If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.


there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it
gee I wonder why no right wingers are saying this isn't true?

because it is true.

Your the racist party and everyone including you supporters know it.
Hey Desh, maybe you could start a stand up skit titled "You might be a racist.....". You know a spinoff of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck". Take it on the road. I am sure you can get on Bill Maher and Bill Moyers and Chris Hayes and Al Sharpton. Maybe Letterman?

Let me help you out.

If you think the justice system was served in acquitting Jorge Zimmerman, you might be a racist

If you think welfare spending is too high, you might be a racist

If you think Obama is damaging this country, you might be a racist

If you don't think everything wrong in the world is George Bush's fault, you might be a racist

If you think Blackasshole is a race hustler/pimp, you might be a racist

If you don't agree with affirmative action, you might be a racist

If you don't tow the litbardiot line on all issues, you might be a racist

Desh, when are you going to get it through your thick skull that I don't give two shits if some unintelligent malcontent like you calls me a racist? When are you going to learn that you aren't going to bully me into changing my views because you throw out a racially charged epithet?

How long did it take you to dream up your strawman thread?
That's too much for Deshs' limited attention span to handle.

Let's distill it into a simplistic slogan so Desh can grasp the concept:

If you disagree with Desh, you're a racist.

Just don't expect her to explain how or why.
gee I wonder why no right wingers are saying this isn't true?

because it is true.

Your the racist party and everyone including you supporters know it.

That's nice of you to wait all of 19 minutes on an early Sunday morning before calling people out for not responding.

Do you think saying white people cling to their guns and religion and vote against their economic interest (because they are essentially being fooled) is racist?
That's nice of you to wait all of 19 minutes on an early Sunday morning before calling people out for not responding.

Do you think saying white people cling to their guns and religion and vote against their economic interest (because they are essentially being fooled) is racist?

Hey, when your wife calls out to you, do you make her wait 19 minutes? This forum is more important than that! Keep up, man!

Generally we don't say white people vote against their interests - we say poor people do.

And yes, the conservatives who say black people only vote for dems because they've been "bought out" are racist; they're saying black people can't think thru their interests.

Conservatives who say black people and other minorities are voting in their own economic interest by voting dems are probably not racist, because they are saying black people make up their own minds.

I realize this is subtle, but it is a distinction.
Didn't Old Hickory murder someone, own slaves, oppress Native Americans, and invent the spoils system?

What a founder the Democrats have.

Precisely. Except yesterday's Democrats are today's Republicans, and vice versa. The parties switched ideologies during 1964-
1980. The party of Lincoln now resides in the Democratic Party, and the party which inspired the KKK is now the Republican Party. Find a racist or KKK'er that votes Democratic today. I dare you.
Precisely. Except yesterday's Democrats are today's Republicans, and vice versa. The parties switched ideologies during 1964-1980. The party of Lincoln now resides in the Democratic Party, and the party which inspired the KKK is now the Republican Party. Find a racist or KKK'er that votes Democratic today. I dare you.

Well, Robert Byrd died pretty recently, didn't he?
Well, Robert Byrd died pretty recently, didn't he?
You have to go all the way back to robert byrd????????? LOL. His racism happened before the parties switched ideologies and
loyalties numbnuts.
what else you got? Oh, that's right.........nothing. LOL
:lies: You have to go all the way back to robert byrd????????? LOL. His racism happened before the parties switched ideologies and loyalties numbnuts. what else you got? Oh, that's right.........nothing. LOL

You asked who voted Dem and was a KKK member. I guess you don't like the answer. That's a shame.
Precisely. Except yesterday's Democrats are today's Republicans, and vice versa. The parties switched ideologies during 1964-1980. The party of Lincoln now resides in the Democratic Party, and the party which inspired the KKK is now the Republican Party. Find a racist or KKK'er that votes Democratic today. I dare you.

LOL, here we see Poets' ignorance exposed again:


Note the consistent pattern of voting for Democrats before 1964.
LOL, here we see Poets' ignorance exposed again:

View attachment 2308

Note the consistent pattern of voting for Democrats before 1964.

Bitch, please. I don't know where that chart came from. You could have easily composed it yourself, as could a 5th grader. I have plenty of documentation to support my claim. And all you could come up with is a chart????? Corroborated evidence, or nothing, bitch.