If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

For the record I have never claimed negroes were tricked. They have been lied to.

Also they have voted pretty pretty rock solid for the democrat party for years and have little to show for it. Look at all of the big cities run by democrats and filled with colored people. Nothing but squalor and misery.

If the blacks are good with it why should I care. Fuck em

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Not lied to. The Repubs and people like you are lying to them now.
Truth deflector showing his incredible ignorance again. http://scholars.org/brief/under-dem...norities-make-economic-gains-and-so-do-whites The Dems have been helpful to blacks and have been for a long time. Maybe Fox says the opposite, thereby proving facts do not matter. They sure do not matter to you .

NothingBerger once again illustrates what a gullible dumbfuck and hyper partisan parrot he is.

Yep, Trump inherited a vibrant economy. He is fucking it up though. It will show soon. If you are attempting to make sense, and that is questionable. Explain why blacks are getting jobs when you rightys claim they do not want to work and want to live on handouts from you super, super, extra hard working people. But if they can get jobs, they do. Your constant and puerile contradictions are noted, but not by you.

I sure wish I had a dollar for every forum post, comment on a news article, etc. where I've read that "black ppl vote for Democrats so they can get free stuff." This is invariably followed by "Obama phones," "welfare queens", "welfare Cadillacs", "welfare babies," "living high on my tax dollars," etc. The newer version of this racist screed is illegals are swamping the social welfare network so that "our precious tax dollars" are funding their extravagant illegal lifestyle.

Yeah......I wish you had a brain.

The thread premise is correct. Saying that blacks are fooled by Dems implies they do not have the intelligence to make a proper decision about who to vote for. It impugns their intelligence. it also is flat out wrong. The Repugs policies are always inimical to minorities.
The thread premise is correct. Saying that blacks are fooled by Dems implies they do not have the intelligence to make a proper decision about who to vote for. It impugns their intelligence. it also is flat out wrong. The Repugs policies are always inimical to minorities.

Blacks have overwhelmingly voted for Democrats for a long time. The results: 75% bastard birth rate, 1 in every 3 1/2 on food stamps, an average 85 IQ, a high dropout rate, an unemployment rate twice that of whites.

Looking at the results for blacks by voting for Democrats either means they're being fooled or they like the results.
The thread premise is correct. Saying that blacks are fooled by Dems implies they do not have the intelligence to make a proper decision about who to vote for. It impugns their intelligence. it also is flat out wrong. The Repugs policies are always inimical to minorities.

Wrong; a political party and ideology who believes blacks are too stupid to survive without massive government handouts is racist.
this idiiot seems to think black Americans are nit part of the Democratic partys ruling structure


Because republicans cant even imagine them having party power