If evolution is teh realz then why is not it happeningg nows?

the·o·ry Listen to the pronunciation of theory
\ˈthē-ə-rē, ˈthir-ē\
Inflected Form(s):
plural the·o·ries
Late Latin theoria, from Greek theōria, from theōrein

1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
2: abstract thought : speculation
3: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>
4 a: a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn> b: an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory<in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all>
5: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>
6 a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : conjecture c: a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations>
Now look up Scientific Theory and see if you get a different definition. If you are honest you will.

Start here:

It is far closer to a "proven fact" than it is to a "guess". You are confusing the words "theory" and "hypothesis".

Nonsense. It is either a proven fact or it isn't, there is no such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. I am not confusing anything, a "hypothesis" is the basis for a "theory" and neither are proven facts.

Stop spewing idiocy all over my computer screen!
Now look up Scientific Theory and see if you get a different definition. If you are honest you will.

Start here:


I have no problem with believing the "theory" of evolution, nor do I see any conflict with my believing in a Supreme Being or God if I choose to do so....

What I have a problem with is closed-mined people that insist a theory is a fact....it isn't and thats that.....

Changing the definitions of words to suit you beliefs is the mark of a hack...be that a political hack or a scientific hack.....

A preponderance of evidence supports the theory, but it doesn't prove it to the absolute exclusion of all other explanations....
Nonsense. It is either a proven fact or it isn't, there is no such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. I am not confusing anything, a "hypothesis" is the basis for a "theory" and neither are proven facts.

Stop spewing idiocy all over my computer screen!

The above is blatantly dishonest. Yes, there is such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. It's as proven as any theory can be.

That's almost as dishonest as when you said ID is as plausible as any other explanation out there.
The above is blatantly dishonest. Yes, there is such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. It's as proven as any theory can be.

That's almost as dishonest as when you said ID is as plausible as any other explanation out there.

If you throw 5000 people from a 50 foot building and every one of them gets killed, does that become absolute proof that EVERY time you fall from a 50 building you will get killed....is that close enough for you....you can't have any reasonable doubt that your conclusion is wrong...

Its you that is blatantly dishonest.....1+1=2....thats a FACT...it cannot be anything else, ever.....two hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom combine to create water.....thats a fact, it will never be anything else....

the possibility that all life, in its almost infinite diversity, evolved from one cell over time is a possibility, a theory, alas,.....an educated guess
If you throw 5000 people from a 50 foot building and every one of them gets killed, does that become absolute proof that EVERY time you fall from a 50 building you will get killed....is that close enough for you....you can't have any reasonable doubt that your conclusion is wrong...

No, it's not proof that the 5001th person I toss off is going to die. It is, however, pretty strong evidence used to make a pretty solid prediction... which is what science does. It is not a fact or proof, however.

Its you that is blatantly dishonest.....1+1=2....thats a FACT...it cannot be anything else, ever.....



two hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom combine to create water.....thats a fact, it will never be anything else....


The above is blatantly dishonest. Yes, there is such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. It's as proven as any theory can be.

That's almost as dishonest as when you said ID is as plausible as any other explanation out there.

No, you are an absolute idiot. There is no such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. Something either IS a proven fact or IS NOT a proven fact, simple as that. If it is "close to" a proven fact, then it is NOT a proven fact, and "close to" is only a subjective opinion. It is also "close to" a complete guess, in that regard.

There is nothing "dishonest" about the point that ID is as plausible as any other explanation. Again, the origin of life is undetermined, so one 'theory' is as 'plausible' as another, they are all subject to opinion. Your problem is, you want to believe ID has been disproved or some other scientific theory is "proven fact" when it's not. This makes your idiocy absolute.
No, you are an absolute idiot. There is no such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. Something either IS a proven fact or IS NOT a proven fact, simple as that. If it is "close to" a proven fact, then it is NOT a proven fact, and "close to" is only a subjective opinion. It is also "close to" a complete guess, in that regard.

There is nothing "dishonest" about the point that ID is as plausible as any other explanation. Again, the origin of life is undetermined, so one 'theory' is as 'plausible' as another, they are all subject to opinion. Your problem is, you want to believe ID has been disproved or some other scientific theory is "proven fact" when it's not. This makes your idiocy absolute.

Considering one theory is tested over and over and verified through multiple disciplines of science and the other "theory" isn't testable and was characterized by yourself in this same thread as human beings maybe being designed by space aliens, one is certainly more plausible than the other. One is totally nuts and the other has been tested scientifically.
It's funny to hear you guys argue this and both sides fuck it up. Theory is not just a guess. It's testable and it has been put to tests. But there are also facts.

Drop an apple on earth and it will fall to the ground. That's a fact. Why/how it happens, that's the theory of gravity.

We evolved from some type of ape. That's a fact. How it all happened, that's the theory or theories of evolution.

ID is not science. It is not a theory. It is not testable and is not based on any observable facts. It is religion.
Considering one theory is tested over and over and verified through multiple disciplines of science and the other "theory" isn't testable and was characterized by yourself in this same thread as human beings maybe being designed by space aliens, one is certainly more plausible than the other. One is totally nuts and the other has been tested scientifically.

No, I am sorry, the theory that all life evolved from a single cell, has never been replicated and can't be tested to my knowledge. In fact, there isn't even a consensus theory about that. I posted the list of various theories involved with Abiogenesis, none have ever been "tested" or "proven" and all are THEORY.

I proposed that the ID argument doesn't necessarily or automatically mean "religious God" was the Intelligent Designer. My example is valid, and to my knowledge, has never been disproved. Therefore, it is a possibility, and a basic understanding of science and physics will easily support an opinion that extraterrestrial life most certainly exists somewhere in our universe. Your "theory" is no more or less "plausible" than mine, you simply have a different opinion, and that is fine. It doesn't make something a FACT that isn't a FACT!
I proposed that the ID argument doesn't necessarily or automatically mean "religious God" was the Intelligent Designer. My example is valid, and to my knowledge, has never been disproved. Therefore, it is a possibility, and a basic understanding of science and physics will easily support an opinion that extraterrestrial life most certainly exists somewhere in our universe. Your "theory" is no more or less "plausible" than mine, you simply have a different opinion, and that is fine. It doesn't make something a FACT that isn't a FACT!

It is not falsifiable. It is not science.

"By creation we mean the bringing into being by a supernatural Creator of the basic kinds of plants and animals by the process of sudden, or fiat, creation. We do not know how the Creator created, what process He used, for He used processes which are not now operating anywhere in the natural universe. This is why we refer to creation as special creation. We cannot discover by scientific investigations anything about the creative processes used by the Creator."

Duane Gish - The Fossils Say No!
Gravitational Theory predicts that the Earth orbits around the sun, and that the moon orbits around the Earth.

But of course, we can't really ever know this, because its just a "Theory".

My god, you're all idiots. Idiots.
Nonsense. It is either a proven fact or it isn't, there is no such thing as being "close to" a proven fact. I am not confusing anything, a "hypothesis" is the basis for a "theory" and neither are proven facts.

Stop spewing idiocy all over my computer screen!

Did you read what I posted? Did you even glance at the definitions for the wordsyou are spewing?

Let me help you again.

"Hypothesis: This is an educated guess based upon observation. It is a rational explanation of a single event or phenomenon based upon what is observed, but which has not been proved. Most hypotheses can be supported or refuted by experimentation or continued observation.

Theory: A theory is more like a scientific law than a hypothesis. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers. One scientist cannot create a theory; he can only create a hypothesis."

A hypothesis is an educated guess based on observations.

Check what the definition of "theory" is again. After all these many years, the Theory of Evolution has not been disproven. In fact, there has been more documentation added to verifications.

Given the nature of what a theory is, and the subject of this particular theory, proving it as a "fact" is impossible. However, it is the only explanation that fits the scientific model.

ID does not, and never has, fit the scientific model. Therefore, it should never be taught in science class.

What you want to believe is up to you. But to claim that ID is science or that the theory of evolution is just a guess is being completely dishonest.

And Dixie, having graduated from a good university, I would think you (at least) would be capable of the rational thought necessary to see what I have said is true.

Evolution can be tested as can theories of evolution. You can test it against the fossil record. If you could produce a static record you will have falsified evolution and all theories about it. You can test it against DNA. You could show a drastic difference between the DNA of other apes and humans, you would be able to falsify the idea that both evolved from a common ancestor. You could do some intelligent (in your case I use the term loosely) design.

The fact that reality won't let you falsify evolution does not mean it is not falsifiable or testable.
Given the nature of what a theory is, and the subject of this particular theory, proving it as a "fact" is impossible. However, it is the only explanation that fits the scientific model.

It is a fact. Apples will not detach from their branches tomorrow and float away from the earth in a way that falsifies gravity. Likewise, Dixie won't create a being tomorrow or do anything else to disprove evolution.
It is a fact. Apples will not detach from their branches tomorrow and float away from the earth in a way that falsifies gravity. Likewise, Dixie won't create a being tomorrow or do anything else to disprove evolution.

When I say it is not a fact, I am not calling it into question. I am using the scientific terminology. And since it cannot be proven (indeed nothing in science can be proven), calling it a fact would be a misnomer.
You guys feed retards like Dixie with your pansy ass, there are no facts/certainty only theories, bs. 1+1=2 is not a theory. It is not only a fact, it's a fucking tautology.
You guys feed retards like Dixie with your pansy ass, there are no facts/certainty only theories, bs. 1+1=2 is not a theory. It is not only a fact, it's a fucking tautology.

You want to make this about macho nonsense, go ahead.

The topic was about a scientific theory. And if you will look up the definition of "fact", and compare it to what a true scientific theory is, you will see we are not pansying about anything.

The overall theory of evolution cannot be proven to be a fact. You may believe it is true. But that does not make it a fact.

1+1=2 is simple math and is factual. Because you know all the variables, you can say it is a fact. But considering the vast number of variables in the theory of evolution, that is a completely different matter. The theory itself has been tweaked numerous times. None of those tweakings have been major, but they were just as sure it was true before that.
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