If evolution is real why are there still apes?

You are heading that way. Be careful.

IMO, he’s already there. What sane person posts a manifesto online and uses three socks to push it onto others?

Someone like this?:

I didn’t claim evolution wasn’t real I said there are many holes in the theory that science glossed over.

In order to claim something as fact it should be completely explainable and evolution isn’t

This shows how little you understand of science. They do not declare things as facts. They are open-minded and accept new evidence as it comes. If it impacts a theory or scientific knowledge, they change the theory. Saying many holes they gloss over assumes that is deliberate and that it is true there are many holes. What are these holes you see? You have so much to teach science.
Lots of"religious" people use it for their advantage or as an excuse. Trump is a prime example. He does not have a concept of god or religion but uses it to fool followers into voting for him.
I do not see religious people as being better people than non-believers.

yes but you're morally lost. you think population reduction goals and mass murder are virtuous.
So you are unfamiliar with the evangelicals? The border is exactly as it was during Trump. Same walls, with more agents and even some military troops, added. Trump has businesses all over the world is not a globalist. Biden has none and is one. Your self-delusion is impressive.

Just what the fuck do Evangelicals have to do with Biden's open borders?
Make a Pedo Don joke to see how many Alt-Righty nutjobs lack a sense of humor too. LOL
There's no such thing as "Alt-Right" Terry. It's a hoax created by the DNC and perpetuated by the male nurses who sponge-bath you. There's no Qanon either. Both hoaxes were created to mindfuck and manipulate the weak-minded like a Jedi mind trick.

Look, you have enough to worry about, especially keeping your feeding tube in place. Just focus on that.
Trump is a prime example. He does not have a concept of god or religion but uses it to fool followers into voting for him.
I do not see religious people as being better people than non-believers.
Trump does not meet the criteria you specify. Your statements are false. You just pulled the rug out from under yourself.

Fortunately, you get unlimited do-overs. Avail yourself.
Just what the fuck do Evangelicals have to do with Biden's open borders?

There are no open borders. The same walls are there. Biden has arrested the most people coming in ever. He has assigned 1500 troops to the border. You re wrong and stay wrong.
They have nothing to do with it. Office holders are duty bound to enforce the law...Biden and his crew have failed to do so. If we want to hang them we're justified.

That simply is not true. The border is safer than when Trumpy was lying about it.
There are no open borders. The same walls are there. Biden has arrested the most people coming in ever. He has assigned 1500 troops to the border. You re wrong and stay wrong.

Ask any border control agent if the borders are open...