If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

HAHAHA. Have you ever told the truth in your miserable life?. Of course SOME BLACKS become engineers and scientists just like some people are 7 feet tall. But very very few. 95% of american black adults are on welfare or have a useless job they got thru affirmative action.
bite a dead mules penis you evil fucking racist scum

the world hates racists more than any other group of humans
Many posters in this thread apparently do not understand what is meant by the biological term sub species. Sub species does not in any way denote inferiority. It is simply a further classification.

In*biological classification, the term*subspecies*refers to a unity of populations of a*species*living in a subdivision of the species’s global range and varies from other populations of the same species by*morphological*characteristics.

Sub species certainly can and do interbreed in nature, because they are the same species.
If racism makes no sense at all then why is Racism so common I ask you?
For example most people will say they are not racist but when it comes to their kids mixing etc thats a big no for most people etc.

I mean things that dont make any sense at all DOES NOT EXIST in large numbers but Racism is common and does exist in large numbers even though most people wont say it.

I think it exists because of the big differences in such areas as crime rates, test scores, differences in how we look and parents want kids that look like themselves and so do their grandparents etc.

My opinion on this.

You're missing about 90% of the conversation, 60,000 (or 200,000, depending on which point one uses for reference) years of adaption, science and LOGIC. Why am I not surprised? Your ignorance of even positing the question proves you will NEVER understand it.
and he supports fox and the current republican party


That's a nice logical fallacy you've got there.

TDAK is a racist moron. TDAK supports Fox and the current Republican party. Therefore anyone who supports Fox and the current Republican party is a racist moron...

Do you see how dumb that is?
That's a nice logical fallacy you've got there.

TDAK is a racist moron. TDAK supports Fox and the current Republican party. Therefore anyone who supports Fox and the current Republican party is a racist moron...

Do you see how dumb that is?

because fox and the republican party supports racism
you are not only a racist you are an uneducated idiot

Your infantile brain is why racism exists

stupid people like you believe your stupid uneducated parents

now realize that racists like you are more hated than any othger griup of people on this planet


racists are the most hated people

NOT black or brown people

He is a regular lefty here.

Fox News' legal troubles grew even larger Tuesday, with new plaintiffs, including an anchor, joining a suit alleging racial discrimination and harassment at the network.
The suit is now headlined by Kelly Wright, a black reporter and anchor who has been with Fox News since 2003. Wright claims that he "has been effectively sidelined and asked to perform the role of a 'Jim Crow' -- the racist caricature of a Black entertainer."

Wright's allegations involve, among others, recently fired Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and current network co-president Bill Shine.
The suit claims that Wright was shunned from O'Reilly's now-canceled program, "The O'Reilly Factor," and that Shine "has demonstrated an obsession with race when it comes to discussions with Mr. Wright, including regularly asking him, 'how do Black people react to you' and 'how do you think White viewers look at you?'"
In one alleged example, Wright claims that he was rebuffed in his efforts to show a series of positive stories about the African-American community on the "Factor" because, according to the complaint, "it showed Blacks in 'too positive' a light."

Wright is one of 13 plaintiffs, all people of color who are either current or former Fox News employees, to sue the network in the last month charging racial discrimination.
The litigation began last month, when two black women filed a lawsuit saying they faced "top-down racial harassment" from Judith Slater, Fox's now-former comptroller.
The two plaintiffs, Tichaona Brown and Tabrese Wright, accused Slater of making a number of racially insensitive remarks.
You just completely made that up. :palm:

Of course he did. He has to make shit up to justify his racism. How sad is that. I think he's just jealous and frustrated that there are millions of African-Americans that are smarter, better-educated and more financially successful than he is.
Do what I did and put the scumbag on IGNORE.
One less un-American racist to deal with.

Fox News' legal troubles grew even larger Tuesday, with new plaintiffs, including an anchor, joining a suit alleging racial discrimination and harassment at the network.
The suit is now headlined by Kelly Wright, a black reporter and anchor who has been with Fox News since 2003. Wright claims that he "has been effectively sidelined and asked to perform the role of a 'Jim Crow' -- the racist caricature of a Black entertainer."

Wright's allegations involve, among others, recently fired Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and current network co-president Bill Shine.
The suit claims that Wright was shunned from O'Reilly's now-canceled program, "The O'Reilly Factor," and that Shine "has demonstrated an obsession with race when it comes to discussions with Mr. Wright, including regularly asking him, 'how do Black people react to you' and 'how do you think White viewers look at you?'"
In one alleged example, Wright claims that he was rebuffed in his efforts to show a series of positive stories about the African-American community on the "Factor" because, according to the complaint, "it showed Blacks in 'too positive' a light."

Wright is one of 13 plaintiffs, all people of color who are either current or former Fox News employees, to sue the network in the last month charging racial discrimination.
The litigation began last month, when two black women filed a lawsuit saying they faced "top-down racial harassment" from Judith Slater, Fox's now-former comptroller.
The two plaintiffs, Tichaona Brown and Tabrese Wright, accused Slater of making a number of racially insensitive remarks.


they hate people of color
How utterly racist of you lol.

The theory itself, is quite amenable to racism. As you so ably demonstrated.

Racism ? I don't think that's applicable to an intelligence gap.
No- morons come in all creeds and colors. Nothing racist about identifying morons.