I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

I am saying that I find it amazing that a thread started by the king of spamming trolls that is about how HE is amazed that the supposed liberal war against Christmas has NOT gone after Charlie Brown has rambled on for ten pages....

There IS no war on Christmas...there is only faux outrage from the loony right.
ahhh, how cute, you are adding so much value to this thread, warm fuzzies thread derailer (your title)

The value I do or do not add to the thread is not the issue. Giving shit to a troll is worthwhile in my opinion.

And I am aware of the title on my profile. I typed it.
then what do you care if you are a self-titled thread derailer?

I care because the title was written as sarcasm.

And if you want to derail the thread onto another political topic, I am all for it.

I have not bitched about threads being derailled. I have bitched about this petty little nonsense that you and the rest have spread over various threads.
I care because the title was written as sarcasm.

And if you want to derail the thread onto another political topic, I am all for it.

I have not bitched about threads being derailled. I have bitched about this petty little nonsense that you and the rest have spread over various threads.

i see your point, but part of the "nonsense" as you call it, is not petty, nonetheless, i see where you are coming from. fair enough.
Spoken by someone who has obviously never heard my voice. Give me your cell phone number, I'll call and leave you a dirty message, and you'll be begging for it.

I'm not having it with you, but the idea that you are going to act like you wouldn't want to anyway? That is simply intolerable!

The NY accent is a complete turnoff. Not as bad as Jersey, but still damn near as annoying.
and you keep spewing your bullshit. get over yourself...or go back to your perverted incestuous cesspool at DP.com with the rest of your "buddies".

So...what the fuck do you have to say about Charlie Brown Christmas show? anything? If not...stfu.


Maine.... let it go man, the majority of this board knows you. He is not going to change your image with us simply by whining a few hundred times. Trust me, your image is secure. We all know you for the crackpot liberal that you are.

wuss, what are you five... your buddies want you to stop ruining threads about the fued, now stop your childishness and go defend the indefensible in the proper thread and stop ruining this one.


Be silent child. Do not make me smite your dumb ass. Either pull your head out of RSR's ass or you shall be doomed.

As punishment for your initial transgressions, your new name shall be Gumby2.

From hence forth all shall call you by this name.

I have spoken.
Be silent child. Do not make me smite your dumb ass. Either pull your head out of RSR's ass or you shall be doomed.

As punishment for your initial transgressions, your new name shall be Gumby2.

From hence forth all shall call you by this name.

I have spoken.

Maine.... let it go man, the majority of this board knows you. He is not going to change your image with us simply by whining a few hundred times. Trust me, your image is secure. We all know you for the crackpot liberal that you are.


i take it you are still too afraid to see the thread wherein MM's own words convict him :rolleyes:

it is funny that you still keep this going, yet you whine about others doing so
Maine.... let it go man, the majority of this board knows you. He is not going to change your image with us simply by whining a few hundred times. Trust me, your image is secure. We all know you for the crackpot liberal that you are.


OK pal...wilco

gumby goes into the dustbin
I mean it's going to keep going and wanted to get behind something so I wouldn't be covered with it.

I know he hacked you off, we all know it. And we know how he did it.

Now let's you and I go get a beer, ogle strange women that we'll never have a chance with (speak for myself, I know) and talk about politics for a while.
I mean it's going to keep going and wanted to get behind something so I wouldn't be covered with it.

I know he hacked you off, we all know it. And we know how he did it.

Now let's you and I go get a beer, ogle strange women that we'll never have a chance with (speak for myself, I know) and talk about politics for a while.


oh and don't worry about it keeping on...MM's words convict him and even you knew he was accusing southern man of pedophilia

deschutes brewery pick, on me!

oh and don't worry about it keeping on...MM's words convict him and even you knew he was accusing southern man of pedophilia

deschutes brewery pick, on me!
Where's this brewery? Do I have to get a plane ticket?