I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

liar...why do you keep mentioning my personal information on this site, i thought that was against the rules....and liar, you don't own this site so you have absolutely zero say in what i do here. got it, good.

and i am not bashing you, i am showing you the truth and am showing your friends here the truth. interesting you see the truth as bashing you.

you gave him bait, you knew he would know you were accusing him, you are guilty as charged. you are the lowest scum on the earth "preacher" by playing this lying semantics game when you knew full well southern man would take your words as accusing him of molestation AND your words were the EXACT same words you had previously used when you accused him molestating little boys on ski trips. even damo asked you to stop accusing him of pedophilia.

why do you live a double life?

I don't live a double life... but it is quite telling - probably inadvertently so - that you continue to use that particular phrase.

I fail to see how someone who calls me a preacher in one breath can bitch about me calling them a "counselor" in the very next. Do you see the hypocrisy there, "counselor"?:pke:

I gave him the bait, certainly...I thought he might infer what he inferred. I did NOT, however, accuse him of anything. I let his own apparently guilty conscience do that all on its own. That's a fact. I did not accuse him of anything... and I am not a liar.
In the episode titled "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" there is a scene when they're all at the Thanksgiving table eating and they put the only black kid on the show at the end of the table, now if thats not a racist i dont know what is.
In the episode titled "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" there is a scene when they're all at the Thanksgiving table eating and they put the only black kid on the show at the end of the table, now if thats not a racist i dont know what is.

Are you sure it wasn't the honorary seat at the HEAD of the table?
I don't live a double life... but it is quite telling - probably inadvertently so - that you continue to use that particular phrase.

I fail to see how someone who calls me a preacher in one breath can bitch about me calling them a "counselor" in the very next. Do you see the hypocrisy there, "counselor"?:pke:

I gave him the bait, certainly...I thought he might infer what he inferred. I did NOT, however, accuse him of anything. I let his own apparently guilty conscience do that all on its own. That's a fact. I did not accuse him of anything... and I am not a liar.

you've told people what you do here, i have not.

you fully intended he take your words a certain way, more deceptive honesty huh preacher...liar
you've told people what you do here, i have not.

you fully intended he take your words a certain way, more deceptive honesty huh preacher...liar

now you have.:pke: and I always tried to put "counselor" in quotation marks, implying that you weren't really one anyway....

honestly...yurt... the fact remains....I did not accuse him of molesting anyone. If he, or anyone else, inferred that from words that did not say as much, so be it. That does not change the fact that there is no accusation there.

quit calling me a liar... please... I have asked you nicely on numerous occasions.
now you have.:pke:

honestly...yurt... the fact remains....I did not accuse him of molesting anyone. If he, or anyone else, inferred that from words that did not say as much, so be it. That does not change the fact that there is no accusation there.

quit calling me a liar... please... I have asked you nicely on numerous occasions.

Just do this....

Today 11:29 AM
Yurt This user is on your Ignore List.

Then you won't have to see it and the rest of us won't have to listen to this non stop.

Yurt... return the favor and we can all get back to actually discussing issues.

That is all.

don't make me go find God again... cause something tells me he would be quite pissed to have to come deal with you two. :)
it is noteworthy that superfreak challenged me to prove my assertion, i did and superfreak refuses to discuss the facts because MM is his friend....if you don't want the truth don't ask for it.
Whatever happened to the good old days where internet arguments would end up with some police tape and the administering of gunshot residue tests?
says the man hiding across the pond. :)


Hey, i'll take you all on. All at once or one at a time, makes no odds to me.

I've already killed and dismembered the other English based posters. Perhaps it is time to get some new world meat? (ooh, that sounds rather camp doesn't it?)

Hey, i'll take you all on. All at once or one at a time, makes no odds to me.

I've already killed and dismembered the other English based posters. Perhaps it is time to get some new world meat? (ooh, that sounds rather camp doesn't it?)

Let's do our part to save the environment, instead of all of us coming over there, you come over here. Then we can chat about what you did to the Reverand and others from your side.
Let's do our part to save the environment, instead of all of us coming over there, you come over here. Then we can chat about what you did to the Reverand and others from your side.

I don't trust you lot. I've seen films, you know. The ones where the hapless foreign tourist turns up to the fist fight only to be confronted with an American cad wielding a portable rocket launcher.

I propose an international face off, perhaps in Bermuda.
I don't trust you lot. I've seen films, you know. The ones where the hapless foreign tourist turns up to the fist fight only to be confronted with an American cad wielding a portable rocket launcher.

I propose an international face off, perhaps in Bermuda.

count me in. I LOVE Bermuda! I have fond, if albeit blurry memories of riding scooters back to the ship whilst totally shitfaced on English beer.
I don't trust you lot. I've seen films, you know. The ones where the hapless foreign tourist turns up to the fist fight only to be confronted with an American cad wielding a portable rocket launcher.

I propose an international face off, perhaps in Bermuda.

good idea. It is indeed true that any old joe can buy a rocket launcher over here. Bermuda it is. THough once there we should probably just get hammered and mock those too fearful to join us
good idea. It is indeed true that any old joe can buy a rocket launcher over here. Bermuda it is. THough once there we should probably just get hammered and mock those too fearful to join us

I'm up for that sort of international incident! I'll even buy the first round of incidents with little umbrellas in them.
sorry, but the French are not invited. So no umbrella drinks. We shall drink manly drinks only... :rolleyes:

Hey, a double shot of bourbon or tequila with an umbrella is a manly drink. It just has a vacationy feel to it.