I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

I merely offered you a heartfelt apoloigy and you refused in in your typically inelegant style. End of discussion. I am not offended... disappointed, perhaps, but not offended. I merely consider the source.

Merry Christmas, in any case.

Again, for which one have you offered a "heartfelt apology"? You have posted three such posts :)
I'll create one in the war zone for y'all, so long as you follow rule 1, and also you don't post graphic details of any illegal sexual activity... (rule 13)
So much for not wanting to ruin another thread.

And so much for it stopping.
I watch it every year, but I am surprised there isn't more outrage about it. Where is the ACLU, atheist activists, and such?

In a world where saying "Merry Christmas" is political taboo, nativity scenes are being removed from public places, and parents are getting mad for their kids participating in Christmas activities at school, I am surprised

You do not know the history of Christmas ?

The puritans actually banned Christmas in England.
They did the same in early America.
Congeress worked in session for about the first 16 Christmases.

Quiz, when did the US congress establish Christmas as a Holiday ?
Stop trying to duck the question. Why are you trying to blame Jim for your humiliating retreat from DP?

Why are you not posting on Amendment IX? I saw you pic up on the intro thread - yet no posts :)

Just a thought, but why don't you morons do as requested and not bring shit from another board on here?

Do not force me to bring down the wrath of 'God'
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Whiner? These idiots have been basically spamming this forum with a personal argument from another website.

Is it whining to think that the topics should be the subject?

Is it whining to think that this "he said she said" bullshit be kept to a minimum?
Whiner? These idiots have been basically spamming this forum with a personal argument from another website.

Is it whining to think that the topics should be the subject?

Is it whining to think that this "he said she said" bullshit be kept to a minimum?

he made another post about those people whining, i think it is funny to whine about people whining. the post was mean for him and him alone, not you.
he made another post about those people whining, i think it is funny to whine about people whining. the post was mean for him and him alone, not you.

I guess I stick my nose in posts made on public forums.

Everyone needs a hobby.

Besides, if his whining had done any good the first time, he might not have posted the next.

This garbage has Beefy banning people. Beefy! Jeez, the next thing that will happen is WM calling for the death penalty and CKid getting that brain from the wizard.
Somebody posted some information about somebody else, tried couching it in sentences so that we wouldn't know. But we did. Rule 1 applied, they were banned for two days.
Darn! I missed it, I guess I should have read all that fuss.
But then again from what I read it would have been about as bad as listening to Rush.
I watch it every year, but I am surprised there isn't more outrage about it. Where is the ACLU, atheist activists, and such?

In a world where saying "Merry Christmas" is political taboo, nativity scenes are being removed from public places, and parents are getting mad for their kids participating in Christmas activities at school, I am surprised

Maybe it is proof that the war on christmas is a faked up scenario by you faggot retard neanderthals.
Maybe it is proof that the war on christmas is a faked up scenario by you faggot retard neanderthals.

get used to it. RSR whines when he sees something that he thinks is a war on christmas, and he whines when he sees something that he thinks isn't a war on christmas. basically, he whines about liberals from whatever vantage he can find.
I do not mean to ruin any thread

I am fed up with MM playing the role of the offended liberal, and his constant playing the victim

I want as many people as possible to see his true side and character

Sounds to me like you are the offended. Omg sob christmas is being attacked. Go back to dp.com or doublepenetration.com or whatever douchebag site you come from.
I think Charlie Brown cartoons are sexist. Every famale is a jerk in the cartoon.

Everyone in a Charlie Brown cartoon is a jerk. The closest thing to "normal" is the kid with a psychological addiction to flannel.