional.

There is no legitimate need for a civilian to have a semi automatic rifle with 30 round ammunition mags. 30 round ammunition mags are a battlefield innovation intended to kill and maim as many humans as possible, and allows an individual to even totally outgun cops armed with their little 9mm pistols.

I have a couple of times. Maybe they were drunk and simply speaking the truth. LOL.

Agreed, but, like RWers, JPP LWers voice the general agenda of their party. Consider the proposed ban on “high capacity magazines” limiting them to 10 rounds. You and I both know that as soon as that is passed, there will be Democrats pushing a 5-round limit since, if limiting magazines to 10-rounds is good, then limiting them to 5-rounds is better. Gun bans/restrictions are stepping stones for Democrats just like all the little stepping stones the Republicans used to ban abortion.

Need? You are saying that the rights of Americans should be based upon “need”. I strongly advise you consider where a fascist Republican President backed by a fascist Republican Congress could use the precedence of “need” when considering the rights of all Americans.

As for outgunning cops; first, that’s why cities have SWAT. Second, and more importantly, isn’t it both humane and advancing human progress to figure out why people would want to shoot cops?

IMO, the solution to gun violence, 2/3s of which are suicides, is not to ban guns but to construct a society where most people don’t feel the need for owning one.
Continued evasion of questions asked of you. Have you tipped your king on this topic too?

You're running out of topics to be a fake expert about on this forum...

Would it be better if he had a fake forum and 2-3 extra fake accounts so he could talk to himself to build credibility?
:hand: Exactly! Science changes when new evidence is available. Religion generally does not.

The experimental method and inductive logic are extremely powerful. The benefit to humanity is immeasurable

I feel like science and religion are asking different questions, so apples and oranges.

Religious creed trends to be static, but religions on the whole are as dynamic and subject to change as other human institutions. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been a Protestant reformation, a Vatican II, or a Catholic reformation.

Saint Augustine famously wrote that the bible has to continually be reinterpreted in light of new knowledge of nature and the world .