If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it


Blacks can't continue to vote Democrat because Democrats have done so well for them. It leaves only one option and that is the 95% that continue to vote Democrat realize despite the horrendous results, it's better than the results they'd have if they did for themselves.
I personally love it when the republicans whine that the democrats are fooling the blacks into voting for them. If one says that an entire ethnic groups is capable of being fooled, it does suggest that that ethnic group is incapable of intelligent thought. Keep saying it. I am white, but if I were black, and someone told me that the reason I voted for democrats was that I was an idiot, I would certainly not be inclined to take that person very seriously. It is clear that the shifting demographics of America is causing groups who traditionally vote democratic to increase while the angry white demographic that has traditionally been in the GOP's pocket continues to shrink. Until the GOP figures out how to recast and rebrand themselves, those trends will continue to push them further and further towards the margins.

so true

miss you MM
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

Is this guy a racist?

see why we don't let you racists define racism

calling one person a fool who is spewing lies is not racism

saying black Democratic party members are TRICKED or vote only for STUFF is racist

Fuck you scum, leftist loons like you are the racists. Nobody "gets to define racism", it is plainly obvious to any thinking person. That's why you have such a difficult time recognizing it.
black people do get to define what is offensive to them

and your party seems to think NOTHING is racist when it comes to your political wishes
so tell us republicans

Why do black voters favor the Democratic party at such an amazingly high rate?