If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

so tell us republicans

Why do black voters favor the Democratic party at such an amazingly high rate?

That's simple; because black leaders are willing to screw over their own race for political power and the Party of the Jackass gives them a token seat at their table.

Blacks, for the most part, have been led to believe that the Party of the Jackass was the promoter of the Civil Rights Act; which is a lie they have been fed.

In addition, many blacks will vote because they know the dishonest political hacks from that Party will promise them free stuff. Housing, food stamps, healthcare....etc etc etc.

What they don't understand is that living in urban sewers to have such freebies is just another form of serfdom and slavery to the State.
Truth deflector showing his incredible ignorance again. http://scholars.org/brief/under-dem...norities-make-economic-gains-and-so-do-whites The Dems have been helpful to blacks and have been for a long time. Maybe Fox says the opposite, thereby proving facts do not matter. They sure do not matter to you .

Of course there is no higher crime in blacks when compared to other minorities, fatherless families, generational welfare trapped in housing projects living off government handouts. Its Good to be a Black Democrat. ;) If you enjoy living off the handouts provided by elite blue blood New England socialites. Compare the modern inner city life forced upon the Blacks of this nation by voting democrat.

Compare the living conditions of the modern left wing slaves (as the democrats were the party that supported slavery) to the slaves that existed in the 1800s on the plantations.

Housing conditions: Both are forced to live in ramshackle conditions that produce and promote poor health and illness. Ever wonder why there are more coops forced to patrol these neighborhoods just like the plantation owners were forced to guard salves under his care? Why are there so many black kids killed by police force?

The planation had he responsibility to provide food, shelter....just enough to keep his slaves alive .....but not so much they could sustain an escape from those conditions. Now compare the modern salves.....food stamps, housing vouchers.....medical cards....etc., Both were and are provided just the basics of life....but never enough to get ahead.

Just keep pulling the "D" lever on the voting machine....if you enjoy the status quo. Its not like the Republicans have Black Unemployment at an all time historical low.
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Of course there is no higher crime in blacks when compared to other minorities, fatherless families, generational welfare trapped in housing projects living off government handouts. Its Good to be a Black Democrat. ;) If you enjoy living off the handouts provided by elite blue blood New England socialites. Compare the modern inner city life forced upon the Blacks of this nation by voting democrat.

Compare the living conditions of the modern left wing slaves (as the democrats were the party that supported slavery) to the slaves that existed in the 1800s on the plantations.

Housing conditions: Both are forced to live in ramshackle conditions that produce and promote poor health and illness. Ever wonder why there are more coops forced to patrol these neighborhoods just like the plantation owners were forced to guard salves under his care? Why are there so many black kids killed by police force?

The planation had he responsibility to provide food, shelter....just enough to keep his slaves alive .....but not so much they could sustain an escape from those conditions. Now compare the modern salves.....food stamps, housing vouchers.....medical cards....etc., Both were and are provided just the basics of life....but never enough to get ahead.

Just keep pulling the "D" lever on the voting machine....if you enjoy the status quo. Its not like the Republicans have Black Unemployment at an all time historical low.

Yep, Trump inherited a vibrant economy. He is fucking it up though. It will show soon. If you are attempting to make sense, and that is questionable. Explain why blacks are getting jobs when you rightys claim they do not want to work and want to live on handouts from you super, super, extra hard working people. But if they can get jobs, they do. Your constant and puerile contradictions are noted, but not by you.
For the record I have never claimed negroes were tricked. They have been lied to.

Also they have voted pretty pretty rock solid for the democrat party for years and have little to show for it. Look at all of the big cities run by democrats and filled with colored people. Nothing but squalor and misery.

If the blacks are good with it why should I care. Fuck em

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Yep, Trump inherited a vibrant economy. He is fucking it up though. It will show soon. If you are attempting to make sense, and that is questionable. Explain why blacks are getting jobs when you rightys claim they do not want to work and want to live on handouts from you super, super, extra hard working people. But if they can get jobs, they do. Your constant and puerile contradictions are noted, but not by you.

Yep. But the morons who lick his boots can't see it. They also forget the saying "A rising tide lifts all boats." They believe that b.s. that he personally had something to do with the unemployment rate.

Yep. But the morons who lick his boots can't see it. They also forget the saying "A rising tide lifts all boats." They believe that b.s. that he personally had something to do with the unemployment rate.


Oh yeah. proof by cliche. How can I debate such a great and well thought out post like that?
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Oh yeah. proof by cliche. How can I debate such a great and well thought out post like that?

Um what? Did you perhaps mean to address your post to someone else?

Sarge! Sarge! I think I've been hit.... friendly fire.... oh god it hurts. I can't feel my legs... so cold.... so cold..... Sarge? It's getting dark.... tell my mama I love her won't you?
it claims all black people vote for different reasons than white people vote
it is completely racist

I sure wish I had a dollar for every forum post, comment on a news article, etc. where I've read that "black ppl vote for Democrats so they can get free stuff." This is invariably followed by "Obama phones," "welfare queens", "welfare Cadillacs", "welfare babies," "living high on my tax dollars," etc. The newer version of this racist screed is illegals are swamping the social welfare network so that "our precious tax dollars" are funding their extravagant illegal lifestyle.
Bush did a five year study of the vote when he was in office

found so little voter fraud it was pathetic

every study done has found so little it was statistically insignifigant