If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

yes I agree

the reason it is still socially acceptable to some is FOX NEWS

there are people I know who have become more racist due to fox news existing

Fox makes them feel emboldened

Fox must die for this country to heal

Fair enough. But, you have to see it from a Black perspective. When whites have never treated you equally and consistently discriminated against you because of the color of your skin, even more now, it's hard to see "half of the white population" as being non-racist.

My 11 yr old granddaughter was humiliated at the store across the street from her house (which she frequents with her mom), because the store clerk, a white man, accused her of stealing. He was adamant, and so sure it was her. He attacked her, cursed her, told her to never come back to the store. After demanding to see the tape, it was a white girl who did the stealing, my granddaughter wasn't even in the store that day or any other day that week, with or without her mom.

How do you think my GD feels? How do you think that affects her? How can she say oh it's just that one white man, all whites are not like that? she was traumatized.

I get it. We both would like to believe that most whites aren't racist, but until you walk in a Black person's shoes, it's hard to make that statement.

Racism is just as nasty and ugly today as it's always been. It's just more out in the open now.
Fair enough. But, you have to see it from a Black perspective. When whites have never treated you equally and consistently discriminated against you because of the color of your skin, even more now, it's hard to see "half of the white population" as being non-racist.

My 11 yr old granddaughter was humiliated at the store across the street from her house (which she frequents with her mom), because the store clerk, a white man, accused her of stealing. He was adamant, and so sure it was her. He attacked her, cursed her, told her to never come back to the store. After demanding to see the tape, it was a white girl who did the stealing, my granddaughter wasn't even in the store that day or any other day that week, with or without her mom.

How do you think my GD feels? How do you think that affects her? How can she say oh it's just that one white man, all whites are not like that? she was traumatized.

I get it. We both would like to believe that most whites aren't racist, but until you walk in a Black person's shoes, it's hard to make that statement.

Racism is just as nasty and ugly today as it's always been. It's just more out in the open now.

that man is evil

please tell your grand daughter not all of us white people are bad and want to harm her

what did he do after the tape was viewed ?

did he apologize to her in any way?
that man is evil

please tell your grand daughter not all of us white people are bad and want to harm her

what did he do after the tape was viewed ?

did he apologize to her in any way?

He wasn't there when the tape was viewed. The manager however, gave every right wing racist excuse why she was accused. He said "maybe" she was outside and he was confused, "maybe" she looked like the girl who was in here before stealing, ""maybe" he didn't recognize her, "maybe" she was alone and didn't have any money..........every excuse but he's a racist who profiled her because she's Black.

My daughter has now taken it to the corporate office.

I have told my granddaughter the truth. You will be profiled your entire life by white people.

And of course I tell her don't trust anyone. Respect is earned, not automatically given.
He wasn't there when the tape was viewed. The manager however, gave every right wing racist excuse why she was accused. He said "maybe" she was outside and he was confused, "maybe" she looked like the girl who was in here before stealing, ""maybe" he didn't recognize her, "maybe" she was alone and didn't have any money..........every excuse but he's a racist who profiled her because she's Black.

My daughter has now taken it to the corporate office.

I have told my granddaughter the truth. You will be profiled your entire life by white people.

And of course I tell her don't trust anyone. Respect is earned, not automatically given.
Brilliant, so you want to pass your narrow prejudices and hate to a new generation. You are just racist scum!!

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Brilliant, so you want to pass your narrow prejudices and hate to a new generation. You are just racist scum!!

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I'm only doing what your fuckup ancestors do. You mofo teach hate, I teach mine to be aware of mofo like you.
He wasn't there when the tape was viewed. The manager however, gave every right wing racist excuse why she was accused. He said "maybe" she was outside and he was confused, "maybe" she looked like the girl who was in here before stealing, ""maybe" he didn't recognize her, "maybe" she was alone and didn't have any money..........every excuse but he's a racist who profiled her because she's Black.

My daughter has now taken it to the corporate office.

I have told my granddaughter the truth. You will be profiled your entire life by white people.

And of course I tell her don't trust anyone. Respect is earned, not automatically given.

it wont just be white people profiling her

please tell her I do exist

please tell her I would never treat her like that

or any other child of any color for that matter

and tell her there will be white people she will find that will earn her respect

I wish to hell I could give those assholes a piece of my mind

san diego is kinda racist

its the wealthy assholes from back east who brought their racism with them over the decades

otherwise its an awesome place
I'm only doing what your fuckup ancestors do. You mofo teach hate, I teach mine to be aware of mofo like you.

yeap its not teaching hate

its teaching self protection

Like teaching your little girl that men will prey on them if they are not careful

a girl child is not safe in a world full of men
I'm only doing what your fuckup ancestors do. You mofo teach hate, I teach mine to be aware of mofo like you.
You're a nasty evil witch who just loves to spread poison and hate, no wonder the US is so fucked up.

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it wont just be white people profiling her

please tell her I do exist

please tell her I would never treat her like that

or any other child of any color for that matter

and tell her there will be white people she will find that will earn her respect

I wish to hell I could give those assholes a piece of my mind

san diego
otherwise its an awesome place

The majority of people who will profile her will be white, ones who control every thing.

She will be very well prepared for this cruel, cruel US of A!
You're a nasty evil witch who just loves to spread poison and hate, no wonder the US is so fucked up.

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The racist white man who profiled her looks just like you.

I teach her to stay away from men who look and think like you.

You're kind has been in charge of this country for over 400 years and we see how that turned out.
The majority of people who will profile her will be white, ones who control every thing.

She will be very well prepared for this cruel, cruel US of A!

and hopefully she will also be equipped to help all of us who know what is morally correct end this idiot infection of the brain

tell her most people are mostly good ( no matter their color )

that a few are like saints

and that some are evil ( complete rat bastards )

that to never make an enemy where she can instead have a friend

I completely understand needing to prepare her to keep herself safe

help her make the observations about life that gain her and not hold her back

we can never give trust without cause and be fully safe

but we can never be fully safe without giving trust with cause
and hopefully she will also be equipped to help all of us who know what is morally correct end this idiot infection of the brain

tell her most people are mostly good ( no matter their color )

that a few are like saints

and that some are evil ( complete rat bastards )

that to never make an enemy where she can instead have a friend

I completely understand needing to prepare her to keep herself safe

help her make the observations about life that gain her and not hold her back

we can never give trust without cause and be fully safe

but we can never be fully safe without giving trust with cause

Have you ever heard of Black parents giving their kids the talk?

If so, do you know why that is?
The racist white man who profiled her looks just like you.

I teach her to stay away from men who look and think like you.

You're kind has been in charge of this country for over 400 years and we see how that turned out.
Yeah I am so racist, yet I have a Thai wife and a Vietnamese daughter-in-law. The US will never change whilst people like you spread poison to a new generation.

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Have you ever heard of Black parents giving their kids the talk?

If so, do you know why that is?

only in a second hand way of course

and its completely understandable

they have to live to help change the mess

there are white people who wish them dead for merely breathing

which is why racists are the most hated people on the planet
Yeah I am so racist, yet I have a Thai wife and a Vietnamese daughter-in-law. The US will never change whilst people like you spread poison to a new generation.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

then don't say racist things if you don't want to be labled a racist

I know married men who hate all women

so you have no real point there dude
she is not racist idiot

why do you give alex jones and infowars a pass when they say DEAD BABIES never even lived