I'm female, should I run?


New member
I read a bit before joining. Sounds like the ladies here are not amused by how they are treated.

Any positives?
I read a bit before joining. Sounds like the ladies here are not amused by how they are treated.

Any positives?

You will be treated with the same respect you give. Not all women are treated rotten. Just the really stupid Feminazis who see rapists around every corner. They are asking for it
Oh, look; it's the one thus far perceived to be the primary offender.

Probably I should wait to hear from some of the women members, huh.
Hi Bobbin.
The some of the conservatives here hand out verbal abuse to women in disgusting fashion.
You would certainly be welcomed by the liberal coalition. It takes some thick skin to be a member here, but is is far and away the best political forum in the Omniverse.

If you are conservative, don't bother staying. There are too many morons here already.

By the way, you are not Bobbin who disappeared from Hearth.com some years ago are you? I am Dune. You were quite missed over there if it was you.
Hi Bobbin.
The some of the conservatives here hand out verbal abuse to women in disgusting fashion.
You would certainly be welcomed by the liberal coalition. It takes some thick skin to be a member here, but is is far and away the best political forum in the Omniverse.

If you are conservative, don't bother staying. There are too many morons here already.

By the way, you are not Bobbin who disappeared from Hearth.com some years ago are you? I am Dune. You were quite missed over there if it was you.

Thanks, but no - not I.
a.) JPP is home to a number of especially nasty feuds. Most of us come from other boards, and JPP is really small and intimate, so you'll find you'll find a lot of entrenched personal conflicts.
b.) The moderation is extremely limited. Vulgarity is thus able to be used towards women. And it is. A lot.
Your unsubstantiated opinion proves...what, exactly?

I asked how you know you haven't already heard from a woman.

Legion. Stop. She just came here. Don't subject her to your bile as the first exchange she has on this site.

You, Damo, and Rune are men. The gender pronouns used on this site are probably where she got that information.
Prove it.

I used the qualifier "probably", because it was a guess. Not something I can prove.

In fact, there's a lot of vulgarity used toward both sexes, isn't there?

Sure. A lot of it by you. But very rarely is the vulgarity towards men about there gender. It tends to be racial, or based on sexual preferences. Sometimes it has to do with the disgusting, misogynistic virility expressed by people like you, ILA, and Tom.
Not something I can prove.

I know. Now you've admitted it.

A lot of it by you.

Another guess you can't back up?

But very rarely is the vulgarity towards men about there gender. It tends to be racial, or based on sexual preferences.

Read this thread and get back to me on that.


Sometimes it has to do with the disgusting, misogynistic virility expressed by people like you

It does? Produce an example of disgusting, misogynistic virility expressed by me.
welcome bobbin, glad to have you.

There is a lot of ebb and flow to JPP. every few months there is a big eruption of drama, people tire themselves out for a bit, relax, and then it starts up again a few months later.

We base our board off of having very little moderation. We don't not condone a lot of the nasty things said here, and it really sucks when it happens. But we try not to get involved and let adults handle it themselves.

We give our members a lot of different functions to customize their own experience. You are able to ban offensive posters from any thread you create, we have an ignore feature which people can utilize, we have a dedicated sub-forum with stricter moderation should people choose to use it (... most don't). Also if any thread you create gets out of hand, you can request for us to close it or delete it.

We also have a feature called 'forced ignore' which is utilized when there are a few people that become very offended by someones presence or vitriol gets up to an abusrd level. A good example will be that one will call for another person to be banned, and when it gets to a really bad level, we'll do an individual tailored banning which basically forces the offending party blocked from the victims view so they no longer have to be subjected to offensive stuff. It's used rarely but there are a few that really don't like it for whatever reason, and on JPP, the squeeky wheel doesn't get the grease, but it does squeek a lot more.

I think it's great to have another woman on here. Pretty soon I'll have to use two whole hands to count how many of them are on JPP :)

I think we are at like.. 5? 6? at this point? anyway . .

If you have any questions or concerns just pm me or the other mods, or post another thread here, whatever you prefer. Lots of people will be willing to help and answer questions. Hope you enjoy your stay.