I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

I just rediscovered an old cookbook that was put out by the wives of my father's law firm back in Illinois... in it is a recipe for Tom and Jerry's... a great warm holiday drink with both rum and brandy. If anyone is interested, I will share the recipe or, if you want to show up in Maine, superfreak, I will gladly make you one.:clink:

I remember the name when I was a kid. Ill have to look it up and try one this season.
Ok, dying of curiosity, what is the real URL of dp.com? D___Politics.com I would guess?

LOL at flag, doublepenetration.com was something I thought of too.
I spent 4 days at the hospital last week because my wife was ill.

The nurses all wished us a Merry Christmas.

Yesterday and today I have been in Cato's, Target, Walmart, Pets-Mart, a chinese restaurant, a grocery store and two convenience stores.

We were wished a Merry Christmas at all of those places. Not a single "Happy Holidays".

I eat too much Chinese food. Yesterday, I went in for pick-up and the lady greeted me "Hello [troggy]! How you? Pick up?"
I'll create one in the war zone for y'all, so long as you follow rule 1, and also you don't post graphic details of any illegal sexual activity... (rule 13)

So, as long as it is legal sexual activity it can be posted?

So much for this site being family friendly ;)

so what you are saying is that you aren't going to stop bringing up this shit?

Whatever was said elsewhere, either leave it there or do us all a favor and start one specific thread where you all can have at it for all eternity.

Thanks in advance.

nope, didn't say any of that, you obviously have reading comprehension difficulties or you just like to bullshit and make believe people said something they never said to make your point.

nice try....and i notice you leave MM harmless in all of this, as if he didn't bring any old stuff up, and as if he never accused someone of molesting little boys....how quaint, you must support such insults.
nope, didn't say any of that, you obviously have reading comprehension difficulties or you just like to bullshit and make believe people said something they never said to make your point.

nice try....and i notice you leave MM harmless in all of this, as if he didn't bring any old stuff up, and as if he never accused someone of molesting little boys....how quaint, you must support such insults.

actually your words did indeed state just that. Because here again you bring it up.

From what I have seen on THIS site, MM has attempted to apologize and ask that the past discussions on other boards be left in the past. He has also asked for a fresh start.

I don't know what was said on other boards and quite frankly do not care. Which was the whole reason that I (among others) have asked that you either start your own thread for the discussion or let it friggin go.

But from what I have seen thus far, you appear to childish to do so. Is that the case?
actually your words did indeed state just that. Because here again you bring it up.

From what I have seen on THIS site, MM has attempted to apologize and ask that the past discussions on other boards be left in the past. He has also asked for a fresh start.

I don't know what was said on other boards and quite frankly do not care. Which was the whole reason that I (among others) have asked that you either start your own thread for the discussion or let it friggin go.

But from what I have seen thus far, you appear to childish to do so. Is that the case?

bullshit, i never said such. you repeating doesn't make it true.

and while you are still whining and bitching, one glaring fact you fail to acknowledge is that no one has brought up stuff since it was asked that we don't. but you make out as if people are still talking about it. get a grip dude and your bias is obvious, you support MM's pedophile insults and bringing up other boards, but you don't support others to respond to his lies about other boards.

here is a suggestion, why don't you quit whining about this and let it drop.
A site which only allows certain types of speach.

oh look, someone is bringing up another board....are you guys going to whine about this? doubt it. and desh, you are flat out lying.

MM did accuse SM of molesting little boys, that is a fact and it is a lie to suggest otherwise. end of story.
bullshit, i never said such. you repeating doesn't make it true.

and while you are still whining and bitching, one glaring fact you fail to acknowledge is that no one has brought up stuff since it was asked that we don't. but you make out as if people are still talking about it. get a grip dude and your bias is obvious, you support MM's pedophile insults and bringing up other boards, but you don't support others to respond to his lies about other boards.

here is a suggestion, why don't you quit whining about this and let it drop.

translation: "yes, I am a child and will continue to talk about supposed comments from another board and then pretend that I am not doing just that. "

and dear little Yurt... if you want to quit discussing it, quit putting it in your posts.
Yurt that site is run by people who do not tolerate speach they dont agree with.

I have met several people who have been banned for doing the same things others who agree with the admin get away with.

The rules are unevenly applied there even if you are too biased to see it.

Damo is the man and can hear descent from his oppinion and still hold his character.
That is why this will always be my favorite site.
for those that believe i (cannot speak for others) followed MM here, you are dead wrong. another member on here mentioned on another board that he is posting here occasionally and mentioned that i should too. i said i had actually joined months ago and will check this site out.

MM talking about another member molesting little boys....yeah, that is really bringing stuff from another forum. it is good MM has found a place that supports him accusing other members of molesting little boys. he has always whined about being in the minority, so it is good he has found a nice home where he can make his vulgar insults and be loved.

Who is supporting him? The fact that people here are not interested in your continued bickering from another site does not mean we support him at all.

In fact, I think the people who are complaining about this are complaining to ALL of you.
oh look, someone is bringing up another board....are you guys going to whine about this? doubt it. and desh, you are flat out lying.

Only if she continues to describe the other website a few dozen times in several different threads.