I'm repulsed to say: we need more conservative Democrats

My interest in Mason''s announcement is simple I enjoy watching him squirm.

Most likely it makes you feel superior, having someone as pitiful as your minion adore you. You need to feel superior because heaven knows you aren't superior to anyone.

For someone who doesn't believe in God you sure quote the bible alot.

"Squirm"? I told you I stood by the statement
Had to save it, to cut and past,Toxic breath:-)

No need to save it..you poor dear... What's your real issue? Let it all out...:) Is this just still "hurt feelings" from being unfriended? Because your lies are unending....and they so don't work.
But you stand by them?
Stop with your garbage. I'm not for throwing anyone under the bus and you wouldn't be either. It's the voters. Your approach helps put the Republican in office who DOES throw them under the bus, so you ARE doing it.

Dems haven't voted with the racist right since the early 60's.

The Democrats are their own worse enemies.
Garbage? You want social conservative dems in the dem party. They will vote against social issues, but not economic ones? That's silly. We have social conservative dems in office right now, it's why we don't have single payer or a public option on healthcare. Blue dog dems have been around for ever. They vote for stop and frisk, tough on crime and against gay marriage. Those things target minorities. So yea, it throws my people under the bus.

You keep overlooking the fact the racist right cheats to get where they are. That is the main problem.

You sound just like the racist right. Lets vote for a pedophile because we need his vote in the senate.

Blue Dog Democrats are Republican light,chickenshit to stand up to Republicans
My interest in Mason''s announcement is simple I enjoy watching him squirm.
Most likely it makes you feel superior, having someone as pitiful as your minion adore you. You need to feel superior because heaven knows you aren't superior to anyone.
For someone who doesn't believe in God you sure quote the bible alot.

For someone who claims to be a vet and a few other things, you sure spout off a lot of psychobabble about shit you know nothing about. Guess that explains your contard preferences and gf Toxic.
You sound just like the racist right. Lets vote for a pedophile because we need his vote in the senate.

He's not racist nor right; he is a bit prickly to get used to though. lol

Yeah, that whole Moore thing -- it's pretty sickening watching them flush whatever principles and values they claim to own in order to get a molester in the Senate. Next time I see or hear one of them go on about the "god-less libtards," I'll just have a one-word rebuttal: "Moore."
For someone who claims to be a vet and a few other things, you sure spout off a lot of psychobabble about shit you know nothing about. Guess that explains your contard preferences and gf Toxic.
Actually, he knows far more facts than you. Without all that wasted "work" that you did...lol You two and your efforts are truly hilarious;) But, really...never give up... It's always on the record:)
And done nothing but whine and cry constantly since I brought up your post.

I have no problem with you bringing up my post.
Obviously I wrote it to be read.
I think you need to look inwards to why you're constantly bringing up my adventures.
I forgot a lot of stuff,you can't forget.
For someone who claims to be a vet and a few other things, you sure spout off a lot of psychobabble about shit you know nothing about. Guess that explains your contard preferences and gf Toxic.

Translation: I'm just a domineering shrew who must try to save face. I need a :hug:
Actually, he knows far more facts than you. Without all that wasted "work" that you did...lol You two and your wasted efforts are truly hilarious;) But, really...never give up... It's always on the record:)

Your repeating same stupid shit

has got boring.
He's not racist nor right; he is a bit prickly to get used to though. lol

Yeah, that whole Moore thing -- it's pretty sickening watching them flush whatever principles and values they claim to own in order to get a molester in the Senate. Next time I see or hear one of them go on about the "god-less libtards," I'll just have a one-word rebuttal: "Moore."

I said he sounds like one. To suggest we need more conservative dems in the party, is absurd.

Besides that, I don't go by what a poster says about another poster, I go by how they post. On the other board, everyone told me anatta (noise) wasn't a racist.........but look at him now. Full fledge right wing nut job racist.