I'm outraged

I just wished we followed them "home" with a nice satellite and simply sent in some SF that happened to already be stationed there to double-check identification and take necessary, and careful, action...
Based on the info I read this was a CIA drone so it was military intelligence that identified these guys. They were reported to be all high ranking taliban members. They are standing in formation. When the funneral was over they all scattered to vehicles and left in different directions. As I said I want to know who the weenie is that created this rule. If it was the afgans then we have a problem. As obviously the taliban and al quada are well aware of this rule too.

Fighting a war with restricted warfare will get you nothing but causalties and a lost war. Every time we have casualties in afgan think about these guys, one or more of them was probably involved.

uscitizen claims to be a combat veteran, so I would expect him to see the point I'm making here. This is afganistan, the part of the war libs supported.
I've seen the picture. You could not see faces or identify anyone. How do we know these were terrorists? Because the government tells us so? Remember they tell us the untried individuals they have holed up in Guantanamo are terrorists.

Do you want the government blowing you to hell without even identifying who you really are?

Good one immie, I was wondering who would come up with this first. Could this just be propaganda ?
Absolutely, I would not have chosen to be born to poor parents ;)
I would have been like Poor George born with a silver foot in my mouth :)
"poor" George has the job that most people this heavily into politics at one time pretended they had...
There were no children in that picture. This "Won't somebody think of the children!" thing is aimed at the wrong target here.
Based on the info I read this was a CIA drone so it was military intelligence that identified these guys. They were reported to be all high ranking taliban members. They are standing in formation. When the funneral was over they all scattered to vehicles and left in different directions. As I said I want to know who the weenie is that created this rule. If it was the afgans then we have a problem. As obviously the taliban and al quada are well aware of this rule too.

Fighting a war with restricted warfare will get you nothing but causalties and a lost war. Every time we have casualties in afgan think about these guys, one or more of them was probably involved.

uscitizen claims to be a combat veteran, so I would expect him to see the point I'm making here. This is afganistan, the part of the war libs supported.

I am a combat vet and I have inadvertantly killed innocents in the heat of battle, but never from ambush. I will never forget either...damn....
I am a combat vet and I have inadvertantly killed innocents in the heat of battle, but never from ambush. I will never forget either...damn....

Were you ever along the Cambodian border? They use to sit on the cambodian side and shoot at us and we ere not allowed to fire back.

As for killing innocents. You know yourself the vc and nva used villages to hide in and snipe at us. when we went after them the villagers often got shot up too. The same tactic is used in the middle east. Our hands were tied in vietnam and I don't want to ever see that again. If we are going to fight a war then we need to fight it.
Were you ever along the Cambodian border? They use to sit on the cambodian side and shoot at us and we ere not allowed to fire back.

As for killing innocents. You know yourself the vc and nva used villages to hide in and snipe at us. when we went after them the villagers often got shot up too. The same tactic is used in the middle east. Our hands were tied in vietnam and I don't want to ever see that again. If we are going to fight a war then we need to fight it.

then YOU should be very upset that this comander in chief with some of his piss poor advisors, never fought this war as a war...never put in enough troops to win it easily...only enough to tip toe thru iraq and to drag it out..... :(

Officially I was never in Cambodia or Laos.....

I was about half a klik into cambodia. Our company commander got tired of the casualties we were receiving from them shooting at us from there. So my platoon made a little excusion. The sniping stopped and the commander got a royal ass chewing, almost an article 15. But it worked at least for a while.
Gaffer , sure glad you made it back alive, and hope you have all your parts ....
I have an allergy to Leavenworth, so still can't talk about what I did, lets just say I spent some time with the outfit known as Air America, well one of the names....

then I spent several years getting my head mostly back together and don't remember everything either.....It has just been in recent years that I can talk very much about what I remember, but still not easy...Helping at the VA with returning Iraq war vets mental problems has also helped me.

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then YOU should be very upset that this comander in chief with some of his piss poor advisors, never fought this war as a war...never put in enough troops to win it easily...only enough to tip toe thru iraq and to drag it out..... :(


I am upset with how things are going. The initial invasion was fine. There was more than enough to take iraq down. It's the occupation and rebuilding that's lacking in strength. And the pissy news reporting that feeds the insergency and terrorists organizations.

Bush's goal is fine but it will take at least a generation to accomplish. I would rather have seen us go into iran instead of iraq. But there was actual reason to go after saddam based on the un resolutions. I don't think he realized the amount of islamo facists that were in iraq and the numbers that would go to iraq to fight us.

Bush has a strategic long range plan, which may or may not work. I support him for that. I have not heard any plan from the libs other than retreat. "I hate Bush" is not a plan. "I hate Bush supporters and republicans" is not a plan.At least Bush is taking some action be it right or wrong. To pull out of iraq would just allow iran to take over the entire region. when you put all the pieces together we are fighting a war with the iranian fundimentalist government. And a lot of that fighting is going on in iraq.
FYI for those who do not know about it you might want to check out TBI (Traumatic Brain Injuries) associated with Iraq. Not a mental illness but brain damage from the brain being bounced around after an explosion nearby. Perhaps no visible external damage, but sometimes extreme mental damage. Very bad. Imagine a mother not being able to remember her childs name from one day to the next. Or that she even ever had a child....
Gaffer , sure glad you made it back alive, and hope you have all your parts ....
I have an allergy to Leavenworth, so still can't talk about what I did, lets just say I spent some time with the outfit known as Air America, well one of the names....

then I spent several years getting my head mostly back together and don't remember everything either.....It has just been in recent years that I can talk very much about what I remember, but still not easy...Helping at the VA with returning Iraq war vets mental problems has also helped me.


Understand where your coming from then. I was a grunt so I have nothing I'm required to keep quiet about. I did come back with all my parts. I too was drafted. spent most of my time in the central highlands. I empathize with our troops cause I have seen conbat up close and personal. And everytime I see something being done that ties our troops hands it makes me furious.

I spent years not even mentioning vietnam. I had many friends in the past that never even knew I was there. Over the past ten years I have had a new look on things. I began researching what areas I was in the operations we were involved in. Learned a lot of things I never knew about from my little view the actions. A visit to my unit reunion filled in some memory gaps too.

I look back on it as a part of history that I had a small role in. I refuse to put myself on any guilt trip for things that happened. Especially when I had no control over them. You have to do lots of things in the heat of the moment. When its done its done and can't be changed. Beating ones self up over something done because it had to be serves no purpose.
Thanks Gaffer, I was just a SGT, well got busted a time or two :) But anyway I spent time in combat in the wonderful jungles as well. Quite a bit of time on 2 man reconisance for whom and where I can't mention. I led a squad in combat when I first went over.

On the guilt.....well I still see that little girls face ...well while in combat you react without thinking when startled. I understand, but the face does not go away. Living in the hills of KY is good for me as I still have a freeze and shake spell whenever I see a small oriential girl that looks like her...
I do live better with it now though...But some of us pay for the rest of our lives for a messed up war.
As a result I have a very bad attitude about the military and wan't nothing to do with them. I think I would still defend my country if we are actually attacked/invaded, but that is it. To me war is a last resort.
I could have had disability, etc. But to me it was like going to the snake that bit you for treatment.
Only recently has a DR friend talked me into helping him/me with sessions for Iraq Vets.

Since you were there and drafted, I guess you can understand where I am coming from about fully supporting the troops and not the war ?
i understand what your saying. Hope what I said can help.

I support the troops and the war they are fighting. Because its a lot more than just iraq. islam is full of fundimentalist nut cases. they are a lot more than just a small minority. The iraq issue has shifted from dealing with the saddamists to dealing with iranian supported shites and syria supported sunnis. They can fight it out as far as I'm concerned but the shites will win and it will become an iranian puppet state to be used as a terrorist state. Bush wants to prevent that by having a democracy in iraq. That can't happen as long as their laws are based on islam and the koran. The best we can hope for there is to stablize the country. I think when we finally do pull out their will be a civil war.