If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.

It exists because humans are not a fully evolved species.

That's the good news.
As long as American conservatism exists...

...racism will exist.

If racism exists...racists HAVE to exist.

It is a law of nature.
Racism ? I don't think that's applicable to an intelligence gap.
No- morons come in all creeds and colors. Nothing racist about identifying morons.

But you mentioned one group of humans being ‘more highly evolved’ [your group, of course lol] than some others.

That’s evolution AND it’s racist.
bite a dead mules penis you evil fucking racist scum

the world hates racists more than any other group of humans
Sadly that is not even remotely true, most of the world is xenophobic and wary of different cultures and ethnicities. If you ever travelled to India, China or the Middle East you would know that.

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That's a nice logical fallacy you've got there.

TDAK is a racist moron. TDAK supports Fox and the current Republican party. Therefore anyone who supports Fox and the current Republican party is a racist moron...

Do you see how dumb that is?
Don't be ridiculous, she has absolutely no sense of self awareness.

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If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.

Racism is a white people problem they need to solve.

They used it to build this country and steal all the wealth and power.

They have used that wealth and power to convince other Americans that Blacks are the cause of their poor lots in life.

When white people can admit they benefit from racism, then and only then we can start to move forward.

Racist white men have been in charge of this country for over 400 years........how the fuck can you blame racism on anyone or anything else?

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

Will white people ever fix their racism problem, or will they continue to let it flourish because they benefit from it?
nearly half of the white population already agree with you TQ

the other half watch fox news

its a propaganda problem

that was created by wealthy right wing white men mostly

kill fox news and racism will be nearly dead
nearly half of the white population already agree with you TQ

the other half watch fox news

its a propaganda problem

that was created by wealthy right wing white men mostly

kill fox news and racism will be nearly dead

"nearly half" isn't enough.

This problem existed way before Fox Noise even started.
"nearly half" isn't enough.

This problem existed way before Fox Noise even started.

yes I agree

the reason it is still socially acceptable to some is FOX NEWS

there are people I know who have become more racist due to fox news existing

Fox makes them feel emboldened

Fox must die for this country to heal