I'm surprised ABC still airs "Charlie Brown Christmas"

I watch it every year, but I am surprised there isn't more outrage about it. Where is the ACLU, atheist activists, and such?

In a world where saying "Merry Christmas" is political taboo, nativity scenes are being removed from public places, and parents are getting mad for their kids participating in Christmas activities at school, I am surprised

I'm surprised too. I can't see how anyone stands the awful show.
Christian faux-outrage is funny.

You're right. No group in the world more oppressed than white male Christian Republicans, only a minority of whom beat their wives.
I watch it every year, but I am surprised there isn't more outrage about it. Where is the ACLU, atheist activists, and such?

In a world where saying "Merry Christmas" is political taboo, nativity scenes are being removed from public places, and parents are getting mad for their kids participating in Christmas activities at school, I am surprised

This is just more attempted outrage from the people who want it all their way.

Saying "Merry Christmas" is not taboo. But when businesses cater to the ENTIRE population they try to be more inclusive. There are several holidays during this season, and they know that all those are their customers.

The nativity scenes are being removed from government funded public places because our federal government is not supposed to be a christian government.

Some parents, who are not christian, are pissed off that the school favors one religious holiday over all others.

"Charlie Brown Christmas" is a TV show aired by a private network. If you cannot see the difference between what a private tv network does and what our federal government is allowed to do, this debate is a waste of badwidth.

This bullshit whining about "Merry Christmas" versus "Happy Holidays" gets on my nerves so bad.

Its not as if anyone is taking away from your holiday. Its including your holiday and everyone else's holiday.

When I hear this sort of bitching all I can think of is some spoiled little kids squalling "Its MY holiday and you can't have your holiday then too!"

Get a life. If the worst thing that happens to you is that someone says "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" you need to get on your knees and thank God, Gaia, Krishna or whoever, that you have such a cushy sweet life.
I spent 4 days at the hospital last week because my wife was ill.

The nurses all wished us a Merry Christmas.

Yesterday and today I have been in Cato's, Target, Walmart, Pets-Mart, a chinese restaurant, a grocery store and two convenience stores.

We were wished a Merry Christmas at all of those places. Not a single "Happy Holidays".
as I said, my departure from DP.com is a private matter between me and the owner of the site. Your speculations as to my reasons for departing are just that...and they are inaccurate.

Let's try to talk issues here on this site and not bring things from other boards into these discussions, OK?

bullshit, jim had nothing to do with your leaving, you implying so is a lie.
bullshit, jim had nothing to do with your leaving, you implying so is a lie.

you have no idea what you are talking about... but again... here you are, never posting on JPP for months... and all of a sudden, when I start posting here, bam... here comes yurt jumping in on every thread that I post on...
you have no idea what you are talking about... but again... here you are, never posting on JPP for months... and all of a sudden, when I start posting here, bam... here comes yurt jumping in on every thread that I post on...

Stop trying to duck the question. Why are you trying to blame Jim for your humiliating retreat from DP?

Why are you not posting on Amendment IX? I saw you pic up on the intro thread - yet no posts :)
Stop trying to duck the question. Why are you trying to blame Jim for your humiliating retreat from DP?

Why are you not posting on Amendment IX? I saw you pic up on the intro thread - yet no posts :)

I have never blamed Jim at all. I merely said that my departure from DP was a personal matter between Jim and me.

I really don't like any of the topics on that site, and I certainly don't like any of the posters that I saw on the front page. That site seems like one that you should spend more time at.
I have never blamed Jim at all. I merely said that my departure from DP was a personal matter between Jim and me.

I really don't like any of the topics on that site, and I certainly don't like any of the posters that I saw on the front page. That site seems like one that you should spend more time at.

Your post says otherwise

Then why are you a member, and you have your pic up, if you do not like the site? :)
clearly it is the owner of the board.... southern man... a paragon of maturity, eh? :rolleyes:

YOU talk about maturity after posting things like this?

#38 10-11-2007, 01:24 PM
Guest Join Date: Jan 2007
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you have, in fact, attacked my patriotism. I just wanted that out in the open so you would stop YOUR whining when I suggested that I would make a special trip to the potter's field near your trailer park to piss on your grave after cancer sends you to hell not one minute too soon.

Insult me...I insult you
Let's not ruin a second thread with this stuff.

I too find it surprising that they air that on one of the major network channels. I figure they'd have forced it to move to the Cartoon Network by now, and then only late at night.
Let's not ruin a second thread with this stuff.

I too find it surprising that they air that on one of the major network channels. I figure they'd have forced it to move to the Cartoon Network by now, and then only late at night.

I do not mean to ruin any thread

I am fed up with MM playing the role of the offended liberal, and his constant playing the victim

I want as many people as possible to see his true side and character
I do not mean to ruin any thread

I am fed up with MM playing the role of the offended liberal, and his constant playing the victim

I want as many people as possible to see his true side and character

I merely offered you a heartfelt apoloigy and you refused in in your typically inelegant style. End of discussion. I am not offended... disappointed, perhaps, but not offended. I merely consider the source.

Merry Christmas, in any case.
I do not mean to ruin any thread

I am fed up with MM playing the role of the offended liberal, and his constant playing the victim

I want as many people as possible to see his true side and character

Great, we get it. You do not like the man and have a history with him.

We get that several of you do not like the man and have a history with him.

How about ya'll start a thread for your little personal war and leave the rest of the threads to their original topics.