If you could pass three pieces of federal legislation what would they be?

How do we get around biochipping to track all retail purchases?

A reduced set of tax collection points? This presumes cartel or monopoly? WTF>

That page is all bullshit fascist lies. Thanks.
Dixie's Three Rails....

1. Constitutional Revitalization Act -- To reaffirm the founding principles our nation is based upon. To establish the Declaration of Independence as the foundational underpinning for the Constitution, and restrict the Supreme Court or any other branch of government from usurping our Creator Endowed freedoms. Included in this measure, would be the States Rights Act -- To reaffirm the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, and opening the door to individual states being given the right to self-determination on social cultural issues like gay marriage and abortion, as well as taxation and state regulation.

2. Privatization of Education and Social Security -- And any other government-controlled monopolies in which the private sector can provide a better solution. This would be done in conjunction with a cross-the-board 70% reduction in federal spending on ALL programs, and complete elimination of many.

3. Real Campaign Finance Reform -- to replace McCain-Fiengold. My CFR would eliminate ALL campaign contributions other than individuals who would be restricted to $5000 each. No campaign advertising except for a standardized tri-fold brochure used by ALL candidates for public office. It would list the candidate's position on the issues, track record, and personal details, and nothing more. Eliminate all PACs and all Lobbies, or at least their monetary influence on the politicians.
Dixie's Three Rails....

1. Constitutional Revitalization Act -- To reaffirm the founding principles our nation is based upon. To establish the Declaration of Independence as the foundational underpinning for the Constitution, and restrict the Supreme Court or any other branch of government from usurping our Creator Endowed freedoms. Included in this measure, would be the States Rights Act -- To reaffirm the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, and opening the door to individual states being given the right to self-determination on social cultural issues like gay marriage and abortion, as well as taxation and state regulation.

2. Privatization of Education and Social Security -- And any other government-controlled monopolies in which the private sector can provide a better solution. This would be done in conjunction with a cross-the-board 70% reduction in federal spending on ALL programs, and complete elimination of many.

3. Real Campaign Finance Reform -- to replace McCain-Fiengold. My CFR would eliminate ALL campaign contributions other than individuals who would be restricted to $5000 each. No campaign advertising except for a standardized tri-fold brochure used by ALL candidates for public office. It would list the candidate's position on the issues, track record, and personal details, and nothing more. Eliminate all PACs and all Lobbies, or at least their monetary influence on the politicians.

You seem so reasonable sometimes, Dicksie.:pke:
How do we get around biochipping to track all retail purchases?

A reduced set of tax collection points? This presumes cartel or monopoly? WTF>

That page is all bullshit fascist lies. Thanks.
When were you "biochipped" for the sales taxes you already pay?
So there is no tracking of retail sales down to the individual level then?

How do we know if a "poor person" consumed past the subsistence level?
I guess they would need to keep receipts to enable them to receive a refund.

Ask somebody else, it isn't my idea. Again, why would you need to be biochipped? When was yours installed to track your payment of sales taxes?

Methinks your objections are created out of thin air and based on nothing but made up conspiracy. It seems that sales taxes can be collected without chips.
You seem so reasonable sometimes, Dicksie.:pke:

Yeah I know, I am a real radical extremist.... I believe we are all created equal and endowed inalienable rights by our Creator, and we deserve the right to decide as states, if we want gay marriage or abortion and to what degree, and we are smart enough to find solutions to our problems without a federal nanny 'taking care' of our retirement and education, and I think politics are too corrupt and need to be reformed in draconian measure.

But I know, I lost you on "Creator" because you believe the entire universe revolves around AssClown! :p
Yeah I know, I am a real radical extremist.... I believe we are all created equal and endowed inalienable rights by our Creator, and we deserve the right to decide as states, if we want gay marriage or abortion and to what degree, and we are smart enough to find solutions to our problems without a federal nanny 'taking care' of our retirement and education, and I think politics are too corrupt and need to be reformed in draconian measure.

But I know, I lost you on "Creator" because you believe the entire universe revolves around AssClown! :p

Equal rights are necessary in a moral society, a society based on mutually beneficial relationships. Unequal rights destroy the mutual benefit.

You can think god said so. That's fine with me. But if your delusion becomes more dangerous I will let you know. Or if your god decides that he really actually has separate classes of people, I will reject you to the extent you try to push your notions of your obscene god onto me.
I guess they would need to keep receipts to enable them to receive a refund.

Ask somebody else, it isn't my idea. Again, why would you need to be biochipped? When was yours installed to track your payment of sales taxes?

Methinks your objections are created out of thin air and based on nothing but made up conspiracy. It seems that sales taxes can be collected without chips.

I answered once. trackback, stooge.

"They will save their receipts" is assininity.
So basically this Fair tax, is a new welfare check (prebate), and higher sales taxes, for those stuck paying retail?

What about billionaires importing containers of crap for their own use? No tax there?
The largest single form of regressive taxation is "corporate" taxes. Pretending that such costs do not pass to the consumer, and thus cost the poor the most, is just sad pretense.

It's a two way street damo. Maybe corporations pass on their taxes to consumers. But who do consumers pass their taxes on to? You're analysis is one sided and again, the pretend-moderate says things that are in no way based in reality.
Dixie's Three Rails....

1. Constitutional Revitalization Act -- To reaffirm the founding principles our nation is based upon. To establish the Declaration of Independence as the foundational underpinning for the Constitution, and restrict the Supreme Court or any other branch of government from usurping our Creator Endowed freedoms. Included in this measure, would be the States Rights Act -- To reaffirm the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, and opening the door to individual states being given the right to self-determination on social cultural issues like gay marriage and abortion, as well as taxation and state regulation.

2. Privatization of Education and Social Security -- And any other government-controlled monopolies in which the private sector can provide a better solution. This would be done in conjunction with a cross-the-board 70% reduction in federal spending on ALL programs, and complete elimination of many.

3. Real Campaign Finance Reform -- to replace McCain-Fiengold. My CFR would eliminate ALL campaign contributions other than individuals who would be restricted to $5000 each. No campaign advertising except for a standardized tri-fold brochure used by ALL candidates for public office. It would list the candidate's position on the issues, track record, and personal details, and nothing more. Eliminate all PACs and all Lobbies, or at least their monetary influence on the politicians.

The funny thing is that all of these acts are unconstitutional.
Yeah I know, I am a real radical extremist.... I believe we are all created equal and endowed inalienable rights by our Creator, and we deserve the right to decide as states, if we want gay marriage or abortion and to what degree, and we are smart enough to find solutions to our problems without a federal nanny 'taking care' of our retirement and education, and I think politics are too corrupt and need to be reformed in draconian measure.

But I know, I lost you on "Creator" because you believe the entire universe revolves around AssClown! :p

2. Individual rights come before states rights
3. Government run programs are necessary and privatization has shown not to pay off nearly as well as promised
I answered once. trackback, stooge.

"They will save their receipts" is assininity.
I answered as well. Directly and factually. Sales taxes are collected without bio-chips today. What makes you believe that they will suddenly be needed here? It's a rubbish argument built on nothing but sad conjecture. I don't like sales taxes and corporate because they ultimately hurt those we least want to pay.

But I am based in reality. Nobody would need to be chipped to collect sales taxes, it's preposterous. We've had sales taxes and excise taxes from the beginning of the nation and there is yet to be a bio-chip program to collect those taxes. There is no need to argue against it with a silly conspiracy that doesn't happen, hasn't happen, and would be unnecessary.
2. Individual rights come before states rights
3. Government run programs are necessary and privatization has shown not to pay off nearly as well as promised
1. You do not know this. If you have proof that there is no God we'd like you to present it.
2. And?
3. Reality shows a mixture is the best if you want the government program. IMO, we seek too much from the government and expect to continue to get it cheaply. This is a road towards a new larger credit bubble, and a mistake. Our society was built on a premise that the government does not need to step in at every aspect of life. I like that premise.
The funny thing is that all of these acts are unconstitutional.

:lmao: The Constitution Revitalization Act reaffirming the Constitution, is Unconstitutional?????? And this without having even read the provisions... tsk tsk... what a judgmental prick!

None of those acts are unconstitutional if 3/4 of the states agree they are constitutional. That's how our system works. So your personal perspective of what is or isn't constitutional, really has no bearing on this hypothetical question.
1. You do not know this. If you have proof that there is no God we'd like you to present it.

You have to prove your assertion that there is a God, not the other way around. If we operated like that, we'd live in a society where anything could be said and any evidence against it could just be sidestepped through special pleading. No, science is difference. There is no God. This is objective fact.

States have no rights.

3. Reality shows a mixture is the best if you want the government program. IMO, we seek too much from the government and expect to continue to get it cheaply. This is a road towards a new larger credit bubble, and a mistake. Our society was built on a premise that the government does not need to step in at every aspect of life. I like that premise.

And I dislike that premise. What's your point?
I guess they would need to keep receipts to enable them to receive a refund.

Ask somebody else, it isn't my idea. Again, why would you need to be biochipped? When was yours installed to track your payment of sales taxes?

Methinks your objections are created out of thin air and based on nothing but made up conspiracy. It seems that sales taxes can be collected without chips.

The link I put in this thread REALLY does answer all of these arguments against a Fair Tax.