I'm voting for Trump

That was a fair question and you dodged it with typical Pimp douchebaggery indicating that there is no honest answer.

Well done.

I asked you a fair question and you dodged it with typical douchebaggery, poor Twatsky.

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To what a sub human, Palestinian raghead like you has to say? No thanks. You would actually have to say something worth hearing and you have yet to come close to doing so.

Law is applied opinion, numbnuts Part of Trump/Billary's remit- party handed down from AIPAC- will be to attempt to change the law to suit their vested interests. They will do that by attempting to change general opinion which will, in turn, manifest itself as political support. Whichever of these absurdly poor candidates one chooses will depend upon what one believes each will do in terms of applying their opinion. Everybody who votes within this broken system will be abrogating their own opinion to that of another.
' Representative ' democracy has failed to represent. A vote for either is a punt for failure.

Now fuck off and learn some fresh rote canards.
Law is applied opinion, numbnuts Part of Trump/Billary's remit- party handed down from AIPAC- will be to attempt to change the law to suit their vested interests. They will do that by attempting to change general opinion which will, in turn, manifest itself as political support. Whichever of these absurdly poor candidates one chooses will depend upon what one believes each will do in terms of applying their opinion. Everybody who votes within this broken system will be abrogating their own opinion to that of another.
' Representative ' democracy has failed to represent. A vote for either is a punt for failure.

Now fuck off and learn some fresh rote canards.

As I offered before, when you can enforce your demand to "fuck off", I'll do so. I've yet to see you back up your words. More demand you can't enforce.
Again- opinion which becomes law results in the prosecution of those who refuse to comply with the law's demands.
Thus it is important to sway general opinion - as in the case of the brutal activities of the ethnic-cleansing doctrine of Zionism- so that asses such as yourself are required to support an end to the illegal occupation.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the plight of the Palestinian nation in the public eye.
Again- opinion which becomes law results in the prosecution of those who refuse to comply with the law's demands.
Thus it is important to sway general opinion - as in the case of the brutal activities of the ethnic-cleansing doctrine of Zionism- so that asses such as yourself are required to support an end to the illegal occupation.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the plight of the Palestinian nation in the public eye.

There is no plight of the Palestinians. I can't support an end to something that isn't happening.