I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

and you are keeping the bullshit up too. As is MM and SF.

Truth about what? Whether someone made an accusation about someone??

Is it really that big a deal? All this nonsense about exposing the truth and showing what people really are is just bullshit.

You are not doing anything noble or good here. You are perpetuating a thread about garbage. Its extended gossip. Its "he said, she said" stupidity. And you can try and make it look as though you are the malighned one all you want. But you brought this shit to this board. SF didn't bring it here.

And I don't care who is friends with who. If the guy is not molesting his kids then its just internet flaming. If you think that is the worst thing that can happen online you haven't been paying attention.
While it is more than 'gossip' it really has no useful function beyond vetting and trying to smear he who deserves smearing. On the other hand, this whole drama has come close to killing one board, I'd advise not to let it happen here. There are no high roaders here, they are all for the do or die, including MM.
While it is more than 'gossip' it really has no useful function beyond vetting and trying to smear he who deserves smearing. On the other hand, this whole drama has come close to killing one board, I'd advise not to let it happen here. There are no high roaders here, they are all for the do or die, including MM.

you have engaged this drama too, i wonder are you including yourself in this critique of "do or die"?
Oh...the drama!

because i proved you lied....you now want to drop it LOOOL

i'm done in this thread, i have proven MM accused SM, if you all want to argue it, go to that thread as i have repeatedly suggested and you can present your case there.

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showpost.php?p=373694&postcount=305"]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Could Blago Roll on Obama?[/ame]
you have engaged this drama too, i wonder are you including yourself in this critique of "do or die"?

True, though I saw what was happening, which was not changing MFM behavior and tried to pull back. Hope the cognizant do the same here.
True, though I saw what was happening, which was not changing MFM behavior and tried to pull back. Hope the cognizant do the same here.

fair enough

but just as he hounds those he suspects of lying, he too will reap what he sows when he continues to lie....but on this, there is no changing his mind, it is like more deceptive honesty on his part, i didn't "really", but snicker, snicker, i knew he would take it that way, kinda like calling people multiple times
Putin is looking good for an old man but drooling is pushing it a little far.

Lets trade fruitcake recipies.
You want to make a big deal out of the accusations on an internet forum, then your priorities are way screwed up.

Lying is nothing new online. It happens all the time. I have been lied about and to more times than I can count. Its the nature of the beast.

And if you want to make a thread about it, go ahead. But you and the rest have insisted on spreading this into MULTIPLE threads. And that is spamming and trolling. Neither of which I hold in high regard.

Before you ask, yes, on a forum like this I consider spamming and trolling worse than lying. As for the accusations, if they are lies they fall under what I already said, and if they are not lies then they should be prosecuted.

If the lies had been told about someone who was always nice and sweet i might be inclined to be more sympathetic. Or if they had been leveled at someone in a way that the person could actually be harmed.

But they weren't, so why not just shut the fuck up about it?? And I mean that toward ALL of the people involved.

you're just a cold hearted bastard that likes fishing with worms instead of lures
i figured when you had "yurt on ignore thingie" up that i was on ignore. why do you then ignore my pm and ignore the evidence i presented in the other thread after you asked me for it? why ask if you don't want the truth?

As this is predominantly about the ignore feature I will respond.

I put it up to remind MM and to inform you that the feature exists. Use it or don't... that is your choice.

As for the topic you wish to continue discussing. I am ignoring any more comments on the matter from you or MM. I will not address them any further. Period. Should you wish to actually discuss politics, I would be happy to address you on such.
As this is predominantly about the ignore feature I will respond.

I put it up to remind MM and to inform you that the feature exists. Use it or don't... that is your choice.

As for the topic you wish to continue discussing. I am ignoring any more comments on the matter from you or MM. I will not address them any further. Period. Should you wish to actually discuss politics, I would be happy to address you on such.

good for you! next time don't ask questions that you really don't want answers to....

merry christmas

Hey, i'll take you all on. All at once or one at a time, makes no odds to me.

I've already killed and dismembered the other English based posters. Perhaps it is time to get some new world meat? (ooh, that sounds rather camp doesn't it?)
Most people here would have no idea what "camp" is.

Just keep it simple for us Americans. "ghey"...

And yes, dogging up some fresh meat sounds kinda camp...
because i proved you lied....you now want to drop it LOOOL

i'm done in this thread, i have proven MM accused SM, if you all want to argue it, go to that thread as i have repeatedly suggested and you can present your case there.


you've proven diddly squat. I have not accused SM of doing anything. Get a life. really. And "drop it"? I never was the one who fucking picked it up in the first place, you obsessive, stalking loser... who contacted my employer and now denies it!
I watch it every year, but I am surprised there isn't more outrage about it. Where is the ACLU, atheist activists, and such?

In a world where saying "Merry Christmas" is political taboo, nativity scenes are being removed from public places, and parents are getting mad for their kids participating in Christmas activities at school, I am surprised

it is commercial, like the rest of the holiday seasons these days

you've proven diddly squat. I have not accused SM of doing anything. Get a life. really. And "drop it"? I never was the one who fucking picked it up in the first place, you obsessive, stalking loser... who contacted my employer and now denies it!

your lies and your threat of violence to me in PM have been reported. i suggest you put me on permanent ignore as it is clear you cannot control yourself when thinking of me. if the issue is not resolved, i will report your threats to the proper authorities.

and i know for a fact you don't think it is me who outed you, more lies...and it is clear you are the one obsessed for continually bringing up an issue on another board.