If Racism makes no Sense then why does it Exist?

YOU make no sense...but I am guessing that you exist.

WAR makes no sense...but it exists.

Gnats make no sense...but they exist.

American conservatism MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER...yet it exists.

What I am saying here is...lots of stuff that makes no sense...exists.

In light of that...your question does not make much sense. (But it exists...right there at the top of the page.)


ALSO RACES are different so thats why racism exists

for example nobody in right mind woiuld want to live aroudn black crime rates
Yeah I am so racist, yet I have a Thai wife and a Vietnamese daughter-in-law. The US will never change whilst people like you spread poison to a new generation.

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The racist white man who profiled her looks just like you.

I teach her to stay away from men who look and think like you.

You're kind has been in charge of this country for over 400 years and we see how that turned out.
Fair enough. But, you have to see it from a Black perspective. When whites have never treated you equally and consistently discriminated against you because of the color of your skin, even more now, it's hard to see "half of the white population" as being non-racist.

My 11 yr old granddaughter was humiliated at the store across the street from her house (which she frequents with her mom), because the store clerk, a white man, accused her of stealing. He was adamant, and so sure it was her. He attacked her, cursed her, told her to never come back to the store. After demanding to see the tape, it was a white girl who did the stealing, my granddaughter wasn't even in the store that day or any other day that week, with or without her mom.

How do you think my GD feels? How do you think that affects her? How can she say oh it's just that one white man, all whites are not like that? she was traumatized.

I get it. We both would like to believe that most whites aren't racist, but until you walk in a Black person's shoes, it's hard to make that statement.

Racism is just as nasty and ugly today as it's always been. It's just more out in the open now.

Blacks are lucky to live around white people

if they lived in aFrica they'd make 30 cents an hour

Blacks have never set up an advanced country or citry
you are not only a racist you are an uneducated idiot

Your infantile brain is why racism exists

stupid people like you believe your stupid uneducated parents

now realize that racists like you are more hated than any other group of people on this planet


racists are the most hated people

NOT black or brown people



The racist white man who profiled her looks just like you.

I teach her to stay away from men who look and think like you.

You're kind has been in charge of this country for over 400 years and we see how that turned out.
Your kind are responsible for Africa being such a basketcase.

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Of course he did. He has to make shit up to justify his racism. How sad is that. I think he's just jealous and frustrated that there are millions of African-Americans that are smarter, better-educated and more financially successful than he is.
Do what I did and put the scumbag on IGNORE.
One less un-American racist to deal with.


Greenwood is a neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most prominent concentrations of African-American businesses in the United States during the early 20th century, it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the Tulsa race riot of 1921, in which the Oklahoma state government with the assistance of Tulsa's white residents massacred hundreds of black residents and razed the neighborhood within hours. The riot was one of the most devastating massacres in the history of U.S. race relations, destroying the once thriving Greenwood community.
Within five years after the massacre, surviving residents who chose to remain in Tulsa rebuilt much of the district. They accomplished this despite the opposition of many white Tulsa political and business leaders and punitive rezoning laws enacted to prevent reconstruction. It resumed being a vital black community until segregation was overturned by the Federal Government during the 1950s and 1960s. Desegregation encouraged blacks to live and shop elsewhere in the city, causing Greenwood to lose much of its original vitality. Since then, city leaders have attempted to encourage other economic development activity nearby.
Blacks are lucky to live around white people

if they lived in aFrica they'd make 30 cents an hour

Blacks have never set up an advanced country or citry

Neither has the racist white man. Blacks built the USA with their bare hands, you lazy ignorant fuck.

The racist white man has done what his lazy ass has always done, they rapped Africa, stole all the riches then, blamed the African man for it's demise. Contrary to what the racist American history teaches you, the white man was in charge of Africa as well.

[B]What the fuck has you're kind actually done on your own without stealing, rapping, or using violence to get where you are?[/B]

I'll tell you what, not a got damn thing!!!

Go sit yo ignorant ass down somewhere.
Neither has the racist white man. Blacks built the USA with their bare hands, you lazy ignorant fuck.

The racist white man has done what his lazy ass has always done, they rapped Africa, stole all the riches then, blamed the African man for it's demise. Contrary to what the racist American history teaches you, the white man was in charge of Africa as well.

[B]What the fuck has you're kind actually done on your own without stealing, rapping, or using violence to get where you are?[/B]

I'll tell you what, not a got damn thing!!!

Go sit yo ignorant ass down somewhere.

Blacks built usa? how did they do that when whites were 99% of the population?

and also why is africa such a dump? if blacks are so great at building? lol
