I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

Hey, a double shot of bourbon or tequila with an umbrella is a manly drink. It just has a vacationy feel to it.

You could mix 151, Jose and Jack together toss in a healthy dose of the hottest sauce you can find.... you put an umbrella in the drink and it is no longer a manly drink. Those are the rules man... no umbrellas.
You could mix 151, Jose and Jack together toss in a healthy dose of the hottest sauce you can find.... you put an umbrella in the drink and it is no longer a manly drink. Those are the rules man... no umbrellas.

Dammit, you mean if I show up to kill the brit, bring lots of guns, and order shots of tequila, you question my manhood because of the umbrella?

Jeez, tough crowd
You could mix 151, Jose and Jack together toss in a healthy dose of the hottest sauce you can find.... you put an umbrella in the drink and it is no longer a manly drink. Those are the rules man... no umbrellas.

And no Jose. If they don't have Patron I'll bring my own.
The whole reason for the little umbrellas is to keep the ice from melting in the sun.

Real men dont need no stinking ice huh?

Ok, no ice needed in a shot of tequila.

Alrighty, SF, line me up a few shots of Patron and lets start this thing!
i have to say that most of you are being cowardly and hypocritical about this....you complain about folks derailing a thread, then you purposefully derail the thread to cover up the truth....you demand the truth and when presented with it, you cover it up by derailing the thread. it is good to know MM has such "brave" friends to cover up his lies and accusations. no wonder MM feels at home here...

i truly appreciate the folks here who are not cowards and hypocrites...and to you a merry christmas!
i have to say that most of you are being cowardly and hypocritical about this....you complain about folks derailing a thread, then you purposefully derail the thread to cover up the truth....you demand the truth and when presented with it, you cover it up by derailing the thread. it is good to know MM has such "brave" friends to cover up his lies and accusations. no wonder MM feels at home here...

i truly appreciate the folks here who are not cowards and hypocrites...and to you a merry christmas!

Truth - schmuth, this is not about truth or lies, this is about a petty squabble that should have stayed on another board.

I am not a friend of either of you. I am simply tired of the flooding of bullshit from the lot of you.
the fact remains, "counselor", I did not accuse him of anything. If what I said made him infer that I had when I had not... that ain't my problem. Buck up... find a new hobby. It's Christmas. If you wanna bash me, go back to DP where you won't have to deal with any feedback. Let's try and stay nice here...OK? "counselor"?

Sure it is. You accused him of such behavior before and insinuated it here. It doesn't matter to you that you knew it wasn't true to begin with, you got your response and glow in it. For some reason it's the same type of behavior that makes many figure the people serving 'under you', were very hostile towards you. Never respected you. Would have done what they could to make you appear bad. Makes one wonder how often they were successful. Never? LOL!
Truth - schmuth, this is not about truth or lies, this is about a petty squabble that should have stayed on another board.

I am not a friend of either of you. I am simply tired of the flooding of bullshit from the lot of you.

wrong, i am talking solely about his accusations here, not another board, it is MM who continues to bring that board up by telling me to leave. superfreak asked me to prove MM's accusations, i did and superfreak ignored them and now is such a coward he apparently put me on ignore rather than face the truth about his friend.

but i see the truth is not important to you, unfortunate really.
wrong, i am talking solely about his accusations here, not another board, it is MM who continues to bring that board up by telling me to leave. superfreak asked me to prove MM's accusations, i did and superfreak ignored them and now is such a coward he apparently put me on ignore rather than face the truth about his friend.

but i see the truth is not important to you, unfortunate really.

and you are keeping the bullshit up too. As is MM and SF.

Truth about what? Whether someone made an accusation about someone??

Is it really that big a deal? All this nonsense about exposing the truth and showing what people really are is just bullshit.

You are not doing anything noble or good here. You are perpetuating a thread about garbage. Its extended gossip. Its "he said, she said" stupidity. And you can try and make it look as though you are the malighned one all you want. But you brought this shit to this board. SF didn't bring it here.

And I don't care who is friends with who. If the guy is not molesting his kids then its just internet flaming. If you think that is the worst thing that can happen online you haven't been paying attention.
wrong, i am talking solely about his accusations here, not another board, it is MM who continues to bring that board up by telling me to leave. superfreak asked me to prove MM's accusations, i did and superfreak ignored them and now is such a coward he apparently put me on ignore rather than face the truth about his friend.

but i see the truth is not important to you, unfortunate really.

I did not put you on ignore... I suggested MM do so and suggested you return the favor for him. Then the rest of us could be free from this.
and you are keeping the bullshit up too. As is MM and SF.

Truth about what? Whether someone made an accusation about someone??

Is it really that big a deal? All this nonsense about exposing the truth and showing what people really are is just bullshit.

You are not doing anything noble or good here. You are perpetuating a thread about garbage. Its extended gossip. Its "he said, she said" stupidity. And you can try and make it look as though you are the malighned one all you want. But you brought this shit to this board. SF didn't bring it here.

And I don't care who is friends with who. If the guy is not molesting his kids then its just internet flaming. If you think that is the worst thing that can happen online you haven't been paying attention.

MM made the accusations on THIS board, so i brought nothing here. as to what is or is not noble, that is your opinion, not fact. i consider lying and accusing someone of molestation the opposite of noble. no one is asking you to reply to these particular posts and your judgment is uncalled for given you refuse to pass judgment on lying and accusing someone of molestation. it appears it is more important to you that i keep quiet than if someone accused someone of something that is a lie.

that is a shame.

I did not put you on ignore... I suggested MM do so and suggested you return the favor for him. Then the rest of us could be free from this.

i figured when you had "yurt on ignore thingie" up that i was on ignore. why do you then ignore my pm and ignore the evidence i presented in the other thread after you asked me for it? why ask if you don't want the truth?
MM made the accusations on THIS board, so i brought nothing here. as to what is or is not noble, that is your opinion, not fact. i consider lying and accusing someone of molestation the opposite of noble. no one is asking you to reply to these particular posts and your judgment is uncalled for given you refuse to pass judgment on lying and accusing someone of molestation. it appears it is more important to you that i keep quiet than if someone accused someone of something that is a lie.

that is a shame.

i figured when you had "yurt on ignore thingie" up that i was on ignore. why do you then ignore my pm and ignore the evidence i presented in the other thread after you asked me for it? why ask if you don't want the truth?

You want to make a big deal out of the accusations on an internet forum, then your priorities are way screwed up.

Lying is nothing new online. It happens all the time. I have been lied about and to more times than I can count. Its the nature of the beast.

And if you want to make a thread about it, go ahead. But you and the rest have insisted on spreading this into MULTIPLE threads. And that is spamming and trolling. Neither of which I hold in high regard.

Before you ask, yes, on a forum like this I consider spamming and trolling worse than lying. As for the accusations, if they are lies they fall under what I already said, and if they are not lies then they should be prosecuted.

If the lies had been told about someone who was always nice and sweet i might be inclined to be more sympathetic. Or if they had been leveled at someone in a way that the person could actually be harmed.

But they weren't, so why not just shut the fuck up about it?? And I mean that toward ALL of the people involved.
You want to make a big deal out of the accusations on an internet forum, then your priorities are way screwed up.

Lying is nothing new online. It happens all the time. I have been lied about and to more times than I can count. Its the nature of the beast.

And if you want to make a thread about it, go ahead. But you and the rest have insisted on spreading this into MULTIPLE threads. And that is spamming and trolling. Neither of which I hold in high regard.

Before you ask, yes, on a forum like this I consider spamming and trolling worse than lying. As for the accusations, if they are lies they fall under what I already said, and if they are not lies then they should be prosecuted.

If the lies had been told about someone who was always nice and sweet i might be inclined to be more sympathetic. Or if they had been leveled at someone in a way that the person could actually be harmed.

But they weren't, so why not just shut the fuck up about it?? And I mean that toward ALL of the people involved.

I agree. Maineman deserves what he reaps, but it should be confined to one thread and not spamming the board.
You want to make a big deal out of the accusations on an internet forum, then your priorities are way screwed up.

Lying is nothing new online. It happens all the time. I have been lied about and to more times than I can count. Its the nature of the beast.

And if you want to make a thread about it, go ahead. But you and the rest have insisted on spreading this into MULTIPLE threads. And that is spamming and trolling. Neither of which I hold in high regard.

Before you ask, yes, on a forum like this I consider spamming and trolling worse than lying. As for the accusations, if they are lies they fall under what I already said, and if they are not lies then they should be prosecuted.

If the lies had been told about someone who was always nice and sweet i might be inclined to be more sympathetic. Or if they had been leveled at someone in a way that the person could actually be harmed.

But they weren't, so why not just shut the fuck up about it?? And I mean that toward ALL of the people involved.

i repeatedly told you and the others to return to the thread wherein the subject matter is contained. i even multiposted MM's posts for your convenience. while you seemingly want to sit on your high horse about spamming, you are not innocent in this matter. you too have continued to discuss this in this thread after i informed you and others multiple times to engage the other thread.

you also engaged in banter about drinking and stuff in this thread which is off topic. you are in no position to preach to others about spamming given your intentional off topic posts in this thread.

but since your priorities are greater for spamming than truth....i can see why you did not engage that thread after i asked you to.