If evolution is real why are there still apes?

Then leave us alone.

We do. I know there are a few atheists who get confrontational. Atheism is not a church or an organization. There is no leader and nobody controls them or gives orders. It is not like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
We do. I know there are a few atheists who get confrontational. Atheism is not a church or an organization. There is no leader and nobody controls them or gives orders. It is not like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

You're a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? You must be one of the meat balls...
Explain what I ever did to bother you, infringe on your rights, or when I harassed or harangued you.

I was saying that atheism is more than just a disbelief in gods. That is an inadequate definition because when you cut to the chase, its a rejection of religion wholesale.

"Rejection" implies an action. Atheism is nothing more than an absence of a belief in god(s), in some form of an afterlife, of even a soul.
"Rejection" implies an action. Atheism is nothing more than an absence of a belief in god(s), in some form of an afterlife, of even a soul.

I agree, that's why I don't think unbelief in gods is an adequate definition. Some religions don't have a specific creator god
I agree, that's why I don't think unbelief in gods is an adequate definition. Some religions don't have a specific creator god
Which is why atheists looooove to fluff up their numbers with Buddhists, agnostics and people who believe in an afterlife even if they don’t believe in an old man sitting on a golden throne passing judgement.

Like gun banners, lots of atheists are dishonest….probably because they are the same people. LOL
We do. I know there are a few atheists who get confrontational. Atheism is not a church or an organization. There is no leader and nobody controls them or gives orders. It is not like the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Lots of atheists, mostly the angry, militant ones, follow the Four Horsemen of New Atheism. Specifically Richard Dawkins.

Christopher Hitchens used to be a major figure as one of the Horsemen until he choked out his life from cancer at age 62 from a lifetime of heavy smoking and drinking.
Which is why atheists looooove to fluff up their numbers with Buddhists, agnostics and people who believe in an afterlife even if they don’t believe in an old man sitting on a golden throne passing judgement.

Like gun banners, lots of atheists are dishonest….probably because they are the same people. LOL
I don't know anyone who wants to ban all guns

Kind of like how holy rollers would like to claim Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, and Donald Trumpf as christians. Jefferson and Lincoln were deists, and Trump is an atheist in practice if not in public performance.

Niel de grasse Tyson strikes me as a very principled and honest atheist, and there are undoubtedly many like him.

I think there is a distinction between those who are just angry at Christianity, and those who are principled and detached unbelievers.
Which is why atheists looooove to fluff up their numbers with Buddhists, agnostics and people who believe in an afterlife even if they don’t believe in an old man sitting on a golden throne passing judgement.

Like gun banners, lots of atheists are dishonest….probably because they are the same people. LOL

I am an atheist, and I believe in gun control. Am I dishonest? How?
I don't know anyone who wants to ban all guns

Kind of like how holy rollers would like to claim Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, and Donald Trumpf as christians. Jefferson and Lincoln were deists, and Trump is an atheist in practice if not in public performance.

Niel de grasse Tyson strikes me as a very principled and honest atheist, and there are undoubtedly many like him.

I think there is a distinction between those who are just angry at Christianity, and those who are principled and detached unbelievers.

There are lots on JPP. Politically, it would be impossible to completely ban guns in one fell swoop. Ergo, it must be done in steps. This is why I like asking the question about Obama’s 2013 Gun Control bill. It’s obviously a first step.

Agreed on deists. I lean that way too: a watchmaker God.

I like Dr. Tyson. Sure, sometimes he’s a little arrogant, but he really gets the message of science out to the public. His testimony to the Science committee still brings tears to my eyes. IMO, the 25 minute testimony goes quickly:

Fair enough. I do agree there are active atheists and passive atheists. I fall into the latter category.
Agreed, just like the religious or political. People have a tendency to only focus on the active (in your face) and forget that the majority are passive (minding their own business).
There are lots on JPP. Politically, it would be impossible to completely ban guns in one fell swoop. Ergo, it must be done in steps. This is why I like asking the question about Obama’s 2013 Gun Control bill. It’s obviously a first step.

Agreed on deists. I lean that way too: a watchmaker God.

I like Dr. Tyson. Sure, sometimes he’s a little arrogant, but he really gets the message of science out to the public. His testimony to the Science committee still brings tears to my eyes. IMO, the 25 minute testimony goes quickly:

I don't think I've seen any established liberal poster call for a full ban on all guns.

Obscure posters on JPP have exactly zero influence on writing legislation. I am not aware of any measurable amount of Democratic legislators in Congress who want to ban all guns.

Assault weapon bans and gun regulation are constitutional.

There is no legitimate need for a civilian to have a semi automatic rifle with 30 round ammunition mags. 30 round ammunition mags are a battlefield innovation intended to kill and maim as many humans as possible, and allows an individual to even totally outgun cops armed with their little 9mm pistols.
I agree, that's why I don't think unbelief in gods is an adequate definition. Some religions don't have a specific creator god

True. From discussions with the atheists in our family, it's the absence of a belief in the supernatural, which they define as deities, spirits, ghosts, souls, Heaven, Hell, nirvana, reincarnation, and so on. The reason: No evidence for any of these things.
Fair enough. I do agree there are active atheists and passive atheists. I fall into the latter category.

The vast majority of atheists fall into the passive category as well. That's one reason why it's puzzling to me that religionists get so upset about atheists. Very few are outspoken and/or militant about it.
True. From discussions with the atheists in our family, it's the absence of a belief in the supernatural, which they define as deities, spirits, ghosts, souls, Heaven, Hell, nirvana, reincarnation, and so on. The reason: No evidence for any of these things.

Belief is a tricky thing to nail down. Even some of the great scientific theories of history were based on assumptions or beliefs which hadn't been corroborated. Newton based his laws of mechanics on an assumption that time and space are uniform. Einstein based his cosmological constant on the belief that the universe was static and unchanging. The Pythagorean theorem was believed to be universally true until the discovery of non-Euclidean space.

The power of the scientific method though is that it is self correcting, even if we still have to make some unfounded assumptions.
Really? You're one of those leftist nutcases that ensures he meets his quota of screaming "RACIST!" 1000 times each day for good health?

You're a fucking idiot.

Hey, would you call me a "RACIST!" a few times? Just to go towards your quota, I mean. Just, maybe thirty to forty? It's not like I'm asking for a few hundred.
His quota is 1,000 times... Anything beyond that he receives a commission for.
I fail to understand why the Right seems to HATE (hate hate hate hate hate) EV's.
Who is "the Right"? Would you consider me as part of "the Right"? I don't hate EV's at all, and actually find that they do have a number of practical/sensible uses. E.g., They make a great commuter vehicle for anyone living in/near a big city who doesn't go that far away from the big city very often.

What I HATE (hate hate hate hate hate) is the leftist libtard communist position of forcing EVERYONEEEEE to make use of EV's in the name of "thettled kymate thienth", whether or not EV's happen to be practical/sensible for one's given uses for one's vehicles. E.g., a lawn care business hauling mowers/tractors/other equipment via pulling a trailer to various locations on a daily basis.

I get it that they may not want to buy one,
... and I don't.

but to act like EV's are somehow an affront to their lives is beyond the pale.
Once again, a leftist communist libtard being dishonest... Nothing new here.. move along, move along...

For those with the ability to reason, the problem is NOT EVs themselves, but the FORCING/CAJOLING of EVs onto people who don't wish to utilize them, all in the name of the completely nonsensical 'Climate Change' religion.

Is it because they fear that one day EV's will be the only choice? That's a waaaaays off.
Why are you anti-choice? Do you fear that EV's can't compete with ICE's in a free market?

Besides: who wants to own a car that requires MORE maintenance?
I don't. That's why I own ICE vehicles. Much cheaper maintenance too.
Lots of atheists, mostly the angry, militant ones, follow the Four Horsemen of New Atheism. Specifically Richard Dawkins.

Christopher Hitchens used to be a major figure as one of the Horsemen until he choked out his life from cancer at age 62 from a lifetime of heavy smoking and drinking.

Most atheists pay no attention to other people who presume to speak for them. Besides being able to play golf on Sunday, atheism removes so much crap from your lives. I do not care what others believe, I think it is silly to accept the fabrications of churches. But if it makes you feel better about yourselves, have at it. But what is obvious is the churchgoers certainly do not live their religion. Like Pence. He reeks of hypocrisy. The people on this board who claim to be religious are the nastiest.