If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

not all white people do that huh.

just the stupid white people who are racists

Desh, your comment here was not all people cling to their guns and religion just stupid white people who are racist. Thus you are saying anyone who owns a gun and is religious is racist. That's the meaning of your words here.
yeah its so racist of me to call you assholes who hate black people racists

Leftist Democrats are the people who hate blacks. They rob them of their self respect, their incentive to achieve and keep them slaves on BIG crooked government plantations, ( also known as "the hood,") handing out to them a pittance of other people's money.
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

you are a racist if you say black people vote for different reasons than other voters
what is evil about helping your fellow man asshole

It's not about helping someone. It's about you thinking it's your place to determine who someone else should help? What's wrong if YOU see a need meeting that need with YOUR money? Why do you consider having the government force it form someone you think has too much compassion? Compassion comes what what YOU choose to do not what you support the government mandating someone else to do.
we have a democracy

we can vote to help

you dont like it move to Ihateeveryoneelselandia you sociopath
we have a democracy

we can vote to help

you dont like it move to Ihateeveryoneelselandia you sociopath

Just as I said. You think compassion comes from supporting someone else paying more. Typical retard leftist.

Apparently hate your fellow Americans. You demand they do something with what they have you won't do yourself. Why do you hate those who are contributors to society? Are you not getting handed enough for being a leech on society?
he tells the truth

accepting truth involves no submission to suck anything

is that why you never tried the truth

or do you just enjoy sucking body parts