If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

your fantasy are meaningless in the face of facts

I know you want to keep this about sucking bodyparts but I like facts

got any ?

or are you only good at puckering and sucking
Just as I said. You think compassion comes from supporting someone else paying more. Typical retard leftist.

Apparently hate your fellow Americans. You demand they do something with what they have you won't do yourself. Why do you hate those who are contributors to society? Are you not getting handed enough for being a leech on society?

People have accidents, operations, or situations where they need blood transfusions.
Should Doctors be able to just FORCE Desh to donate blood, when they decide it's time for her to do so?
Democrats destroyed the Black Family. There's no way to get around that.


Mercy me, has anyone told Jack?
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

Truth is not "relative"...truth is the same for both you and I, and clearly you are not the master thereof.

Of course they are not "fooled"....they know exactly what they are doing....VOTING FOR A LIVING while accepting their place on the democrat plantation as a foundation voter block. Why do the RACE BAITERS attempt to play the race card when confronted with objective testable truth? Is it WHITE GUILT or the fear of WHAT OTHERS MIGHT THINK OF YOU if you refuse to comply with the politically correct horseshit? Enlighten us.....why do blacks vote 90% democrat considering the history actual of a democrat party that fought tooth and nail against civil rights?

There is only one logical answer. MONEY and BENEFITS for doing nothing except voting democrat....the truth is objective in nature. A great majority of peoples have their moral compass directed at MONEY, especially DEMOCRATS who preach that the world owes them a living in their quest for SOCIAL JUSTICE. Money has nothing to do with social justice....but MONEY always consumes the LIBERAL MIND for some odd reason. And it scares the hell out of them when they know that some place morality before MONEY and it can't be used as a carrot...why? Because democrats use MONEY as a carrot to dangle in front of the impoverished while propagating the false message that the answer to all their problems is GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.

The first thing attacked by the left is RELIGION when they use darwinian dogma as some kind of hammer....and the funny thing? Darwin married his own damn first cousin (being the ONLY TESTABLE TRUTH associated with Darwin and Evolution)...and they still attempt to use Darwin on the ignorant and preach against the poor hicks as being STUPID because of their faith. FUNNY INDEED the RACE BAITING and HYPOCRISY. Watch the video and the surprised "shock" in the voice of the reporter who could not believe that someone who was receiving Government handouts....COULD VOTE against the democrat party. Proving what? There is an expectation of tit for tat. You vote democrat and we will make sure to keep the Obama Bucks rolling your way...even if this nation is 19 trillion in debt...due in large part to the GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.

The only way that democrats can gain and retain power is through SEGREGATION of the masses, pitting white against black, religion against religion, gender against gender, even one geographical location against another....they do not want patriotism or assimilation, THEY NEED DIVISION...thus the constant RACE BAITING.

The reality? These ignorant RACE BAITERS who attempt to play the race card....are doing far more damage to the black culture of this nation than any conservative could ever dream...they are just to stupid and Gullible to realize that truth. Another funny thing? That evil ass 5% that controls the majority of wealth in this nation? Pays over 80% of the taxes that the democrats pass out like pints of liquor on election day.
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People have accidents, operations, or situations where they need blood transfusions.
Should Doctors be able to just FORCE Desh to donate blood, when they decide it's time for her to do so?

Based on how she thinks, yes. Wonder if she thinks people should be able to vote whether or not she does it?
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

you are fucking racists

you are more hated world wide than any race is

YOU are the hated ones
tell us all the real reason black voters hate the republican party

it because they are a racist party and EVERYONE knows this

republicans just use racism to explain everything
People have accidents, operations, or situations where they need blood transfusions.
Should Doctors be able to just FORCE Desh to donate blood, when they decide it's time for her to do so?

According to how Desh thinks, if someone needs something it's OK for the government to force someone else they think has too much or enough to do so. Wonder how many that believe like her would want to be told to do that when a person that didn't have enough blood needed it.
do all black people get fooled?

your old time meme will kill you

Just the 95% that continue to vote Democrat despite the horrendous results of doing exactly what LBJ said he'd "have those n*ggers doing for the next 200 years".
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

You think everybody that isn't a brain-dead democrat is a racist, Goofus!

All blacks don't live in the democrat's public housing slave quarters sucking the government tit and producing more black democrats in a slavery assembly line getting paid to play. Lots of blacks are educated, job holding and producing members of society totally wise to the democrat slave master scam.

Let the class see you rationally deny that the vast, vast majority of black public housing ghettos are locally governed by democrats and most often black democrats.