I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

Please point out WHERE in that post he did any such thing. Friggin child

read the thread, he admits he intended southern man to understand he was talking about child molestation...his own words convict him. you should read the thread and see the evidence for yourself, especially when you see his other posts. don't worry, i won't wait for your apology.

but i am heartened to see you still are continuing this after whining about it not ending.
I used to vary between saying Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy Yule. (most of the time I said "have a nice day")

But now I make it a point to say "Happy Holidays". I get to be nice and piss off the fundies at the same time.

How great is that?
Oh, here we go. This from the guy who swore if I had phone sex with him, he'd send me really good Christmas presents.

I just want everyone here to know - if SF tries to get you to have phone sex with him, for gifts, get the shit first! This is especially important for our younger, more emotionally vulnerable posters, like wm, grind, threede, etc, to know.

LMAO... someone is on quite the roll this afternoon. Early beverage consumption?


While I can understand the idea of him considering phone sex with you, I really can't picture him finding any satisfaction out of such a thing with WM, Grind, Treedee or any one of the guys who post here. At least I pray he wouldn't.


While I can understand the idea of him considering phone sex with you, I really can't picture him finding any satisfaction out of such a thing with WM, Grind, Treedee or any one of the guys who post here. At least I pray he wouldn't.


you are quite correct. I most certainly would not. Honestly I doubt I would with Darla either. I talk on the phone all day long... so phone sex is not appealing at all.

While I can understand the idea of him considering phone sex with you, I really can't picture him finding any satisfaction out of such a thing with WM, Grind, Treedee or any one of the guys who post here. At least I pray he wouldn't.


you are quite correct. I most certainly would not. Honestly I doubt I would with Darla either. I talk on the phone all day long... so phone sex is not appealing at all.

Spoken by someone who has obviously never heard my voice. Give me your cell phone number, I'll call and leave you a dirty message, and you'll be begging for it.

I'm not having it with you, but the idea that you are going to act like you wouldn't want to anyway? That is simply intolerable!
read the thread, he admits he intended southern man to understand he was talking about child molestation...his own words convict him. you should read the thread and see the evidence for yourself, especially when you see his other posts. don't worry, i won't wait for your apology.

but i am heartened to see you still are continuing this after whining about it not ending.

what someone infers is not necessarily what someone else said. If I could get you to infer that I thought you were a spineless piece of shit by merely saying something like, "how about them Red Sox"... that would not mean that I actually did accuse you of being a spineless piece of shit, would it? The fact remains... I did NOT accuse SM of molesting young boys. You and he both inferred it.... that, I think, says a lot more about where YOUR mind is.

words have meaning yurt. read what I wrote, not what you THINK I meant by what I wrote.
Spoken by someone who has obviously never heard my voice. Give me your cell phone number, I'll call and leave you a dirty message, and you'll be begging for it.

I'm not having it with you, but the idea that you are going to act like you wouldn't want to anyway? That is simply intolerable!

Spoken by someone who has obviously never heard my voice. Give me your cell phone number, I'll call and leave you a dirty message, and you'll be begging for it.

I'm not having it with you, but the idea that you are going to act like you wouldn't want to anyway? That is simply intolerable!

So you would never have phone sex with him, but the idea that he wouldn't have it with you would make you call and leave him recorded phone sex?


Darla, I would never, ever look at any naked pictures of you.

what someone infers is not necessarily what someone else said. If I could get you to infer that I thought you were a spineless piece of shit by merely saying something like, "how about them Red Sox"... that would not mean that I actually did accuse you of being a spineless piece of shit, would it? The fact remains... I did NOT accuse SM of molesting young boys. You and he both inferred it.... that, I think, says a lot more about where YOUR mind is.

words have meaning yurt. read what I wrote, not what you THINK I meant by what I wrote.

go argue in that thread, you admitted he took the "bait" that you put out on the liine, which is your admission that you KNEW, he would know you were talking about molesting little boys. go to that thread and stop ruining this one.

go argue in that thread, you admitted he took the "bait" that you put out on the liine, which is your admission that you KNEW, he would know you were talking about molesting little boys. go to that thread and stop ruining this one.


I don't go anywhere because you tell me to...

just thought you should know.:pke:
I don't go anywhere because you tell me to...

just thought you should know.:pke:

wuss, what are you five... your buddies want you to stop ruining threads about the fued, now stop your childishness and go defend the indefensible in the proper thread and stop ruining this one.

Would ya'll just shut the fuck up?

Its like having 5 year olds in here. Both sides want to have the last say.

And both are doing the "he started it!" crap.

This is a great place to talk, discuss, debate and chat.

But give this petty bullshit a rest. Or take it somewhere else.
Would ya'll just shut the fuck up?

Its like having 5 year olds in here. Both sides want to have the last say.

And both are doing the "he started it!" crap.

This is a great place to talk, discuss, debate and chat.

But give this petty bullshit a rest. Or take it somewhere else.


I don't go anywhere because you tell me to...

just thought you should know.

wuss, what are you five... your buddies want you to stop ruining threads about the fued, now stop your childishness and go defend the indefensible in the proper thread and stop ruining this one.


and you keep spewing your bullshit. get over yourself...or go back to your perverted incestuous cesspool at DP.com with the rest of your "buddies".

So...what the fuck do you have to say about Charlie Brown Christmas show? anything? If not...stfu.

and you keep spewing your bullshit. get over yourself...or go back to your perverted incestuous cesspool at DP.com with the rest of your "buddies".

So...what the fuck do you have to say about Charlie Brown Christmas show? anything? If not...stfu.


still ruining threads i see....it is no surprise you won't go defend yourself, because you can't, so you have to keep ruining this thread.

you're such a wuss, i don't tell you where to go but you'll tell you where to go....you do not own this site, so i suggest you keep your lying pie hole shut about my stay at this site. got it, good!

and what exactly are you saynig about charlie brown....NOTHING, hypocrite, LOL.