If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.
Why do Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Monty Python's Flying Circus exist?

Also, how long can we anticipate the timetable of your getting banned?
Why do Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Monty Python's Flying Circus exist?

Also, how long can we anticipate the timetable of your getting banned?

also can u actually respond to the post ?
why do u think racism is so common if it makes no sense ?
maybe people like u cannot accept the realities of the world that races are different on average in some areas? hmm
If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.

YOU make no sense...but I am guessing that you exist.

WAR makes no sense...but it exists.

Gnats make no sense...but they exist.

American conservatism MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER...yet it exists.

What I am saying here is...lots of stuff that makes no sense...exists.

In light of that...your question does not make much sense. (But it exists...right there at the top of the page.)

Racism exists because everyone knows blacks are mentally inferior. The evidence is overwhelming

1. Black-americans come in last in all standardized tests. Asian-americans do fine on all the tests so it's not due to cultural bias in the tests.

2. Africa is by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades so it's not due to racism.

3. No black has ever won a Science Nobel Prize unless you count one in 1979 for the semi-science of economics. They have won many nobels in non-brain fields like Peace and also in Literature so it is not due to racism.

4. Out of 1552 chess grandmasters in the world, only THREE are black.
Why does the average white supremacist have below average intelligence and a criminal background?

But there are no human subspecies.

Now there I disagree.
Evolution is an ongoing process- even for those dumbasses that don't believe in it.

It also accelerates- imo- according to the natural need for such acceleration- and that time is Now.
Thus we have more highly evolved people co-existing with humans of more retarded development.

This forum provides a decent social laboratory in itself.
I can point out to you several evolutionary failures amongst its membership whom I'm happy to classify as a sub-species .
I don't really need to though- as they are just as evident to you, I'm sure.
Also i was thinking.. No other animal or plant species intermixes with sub species .. so pretty not natural in general also prob.

As is the case with all general statements, the "mixing" thing is simply not true. I'm white; two of my g-kids are mixed. They're beautiful, highly intelligent, funny, kind, and great kids.

Racism is not entirely an innate trait. It is learned. Some ppl are more fearful than others of those who appear to be different. That fear is the basis for racism.

No, the thread is stupid and you probably know it. Or for your sake, I hope you do. First, what do you mean by "makes sense."
THat we can identify the nature of what it is? Or that it is a behavior of evolutionary advantage? To the whole of humanity of just those who adhere to it? The in groups, or the out groups?
The reader must infer if accepting your argument at face value many stupid things; that all abstractions and thoughts that exist are valid, that existence of a thing implies inherent moral worth, and
that existence of a thing if a natural phenomenon is evolutionarily advantageous. The final thought is the only one even remotely worthy of consideration, but only as a matter of anthropology.
It's recursive at best. But as with the rest here I'm banking your thread isn't intellectual but is motivated by ugliness and trolling.
If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.

Xenophobia is an inherited behavior and has propagated over generations of evolution. It's an instinct that many would argue has outlived its function but for most of human history, xenophobia (fear of those who are different) was a vital tool for survival. We lived in tribes and clans which, if not otherwise distinctive, adopted unique styles of dress and behavior that allowed those units to distinguish one (mine) from another (yours). These contrived differences enabled individuals to discern potential threats. And since the relations between groups often were predator/prey, it was a vital distinction to make.
As with all other instincts, it can be countered only after it is recognized for what it is and neither denied not demonized, but rather thought through and overcome with rationalism and willful changes in behavior. We must realize, too, that in many parts of the world today, life remains very hazardous in this regard and that fear itself is essential to survival.
It is not irrational to fear being run over while crossing a city street, but it almost certainly is irrational to fear being struck by a bus in your living room. The key discernment is whether my apprehensions have any reasonable basis in reality - in genuine threat. If not, only a consistent adjustment in thinking (a process which may entail seeking help and guidance from others) can deliver me from the grip of baseless fear.
Xenophobia is not racism - the latter is a rationalization of the former. But where fear of the different has become more of a hindrance than a help in human society and may itself lessen chances of survival, it must be supplanted with openness and tolerance through changes in attitude and behavior.
Now there I disagree.
Evolution is an ongoing process- even for those dumbasses that don't believe in it.

It also accelerates- imo- according to the natural need for such acceleration- and that time is Now.
Thus we have more highly evolved people co-existing with humans of more retarded development.

This forum provides a decent social laboratory in itself.
I can point out to you several evolutionary failures amongst its membership whom I'm happy to classify as a sub-species .
I don't really need to though- as they are just as evident to you, I'm sure.

How utterly racist of you lol.

The theory itself, is quite amenable to racism. As you so ably demonstrated.
If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.

Your comment (bolded) above is what doesn't make sense. Racism isn't a perceived difference in races or ethnicities. It's acting on these perceived differences in irrational and unjustifiable ways. One hundred years ago, many ethnic groups (African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Irish, Italians, Asians) were treated unfairly because of racism. Did that make sense? Isn't life better in America now that Americans accept ALL ethnic groups and accept that no ethnic group is better or lesser than others?
Racism was an unfortunate result of xenophobia, the inherited behavior to reject anybody who doesn't look or act like you. It's a behavior that our early ancestors used to survive. But, in the last 100 years, because of technological advances, humanity has become more heterogenous throughout the world. But, for some, our behavioral instincts still supersedes logic and tolerance. Think of what America looked like 100 years ago. It was basically a white man's world. Women couldn't vote. African-Americans were segregated in society. Fifty years ago, thanks to many civil rights laws, segregation gradually dissipated. And look at the results. We see African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians as doctors, engineers, scientists, Presidents. They have proven that they can do anything if given a fair chance and opportunity. This makes America stronger and a more benevolent and altruistic society. America stands for a place where All Are Created Equal and all Americans are treated fairly and with compassion and tolerance. Racism is just, plain un-American. There's no other way to say it.
Now there I disagree.
Evolution is an ongoing process- even for those dumbasses that don't believe in it.

It also accelerates- imo- according to the natural need for such acceleration- and that time is Now.
Thus we have more highly evolved people co-existing with humans of more retarded development.

This forum provides a decent social laboratory in itself.
I can point out to you several evolutionary failures amongst its membership whom I'm happy to classify as a sub-species .
I don't really need to though- as they are just as evident to you, I'm sure.

Yeah, I can do that as well.

I hereby classify you as a sub-species. Have a good day.

And look at the results. We see African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians as doctors, engineers, scientists, Presidents. They have proven that they can do anything if given a fair chance and opportunity.

HAHAHA. Have you ever told the truth in your miserable life?. Of course SOME BLACKS become engineers and scientists just like some people are 7 feet tall. But very very few. 95% of american black adults are on welfare or have a useless job they got thru affirmative action.
Also i was thinking.. No other animal or plant species intermixes with sub species .. so pretty not natural in general also prob.

you are not only a racist you are an uneducated idiot

Your infantile brain is why racism exists

stupid people like you believe your stupid uneducated parents

now realize that racists like you are more hated than any other group of people on this planet


racists are the most hated people

NOT black or brown people
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