I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

Wow, quadruple Toxic Meltdowns today. A new personal best! Melt Tox melt! Slime Tox slime!


There, Purina Troll Chow Nuggets(tm) dispensed. Off to talk to the adults.
Best meltdown posts ever:) They always run when they're defeated:)
Yea me! It's always so easy:)
Wow, quadruple Toxic Meltdowns today. A new personal best! Melt Tox melt! Slime Tox slime!


There, Purina Troll Chow Nuggets(tm) dispensed. Off to talk to the adults.

About a month ago EE brokered a end to the fighting.
But Toxic didn't want that she started it right back up.
It gets boring sometimes shiting on her,day after day.
Waiting for the BW details. :) you know, that boring "shiting"...:) Proceed:) Nothing Fowl has to say any more has any bearing at all...She threw your ass under the bus long ago, great friend that she is...:) I did try to warn you...lesson learned, right? Or this would be over by now:)
So...go right ahead:)
I'll give you time to fill her in on what you need to say...
"this time" around:)
She's already claimed to know nada about the BW "incident"...
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And you have no way to get rid of the 'racist conservative voter', and so your position is not of any use. It's a long-term goal, and when you can do that, I'm all for it.

Sorry, I won't throw my people under the bus. It's easy for you to do, you don't have to deal with it.

Dems have been voting with the racist right for far too long. Its time to stop.
Why would someone's private sexual preferences explain why I like or don't like someone? I like/dislike based on The Acme Asshole Quotient(r). As for how he refers to me, again.... why on earth would that matter to you? Have you seen the names that Toxic's latest BF (God Bless America) calls people? I put him on ignore the first week we were here for that reason. As for obsession, your gf Toxic has cornered the market on that commodity.

"3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." -- Matt. 7: 3-5

My interest in Mason''s announcement is simple I enjoy watching him squirm.

Most likely it makes you feel superior, having someone as pitiful as your minion adore you. You need to feel superior because heaven knows you aren't superior to anyone.

For someone who doesn't believe in God you sure quote the bible alot.
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Larry AKA Mason. I didn't save anything it''s called cut and past scrotum breath.
But Mason "isn't Larry L."...lololololol
And the posts don't need to be saved. They're right there:) Lessons to be learned, as I recall:)
Sorry, I won't throw my people under the bus. It's easy for you to do, you don't have to deal with it.

Dems have been voting with the racist right for far too long. Its time to stop.

Stop with your garbage. I'm not for throwing anyone under the bus and you wouldn't be either. It's the voters. Your approach helps put the Republican in office who DOES throw them under the bus, so you ARE doing it.

Dems haven't voted with the racist right since the early 60's.
Stop with your garbage. I'm not for throwing anyone under the bus and you wouldn't be either. It's the voters. Your approach helps put the Republican in office who DOES throw them under the bus, so you ARE doing it.

Dems haven't voted with the racist right since the early 60's.

Garbage? You want social conservative dems in the dem party. They will vote against social issues, but not economic ones? That's silly. We have social conservative dems in office right now, it's why we don't have single payer or a public option on healthcare. Blue dog dems have been around for ever. They vote for stop and frisk, tough on crime and against gay marriage. Those things target minorities. So yea, it throws my people under the bus.

You keep overlooking the fact the racist right cheats to get where they are. That is the main problem.

You sound just like the racist right. Lets vote for a pedophile because we need his vote in the senate.